That's a good idea, there has to be lists out there like that but I can't for the life of me think of one that I have seen that lists them out like that. It would make a great FAQ entry. Do it just like you say:
MS Word - OO Writer, KOffice, AbiWord, etc, etc
MS Excel - OO Calc, GNUmeric, etc, etc
MS PowerPoint - OO Impress, etc, etc
MS Project - Mr Project, etc
MS Visio - Kivio, Dia, etc
MS SQL Server - PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc, etc
MS IIS - Apache, etc
MS IE - Mozilla, Konqueror, etc, etc, etc
MS Windows - Linux, BSD, etc
Quicken/Quickbooks - GNU Cash
?????????? - OO Draw
Write/Notepad - gedit, kedit
Edit - Vim, Emacs, etc, etc
This is just an example of a start. And of course my list only contains the open source and free versions of the equivelant apps. There are many other very nice proprietary software apps that could me added to the list (as well as boatloads more free apps). Maybe we should get ideas for a left side list and then find all the alternatives on the right. And then rate all the apps on both sides.
[ December 11, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]