Author Topic: Windows XP  (Read 6175 times)


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« Reply #15 on: 18 December 2001, 08:58 »
Hey gaywhatever!
Funny: of all the Linux drivers I've searched for my new Mandrake were conversions of Windows drivers (especially modem drivers)... And most of them had limitations compared to their Win "fathers".

Even funnier, I didn't need ANY drivers for my hardware in XP (ANY!)... And it came running Me, not XP.


Okay, let's get this "who stole what from who" thing sorted out.
Apple has stolen things from Windows, but they by all means should learn from their competitor.

Thank you for noticing that the "ripping-off" issue was long due in this debate and for reclosing it yourself.

The hords are closing in, I see...
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« Reply #16 on: 18 December 2001, 21:24 »
Originally posted by bubaslubas:
I'm just stating that you simply can't say that XP is a shitty OS when it's a whole lot better than I-don't-wan't-to-support-this-modem, I-didn't-know-that-monitors-with-resolutions-of-1600x1200-existed Linux...

I can see you've never used Linux, or at least made a feeble attempt at it.  I just press <CTRL><ALT><KP+> and cycle through over 20 graphics modes (including 1600x1200) on my machine with a GeForce II and a 21" monitor.  And it does run Doom* and Quake* far better than my Win* boxes. I personally think my graphics on my Linux box are far superior to the Microsoft shit (of which I have more experience with than probably over 99.9% of MS users).

I am not behind Microsoft's policies, but I am certainly behind what seems to be a very good product...XP.

That's your right.  I don't agree but it's your right. Like I said, as soon as they put a *real* OS under that nice shiny interface, I'm all with ya.  Now that Apple's done it, they just might. Naw, they don't want to play with others.


I DO care a LOT about the graphical interface of my OS (thank Apple for Mac OS because pre-XP versions of Win were pure vomit)- it's a regular tendency among non-geek users.

I'm happy for you. Press on.


OK, so what's an OS about? Command-line scripting? App developing?
You tend to emphasize Linux's best features; I tend to do the same with Windows'.

Maybe you should look up the definition of "Operating System".  Microsoft would like you to believe it's a lot more than what it is to extend their monopoly.


How about this: I write that desktop publishing suite and you develop a safe web server for windows. I bet both tasks would be utterly impossible...     :D  

In order to write a safe browser you need to have a safe operating system.  If Microsoft does what Mac did, and make it open source I will give you a safe browser.

[ December 18, 2001: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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« Reply #17 on: 18 December 2001, 21:31 »
Originally posted by bubaslubas:
Funny: of all the Linux drivers I've searched for my new Mandrake were conversions of Windows drivers (especially modem drivers)... And most of them had limitations compared to their Win "fathers".

Heh heh, this is funny stuff...


Even funnier, I didn't need ANY drivers for my hardware in XP (ANY!)... And it came running Me, not XP.

This is *extremely* funny.  You're telling me you are accessing all of your hardware without any device drivers?  I got news for you.  You ain't accessing *any* of your hardware without device drivers.  Just so happens XPee is right out the door so it has all the current stuff included but wait 6 months and lets cover this topic again.
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« Reply #18 on: 18 December 2001, 11:30 »
Originally posted by bubaslubas:
Hey gaywhatever!
Funny: of all the Linux drivers I've searched for my new Mandrake were conversions of Windows drivers (especially modem drivers)... And most of them had limitations compared to their Win "fathers".

Even funnier, I didn't need ANY drivers for my hardware in XP (ANY!)... And it came running Me, not XP.

I have to agree with VoidMain. It is rather amusing how far you have missed the mark. However, for your information, I will briefly explain the joke.

First, I hate to disappoint you, but it is impossible to create "conversions of Windows drivers" for Linux. If it WAS possible, then there wouldn't _be_ a driver problem for Linux, since people would just magically convert the driver from Win to Linux and everything would be hunky-dorey.

Second, you seem to be under the false impression that you are running Windows without drivers. Go to your System control panel and look at the Device Manager. Every single entry in the Device Manager represents a unique driver. As I was attempting to explain in my prior post, these drivers are collected by M$ and included on the Windows CD; rest assured, however, that they were at most tweaked by Microshaft, not written by them.
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« Reply #19 on: 18 December 2001, 17:02 »
this bubaslubass guy is really good! why doesn't she or he get a job as a stand up comedian?
My post isn't full of technical bullshit, i am 'only' a lowly user, and have had limited experience of M$ alternatives, but i have had a chance to use many versions of Windows, and what a heap of shit it really is. there's no argument. you guya are doing really well to be arguing about this because there is really no large issue to dispute. Windows is slow and cruddy. it allocates all its system resources at bootup time and plods through muck until shutdown time or until a crash, whichever comes first (guess which happens most often to me?) and as for drivers, as already mentioned, the hardware manufacturers are responsible for it, but they often only write windows drivers. My mitsubishi electric cdrw has had a driver problem recently, i went to their website and they have full driver support for 4 versions of windows, and nothing for anything else. It's a usb device so you'd think they'd at least have a Mac driver.
well, i haven't got a Mac so i don't know but what i'm saying is these drivers are often a steaming pile of poo themselves, or is it just windows' handling of the drivers who can tell. With said device i thought it was the drivers till i discovered that to fix the problem, i needed to change the swap file size using control panel, and hey presto working like clockwork.
Because windows fills up all the ram with crap, it uses the ultra slow swap file instead you see, so that you get a lot of buffer problems and read/write errors etc. by reducing the swap file size, it makes windows panic and empty out some of the crap in the ram, or so i understand.
Anyway, i've rambled off a bit but what i'm saying is that manufacturers try to lick windows' bollocks and microsoft, when it receives a particularly lucrative backhander, kisses the ass of those manufacturers in turn. With Linux, the guys using the system have got to write and distribute their own drivers! In their spare time! Can you imagine the usual drool-chinned M$ butthead doing that? Try hard. No? i didn't think so.
These 'my computer works fine with windows' morons have no concept of why their computer works at all or what goes into making a system. As we've seen already, many of these so called OS criticisms are actually criticisms of proprietary software running on those OSs and much of the reason windows works fine is actually due to workarounds that other companies have developed to make windows WORK. (i always thought that 'MS Works was an oxymoron, much like many MS users now i think of it...) I have to use one program to clear the ram when windows fills it up with goo, another to stop windows opening those mysterious background programs that write to the hard drive when you're trying to run scandisk et c et c.
Right. well, that's it. to sum up, i'm a no code non programmer user and even i know that M$ software is a pile of crap produced solely to make money and anybody that says otherwise has been brainwashed, is getting some of the revenue concerned, or has never made any serious enquiry outside the M$ camp.
End of missive, commence flaming now....  ;)
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« Reply #20 on: 18 December 2001, 18:00 »
Originally posted by Calum:
and as for drivers, as already mentioned, the hardware manufacturers are responsible for it, but they often only write windows drivers. My mitsubishi electric cdrw has had a driver problem recently, i went to their website and they have full driver support for 4 versions of windows, and nothing for anything else.

Thanks, you just sparked another thought.  And BubbleAss, usually drivers supplied for Linux by hardware manufacturers are far superior to the Windows drivers. Now how can that be you say?  A hardware driver has to interface with the kernel and it sure as hell is a lot easier to write a driver when you have the *source* code for said kernel.  

As for the other scum manufacturers that do not supply drivers, thats ok too because there are plenty of good programmers out there that will write the drivers and donate them to the cause.  More and more manufacturers are getting on the boat every day though which gives me much pleasure.

[ December 18, 2001: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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« Reply #21 on: 18 December 2001, 19:17 »
Hell, the hords DID came to the rescue...        

I'm terribly sorry for thinking that your geek-ass brain would need no 6-year old explanation about the drivers... What I OBVIOUSLY meant was that XP didn't need any outside drivers, it used the ones that came with it...Right? Good.


I just press <CTRL><ALT><KP+> and cycle through over 20 graphics modes (including 1600x1200) on my machine with a GeForce II and a 21" monitor.

You press what??? How many hands have you got?


Maybe you should look up the definition of "Operating System". Microsoft would like you to believe it's a lot more than what it is to extend their monopoly.

Thanks for the link. Read this:

Every general-purpose computer must have an operating system to run other programs. Operating systems perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and  controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.

Does the bold part remember Windows? Yes, it has problems in that issue. Does it remember Linux? Yes, it almost doesn't do that! Get my point?


If Microsoft does what Mac did, and make it open source I will give you a safe browser.

OK, when there's a Linux version that doesn't require the reading of 700 books just to run it in graphical mode, I'll try to make something out of it too. We have a deal.


Just so happens XPee is right out the door so it has all the current stuff included but wait 6 months and lets cover this topic again.

Bill would be proud of you! It has all the current stuff included... For once, you're right.


First, I hate to disappoint you, but it is impossible to create "conversions of Windows drivers" for Linux. If it WAS possible, then there wouldn't _be_ a driver problem for Linux, since people would just magically convert the driver from Win to Linux and everything would be hunky-dorey.

Ever heard of "linmodems" or Rockwell RPI? My HSP drivers are "written" from the Win version... (at least that's what it says in the readme)


you guya are doing really well to be arguing about this because there is really no large issue to dispute.

Thank you for your appraisal. I'm just sorry that my arguments will fall short soon, since your "army" has been increasing...        


It's a usb device so you'd think they'd at least have a Mac driver.

Apple is currently pushing hard towards Firewire, USB belongs to the past. It's shitty and it's slow (and M$ thinks it's where the future lays - sheesh.)


by reducing the swap file size, it makes windows panic and empty out some of the crap in the ram, or so i understand.

It's not their fault if you have a shitty computer... My Mac OS X sure takes up a lot more page file than my XP...


Anyway, i've rambled off a bit but what i'm saying is that manufacturers try to lick windows' bollocks and microsoft, when it receives a particularly lucrative backhander, kisses the ass of those manufacturers in turn.

Well, what did you expect??? Greed is good, they say. Greed works. It sucks but that's just the way it is.


These 'my computer works fine with windows' morons have no concept of why their computer works at all or what goes into making a system.
...and have had limited experience of M$ alternatives,...

If you don't know what you're talking about, then shut the fuck up. I'm sick and tired of being disturbed by mentally retarded who hate Windows just because it's Windows...

With Linux, the guys using the system have got to write and distribute their own drivers! In their spare time!

I respect a lot the work that has been put into making Linux and I do feel that it will be a very good alternative to soon as it stops being developed BY geeks FOR geeks.


...much of the reason windows works fine...

Shit, Bill would be so glad to hear you guys!


And BubbleAss, usually drivers supplied for Linux by hardware manufacturers are far superior to the Windows drivers. Now how can that be you say? A hardware driver has to interface with the kernel and it sure as hell is a lot easier to write a driver when you have the *source* code for said kernel.

Really? Then why does half my hardware have different model names under linux or just don't work at all?     :confused:  

Bottom line: XP is OK. Try it sometime. It may not be as good as OS X, but it's worth a try.

[ December 18, 2001: Message edited by: bubaslubas ]

[ December 18, 2001: Message edited by: bubaslubas ]

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« Reply #22 on: 18 December 2001, 20:03 »
Originally posted by bubaslubas:
Really? Then why does half my hardware have different model names under linux or just don't work at all?        :confused:      

I don't know where you buy your hardware (maybe from Microsoft?) but I just built a brand new machine, 1.6Ghz Athalon, Soyo Dragon+ MB, 512MB, 40GB, GeForce w/64MB. Stuck the RedHat 7.2 CD in and slightly over 10 minutes I had a completely installed and configured system, with only a single reboot (and that was only to bootstrap the kernel from the HD rather than the CD), all hardware detected without a problem. It's been up and running ever since. And I didn't once look at any Linux hardware compatability list before buying the equipment (although it would be recommended).


Bottom line: XP is OK. Try it sometime. It may not be as good as OS X, but it's worth a try.

Unfortunately I have to provide 4th level support for this garbage so don't tell me to try it...

[ December 18, 2001: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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« Reply #23 on: 18 December 2001, 20:07 »
Oh, and BTW, <CTRL><ALT><KP+> is exactly the same number of keys it takes to make a Win machine useful, 3.  I mean "Keypad +" when I say <KP+>.  And it's a lot more convenient than clicking your way though the desktop settings or right clicking on your background and going through the menus.  Why the hell should I take my hands off the keyboard for crap like this?

And I'm certainly not asking for anyone's help in giving you shit. Maybe you should wonder why no one has come to your aid on this one.  It's because you make not one ounce of sense. It's almost like your lips are pasted on your ass because that's where you're talking from.

[ December 18, 2001: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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« Reply #24 on: 18 December 2001, 22:48 »
What I OBVIOUSLY meant was that XP didn't need any outside drivers, it used the ones that came with it...Right? Good.

And what I OBVIOUSLY meant (since it's exactly what I said) is that Macroshaft doesn't write those drivers. They just collect them and bundle them with Winblows. God, how stupid are you?

. . . and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.

Does the bold part remember Windows? Yes, it has problems in that issue. Does it remember Linux? Yes, it almost doesn't do that! Get my point?

You really have no fucking clue, do you? Okay, let's go back to square one just ANOTHER FUCKING TIME FOR YOU, YOU FUCKING MORON. An operating system doesn't directly talk to the hardware; it uses a third party program called a "driver" to do that. If you understood one fucking thing about OSes than maybe you wouldn't have to find some retarded anonymous source to back up your claim.

Apple is currently pushing hard towards Firewire, USB belongs to the past. It's shitty and it's slow (and M$ thinks it's where the future lays - sheesh.)

Please let me know what a misinformed statement like this has to do with the debate at hand???

If you don't know what you're talking about, then shut the fuck up.

Since you've proven over and over again that you don't know what you're talking about will you please follow your own advice and shut the fuck up!!!

Bottom line: XP is OK. Try it sometime. It may not be as good as OS X, but it's worth a try.

This may surprise you, but I have tried XP. I spent quite a lot of time familiarizing myself with the piece of shit before deciding it wasn't worth it. The interface sucks, and is just a skin for Windows NT in any case. It still crashes (mine crashed the first night I was running it). It bundles in a bunch of low-quality software in an attempt to extend M$'s monopolies and also to push Passport services down your throat.

In short, same old shit from the same old source. Nothing exciting. No deep rooted changes to make the system better; just Winblows NT 5.1 with a shiny interface. And it even has an added security hole that is actually pretty serious; without going into details I can say Windows XP going to market is like a huge party for malicious hackers who want to anonymously attack people.
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« Reply #25 on: 19 December 2001, 03:38 »
It seems that gay420 is suffering from some sort of hallucination... First, "Windows works just fine", then "Windows is a piece of crap"...
"I haven't had much contact with Windows", then "I've spent quite a lot of time with Windows"...
What's it gonna be, shitface? It's the extremism of schizo-paranoid fucks like yourself that leads me to start these debates, but I find your speech to lack the discerniment needed in order to carry on a decent conversation. Your sistematic contradicting (not to mention the fact that it seems I have to explain everything I write to you, leading me to think that you ARE in fact a 6-year old having trouble with English classes) gives me no encouragement to proceed with this debate. And as for the driver issue, don't you think that having drivers bundled with your OS is a good thing? So what if they're collected and not written? All I know is that XP recognized every little piece of hardware on my computer (it's brandless, nobody buys brand computers here in Portugal, except Macs. AND Windows is rarely OEM, the shops just stick it in with no license and that's it - I usually don't buy off the big commercial surfaces, i prefer the small shops). Mandrake, however, is still not functioning after 2 days. Is Windows for stupid people just because it's easier to install and use? Well, Macs must be for the mentally challenged then! You sound like those asses who wander the net saying "Real men use DOS!".

As for you, VoidMain, who are right about some of the stuff you say, but you insist in analyzing stuff from a geek point of view - I want something that REALLY is easy to use, not something made by programmers to programmers. Linux hardware support is feeble, Linux apps are feeble, Linux easiness to use doesn't exist. You say that's not the job of an OS. I reply saying that I'm glad XP and OS X go beyond what you call "an OS" and are really capable of providing assistance to the user. Even BeOS (which I ran for about 2 months) seemed a lot more developed than the 2 versions of Linux I've layed my eyes on (can't speak about the others, sorry. I hear the SuSE distribution is rather good, though.).
But it has been a pleasure chatting with you, you certainly know a lot about computers and OSs (I'm certain that the feeling isn't mutual     )

Just one more thing, gay420:

Please let me know what a misinformed statement like this has to do with the debate at hand???

I believe this shows rather well your lack of good-sense - this was a commentary and a critic to M$, but that little onion you call a brain isn't capable of percieving that sticking up for XP doesn't mean you actually are a M$ fan... It doesn't even mean you're a Windows fan. XP has its issues (like all OSs), XP has its limitations, but as I have said before, "It's a darn good try". Have you still not understood that my preference goes toward OS X by far?

Learn to debate for ideias and opinions, rather than insulting and thrashing your adversaries just for being that, you brat.

[ December 18, 2001: Message edited by: bubaslubas ]

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« Reply #26 on: 19 December 2001, 05:02 »
Originally posted by bubaslubas:
It seems that gay420 is suffering from some sort of hallucination... First, "Windows works just fine", then "Windows is a piece of crap"...
"I haven't had much contact with Windows", then "I've spent quite a lot of time with Windows"...

Seeing as I have maintained that Windows sucks ass in every post on this thread, I really don't know what the fuck you're talking about here.

What's it gonna be, shitface? It's the extremism of schizo-paranoid fucks like yourself that leads me to start these debates, but I find your speech to lack the discerniment needed in order to carry on a decent conversation.

All nice and well, coming from the man who was retarded enough to post a pro-Microsoft post on a site called Moron.

Your sistematic contradicting (not to mention the fact that it seems I have to explain everything I write to you, leading me to think that you ARE in fact a 6-year old having trouble with English classes) gives me no encouragement to proceed with this debate.

Perhaps you mean "systematic contradictions"? Maybe you should check your own use of the English language before you start criticizing soembody else, you illeterate dumbass.

And as for the driver issue, don't you think that having drivers bundled with your OS is a good thing? So what if they're collected and not written? All I know is that XP recognized every little piece of hardware on my computer (it's brandless, nobody buys brand computers here in Portugal, except Macs. AND Windows is rarely OEM, the shops just stick it in with no license and that's it - I usually don't buy off the big commercial surfaces, i prefer the small shops). Mandrake, however, is still not functioning after 2 days.

Perhaps if you had your head screwed on right you wouldn't have missed the entire point in the debate about drivers. However, since you obviously HAVE missed the point once again, I shall attempt to spell it out for you. Drivers are not part of the OS; they are a third-party program that the OS uses. So the fact that Windows has more drivers is irrelevant to the quality of that OS versus other operating systems.

Is Windows for stupid people just because it's easier to install and use?

Actually, yes, Windows is ideally suited for stupid people.

Well, Macs must be for the mentally challenged then! You sound like those asses who wander the net saying "Real men use DOS!".

Once again you have gone off the deep end. Macs are easy to use, but they do the user the credit of not assuming that he or she is a complete fucking moron. And Mac OS X is not for the faint of heart, either; it's easy enough to install and use, but it is not very easy when it comes to configuration or driver problems.

"Please let me know what a misinformed statement like this has to do with the debate at hand???"

I believe this shows rather well your lack of good-sense - this was a commentary and a critic to M$, but that little onion you call a brain isn't capable of percieving that sticking up for XP doesn't mean you actually are a M$ fan... It doesn't even mean you're a Windows fan. XP has its issues (like all OSs), XP has its limitations, but as I have said before, "It's a darn good try". Have you still not understood that my preference goes toward OS X by far?

If somebody with a brain were to analyze the comment of yours that I was replying to above, they would see that you were bashing Apple for trying to get rid of USB, something that is preposterous given the fact that Apple continues to include USB ports on all of their machines and has not voiced any plans to discontinue support for the protocol.

Learn to debate for ideias and opinions, rather than insulting and thrashing your adversaries just for being that, you brat.

[ December 18, 2001: Message edited by: bubaslubas ]

Well, really, considering the your tone in your last message that is a rather ironic parting shot. In any case, I much prefer insulting ignoramuses like yourself; it's just too hard to resist having fun at the expense of idiots.

Windows XP is NOT a new OS; it is Windows 2000 with improved compatibility and a shiny interface, no more or less. Unfortunately, it isn't even as stable as Win2K, though. The real story behind XP goes far beyond the stability or compatibility; it includes the way M$ is further breaking the law by tying half a dozen new programs to Windows XP and not allowing you the option of uninstalling them; it includes the way Passport is integrated into the OS and the invasion of privacy known as Windows Product Activation; it also includes M$'s .NET venture, or in other words, M$'s attempt to take over the internet (Windows XP was supposed to be called Windows.NET until they couldn't resist trying to copy Mac OS X's name). And in case you miss the danger in that, realize that if Bill Gates managed to make the internet proprietary (i.e. you would have to go through M$ in some way in order to reach it) he would become more powerful than the leader of any nation. It's already bad enough having an evil man like him in a position that may very well be unstoppable, but if he could control free speech itself he might as well declare himself emporer and be done with it.

You see, what may on the surface appear to be angst against Microsoft and jealousy of Bill Gate's money actually has nothing to do with these things. Why do I hate Bill Gates and Microsoft? Because they have no qualms about breaking the law to extend their power. Because they intentionally put shitty products on the market so they can keep tempting people with upgrades. Because they kill off open standards and replace them with proprietary substitutes that are only half as functional. Because Bill Gates is the anethema to the open exchange of information, for he wants to be able to be the gatekeeper to that exchange with the power to tax or even control it. The man stopped thirsting for wealth a long time ago, back when he became the wealthiest man alive; now he thirsts for power.
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« Reply #27 on: 19 December 2001, 05:06 »
Originally posted by bubaslubas:
I want something that REALLY is easy to use,
 not something made by programmers to programmers. Linux hardware support is feeble,

Like I said, use your MS products and be happy.


Linux apps are feeble, Linux easiness to use doesn't exist.

Linux is *much* easier to use for what I do.  And apparently Win* must not be that easy to use or the "Video Professor" would be out of business.. I saw his ugly ass on TV last night so he still must be in business.


You say that's not the job of an OS. I reply saying that I'm glad XP and OS X go beyond what you call "an OS" and are really capable of providing assistance to the user.

Not *once* did I say drivers were not part of an OS, they are one of the *key* components next to the kernel.  If you could read I said "Microsoft would like you to think that an OS is more than it is" in order to extend their monopoly.  A web browser has *NO* place being part of the operating system.  It is an application, not an integral part of an OS.  Microsoft's attempts at making it part of the OS has caused their OS to be even much less secure than it was before.  And I suppose that Movie Maker shit is part of the "OS" too right?  No, it's a freakin' application but they include it and try and make it so it's difficult to use something else so as to put other companies out of business.  The "GUI" should not be part of the OS and because Microsoft has tried so hard to *make* it part of the OS you only have one choice for a GUI on MS. In fact you can't even shut the GUI down if you never need to use it (i.e. on servers) which means it just sits there and eats up memory and CPU.  Sure their GUI is pretty good.  I will admit that, just wish they had a better, more stable, more reliable *OS* underneath that GUI.


But it has been a pleasure chatting with you, you certainly know a lot about computers and OSs (I'm certain that the feeling isn't mutual        )

And I certainly have nothing against you personally. It's actually a good debate and if nothing else it will spark people to do some investigation and decide for themselves.  The shit throwing is for pure amusement.

At least you have made an "attempt" at trying something different and if it's not for you that is great.  The problem I have is that if Microsoft had their way, we would have no choice and that is *baaaaaaaad*.  At least for me because I prefer *NIX.
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« Reply #28 on: 19 December 2001, 05:37 »
Originally posted by VoidMain:
The shit throwing is for pure amusement.


At least you have made an "attempt" at trying something different and if it's not for you that is great.  The problem I have is that if Microsoft had their way, we would have no choice and that is *baaaaaaaad*.  At least for me because I prefer *NIX.

I couldn't agree more.
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« Reply #29 on: 19 December 2001, 19:58 »
It's not their fault if you have a shitty computer... My Mac OS X sure takes up a lot more page file than my XP...  

Well, excuuuuuuuuse me for breathing. Actually, whilst my computer is not by any stretch of the imagination the best in the world, It's not the worst, and many of my peers are using stuff much more 'inferior' than my computer. For the record i have an 850 Mhz intel P3 CPU, 128 Mb of RAM, 8 Mb of which gets hijacked by the SiS graphics card, a generic sound card which is usually SB compatible, on an ASUS motherboard. The clock speed actually runs at 900 Mhz. Not that it's really any of yr business. Anyway, clock speed is next to worthless as a judge of processing power, but that's another argument. Which i'll be quite happy to have if somebody would like to start a topic about it (maybe they already have).
The fact is that Windows is actually fucked. Sorry. I know it hurts yr feelings but my computer isn't shit. I mean come on and post a reply about how yr one runs at 1500 Mhz and has 256Mb of RAM, but you are compounding the ludicrousness of yr argument.
If a machine needs all that crap to run Windows then it really isn't fulfilling it's function as a traffic cop, making sure all the programs do what they need to without getting in each other's way. Or whatever that definition said.
I mean there are tons of computers out there, probably the majority, which are less than the cutting edge and still have 133 Mhz processors et c. These machines (i am told) will run windows much happilier than a huge lumbering version of windows. I suppose you could load up Windows 3 and have a true 'vintage' experience on yr 'shitty' computer, but what's the point when you can fire up a truly up to date OS and you're away?
What i'm saying is this. Nice attempt at shit flinging, mate, but my computer's not shit. I can't seriously imagine that you are suggesting everybody update their computer's innards every time somebody brings out a new chip at 100 Mhz faster or whatever. In my case it would be doubly irritating since it's a F***ing laptop. and THAT'S another argument too. Ah well, save some arguing for another day, eh?
Why don't you start up yr own website called ?  :D  
No hard feelings, i am sure you get a lot of comfort on those cold nights, while you wait for windows to start up, just knowing that Bill Gates has yourinterests at heart.
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