Author Topic: Question.  (Read 816 times)

Aaron Ni

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« on: 18 June 2002, 12:42 »
Who here was attracted to the site and forum after experiencing the great gaping maw that is WinME please raise there hands?  

*Shamefully raises his hand.*

It's not my comp yet!  Thus I'm not allowed to install a better OS.
You know me.... really...


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« Reply #1 on: 18 June 2002, 13:10 »
yes, my laptop has WinME on it...
I have tried installingwin98 and win2000 but 98 just doesn't have the drivers (well, i have the drivers, they don't work), and 2000 freezes during install (every time, tried it 5 times now)

red hat 7.0 was a bit of a bugger on this machine too, but mandrake 8.2 seems to be okay except for some configuration problems with the modem and the external CDRW. win98 couldn'y handle the modem either, and a few other things.

I will be selling this machine as soon as i have bought a replacement.
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