Author Topic: Windows XP  (Read 6040 times)


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« Reply #90 on: 21 March 2002, 14:57 »
Originally posted by HappyGod:
I hate MS as much as anyone else, but they build a better mouse trap.  Unless you are computer savvy, forget linux - it bites.

You are exxagerating, as is the trend these days it seems.
Linux is not easy. it is a lot easier than it has been in the past. The same could be said for windows, though.

The main point is that linux is better for actually doing stuff. it offers a more stable platform on which to build an application.

I personally think that if you have a big plant full of programmers all being paid a salary, they will not care about how good or sloppy their work is, they do the work, take the cheque and leave at 5pm.
On the other hand, if you have a bunch of people who get a new system to play with, and they find that it can't do what they want it to do, then they write programs to perform the tasks that they themselves need done, that they will do the best job that they can, because the program is for their own use. Of course, if they make their program freely available at no cost, all the better for everybody else!
Linux does not claim to be a competitor to windows. it is just there. take it or leave it. insult linux all you like, it will always turn the other cheek.

Again, it's a matter of preference. as we say so often here, you should have a choice. if you choose windows, you should be allowed to use it (what with activation et c i doubt you even have the right to that these days) and if you choose linux or whatever else, you should be allowed to use it too. Microsoft wants to make using linux either impossible or illegal, the linux community doesn't give a shit about stopping people from using windows. that's it in a nutshell.

Oh, and Microsoft doesn't make mousetraps, they make software... what acid are you on?
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« Reply #91 on: 21 March 2002, 15:01 »
well finally i got someones attention, i was getting bored for a minute there and i enjoyed your reply, yes you are right i dont give a fuck but you are also wrong, i signed up about 5 minuts before i posted this not half an hour as u assumed. another one of you assumptions which is incorrect is that you believe i havent read much on this site, well i have searched thru quite a bit and a lot of it is boring but i was amused when i saw people taking the time and effort to bag eachother on this thing you call the internet. geez u can calm down a little. microsoft is dominating the arena because a lot of people new to this stuff are lazy or don't know where else there is to turn to, if linux advertised a lot more i'm sure they would get a better slice of the market and also if they could have it their way with computers that are released werent released with windows. windows sucks but i cant seem to find much else that wont bore me to death.


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« Reply #92 on: 21 March 2002, 15:07 »
no i didn't assume that, i said i know because i noticed your name on the "welcome to our newest member" bit at the top of the screen a little while before i saw yr first post in "today's active topics".
I "assumed" you hadn't read any of the posts here because you seemed at first glance to be talking out of your arse. You could have been reading these forums for months and just not signed up for all i know.

Well, it seems you are happy to stick around and join in the insults, which is fine with me i suppose (not that what i think matters, you will probably stick around anyway!) , personally i have mixed feelings about insults. I love a good set of insults but i do think they break up a good discussion sometimes to everybody's detriment.
Sometimes people don't know when to insult each other and when to keep quiet.  :D
did you find any of lost's posts yet? he has a real talent for insulting people!
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« Reply #93 on: 21 March 2002, 15:16 »
u bet i'm sticking around, since i have nothing better to do. insults can be taken the wrong way sometimes, i mean i only do this for kicks and when people think its not a joke i find that funny. sure i may be new to all this internet stuff but who really bothers with it all, i looked around on this site a for a few hours and found a lot of stuff that didnt interest me. but nonetheless i'll add my insults and keep my mouth shut when i dont understand some of this geekspeak some of you guys spit out, sure u all think i know nothing but i might have picked up something along the course of my surfing, but anyway, you seem intellegent so i'll quit with you i might start bagging that idiot cyrax lol


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« Reply #94 on: 21 March 2002, 15:28 »
interesting to see a bunch of people who come from australia here! top cool! (i lived there for a while, but never got to see much of it, cos it's so big!) whereabouts are you guys from anyway?

couple of things.
X11 you are totally right, what bubaslub says makes no sense. how can linux be a crappy OS (or whatever he said) and still be good for mission critical systems and servers?

morgz i don't think you are any less intelligent than anybody else, everybody has a different experience of life, so everybody has something to offer, but i will admit that somepeople earn more respect from me than others!  ;)
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« Reply #95 on: 22 March 2002, 13:10 »

My names Charlie Chicken and i live in Australia ! I am a fat balding guy who collects comic books like superman and the great adventures of catman(also catman visits the land of dogville). I dont see why you freaks dont like microhard? its because he was the most successful business man ever and your a feeble minded little man who enjoys bagging mr Billy mumphrey. i am a smart man who lives in a single bedroom flat next to a pet cemetary in a deserted town. i am a grave digger and i started playing with computers to pass the time waiting for my cat to die( i starved it) i discovered that windows is very user friendly and with what i have read i believe that linux is a pile of 1's and 0's who never should have been typed. that damn penguin should go back to where he came from and die. before i did him my own grave and die it my in myself for him. linus travelli was a pimple faced balding(at the age of 20) geek who enjoyed playing with OS's that only had the use of being a server and not a user friendly easy to use computer OD system. I live in a flat and have been left to fend for myself by making a paper mache bowl and making my own noodles (dont ask how). for a fork i had to use my pliers which i use to de-tooth cats who die and need to be buried ( the teeth dont rot away after time). so theres my life story and i suggest you leave bill chafes alone before i hunt you down and bust your head on the curbside.


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« Reply #96 on: 22 March 2002, 13:24 »
another thing,

xp automatically patches discovered security holes when your on the net. *nix dosn't do shit all, u gotta find patches and install them yourselves. there is a + for having XP. and u people say linux is uncrashable, ever heard of kernel panic? my system has had that many times. and my XP has not crashed ONCE. for you people that it does crash for its cos you fuck with it and TRY to crash it cos you want to tell everyone the "uncrashable" crashed. even if u do get a BSOD it recovers itself without rebooting.


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« Reply #97 on: 22 March 2002, 13:38 »
just relax guys, im here for a laugh  ;)  how am i doin?


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« Reply #98 on: 22 March 2002, 13:47 »
Originally posted by cyrax-:
another thing,

xp automatically patches discovered security holes when your on the net. *nix dosn't do shit all, u gotta find patches and install them yourselves. there is a + for having XP. and u people say linux is uncrashable, ever heard of kernel panic? my system has had that many times. and my XP has not crashed ONCE. for you people that it does crash for its cos you fuck with it and TRY to crash it cos you want to tell everyone the "uncrashable" crashed. even if u do get a BSOD it recovers itself without rebooting.

This was pretty funny, better than the pile of gobledigook before it  :D .


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« Reply #99 on: 22 March 2002, 18:42 »
x11, he's just shit stirring, don't take him seriously.

Also re: Australia, no i'm Scottish, but i reckon that everybody is entitled to their opinion, however the aboriginal issue in Australia is a lot more complicated than i understand myself. Sadly most Australians don't actually understand it either. This is probably not due to any lack of intelligence, but due to a lack of education or information being given to people.
A lot of aboriginals seem to me to be racist, no wonder when you think about it, but on the other hand racists are not to be tolerated, so who's fault is it? who should fix it and how? complicated. The same with what you are talking about.

Before the whites (or anybody else not indigenous) came to Australia the aboriginals had a whole bunch of interconnected legal/social/economical societies and intersociety relationships going on. It seems to be popular to imagine them all as spear throwing imbeciles who were waiting for a decent society to show up (not because of racism or anything, but poor education). not so.

Actually the aboriginal cultures got pretty much eradicated by the whites who set up a totally different society and class structure where all the things the aboriginals held in regard or were trading in were nearly worthless. Due to (real at the time) racism many were hunted and slaughtered.
What i'm saying is, this was only a couple of hundred years ago, not so many generations, and we expect people of these races, who have grown up feeling excluded from a society they are forced into but that is not their own to adapt perfectly! some do. most won't.

Again, it's about choice. Like the M$ ethic, the white societies tend to say "do it our way or not at all". Wouldn't it be better to live and let live? there's a lot of space in Australia, and the two sets of cultures could have got on fine, except they (both) often wanted to fight. it's kind of too late now, as most of the people who were in those cultures are dead, and their descendants have lost that culture and not gained anything to replace it. No wonder they have no motivation and are a lot of them on the dole!

I don't think the indian reservations of the states were very helpful at keeping the native americans' cultures alive, and i don't think the apartheid of south africa helped any at all either, obviously many in the world disagree with me or those things would never have happened.

Basically i think Australia needs a lot of reconciliation, and it will take a lot of people and time to make it happen. It is up to aboriginal people to motivate themselves and each other mostly, until that reconciliation has taken place, and similarly the incomers should be doing the same thing for themselves and each other instead of acting as if they are waiting for the aboriginals to catch up.

John Howard refusing to apologise for the stolen generation doesn't help, neither does the screaming nutcase party's "get the abos out of my backyard" stance. Or the popular "send the boat people back where they came from" thing. Let me ask you, who were the first boat people? these are all very negative attitudes and instead of focusing on past hurts, we should be looking forward to making a society where there's no more racial tension.
Obviously a lot of white Australians will balk at the idea of reconciliation with aboriginals, not because there is anything wrong with it but because they like how it is now, and don't want to share the pie that they already have the biggest piece of.

I'm sure you know yr own history better than i do, and i'm not telling you what to think, just giving you my opinions to chew over. What worries me most is not that there's a lot of racism or apathy in Australia (because actually there's probably not a great deal more of either than in many other countries) but i'm worried that the situation might be getting slowly worse. I couldn't believe it when Howard got in again, even though Beasley was the only real alternative. And i was surprised at how popular One Nation turned out to be again. it worries me, that's all.

After two hundred years of prejudice, there will be a lot of 'biting the hand that feeds you' going on, but i hope people from all cultures can be positive enough to work through the difficult parts of reconciliation and reap the benefits.
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« Reply #100 on: 23 March 2002, 10:11 »
exactly calum... im just stirring. dont take me seriously, i was purposely trained wrong , as a joke for others entertainment.


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« Reply #101 on: 23 March 2002, 10:19 »

my names Mc fatman and I am a convict who was convicted for murdering my next door neighbours sister's budgie (shot it with a bullet). i think that linux is good and windows is bad. linux is bad because its gay and windows is good because its straight. straight people use mac0s while those weird gothic people use crystal balls. i have no idea what im typing and i think i should leave now before i get arrested.


waltzing matildarian  :eek:


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« Reply #102 on: 23 March 2002, 10:38 »
ban that queer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


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« Reply #103 on: 23 March 2002, 14:59 »
so much for the productiveness of this post...
it keeps getting longer (5 pages!) and keeps coming back....


get arrested ??
Linux user #283039

Gosh, I love Linux Quake.


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« Reply #104 on: 25 March 2002, 07:01 »
I used XP for awhile and after it crashed our network and i had to reinstall twice i decided it wasn't worth even trying to get to know that piece of crap no matter how pretty it might look. A turd covered in perfume is still a turd.