Author Topic: Pirate Software  (Read 840 times)


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Pirate Software
« on: 26 April 2002, 12:26 »
You do realize that microsoft has every right in the world to make a cd key activation.  They made the software, so why not protect their interests, because we all know that if u were microsoft you would do the same...............if you have a problem, use linux....but dont whine about the activation process.
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Pirate Software
« Reply #1 on: 26 April 2002, 13:24 »
I agree that they have the right to ensure that people are paying them fairly for the software that they use.

However, my main gripe with product activation is not its existence as such, just the fact that it leaves you no longer in control of your own computer. If you upgrade your hardware, you have to get Microsoft's permission. If you decide to move your legally purchased Microsoft OS onto another machine, you have to get their permission (and in some cases as we've seen, they'll just decide not to give it).

Even, as I've discovered from product activation on Windows 2000 Terminal Server, if your reinstall the  OS on the client PC.... you have to ring them up and get permission! [1]

This is all to say nothing of the obvious massive privacy invasion that Microsoft are mounting with a combination of product activation, Media Player unique serial numbers (and its reporting back to them every DVD you watch...), Passport, MSN, Messenger - the list goes on.

Do you feel comfortable with Microsoft keeping a database of everything you do with your computer?

[1] This is non-trivial. You cannot do it over the Internet, you must do it by phone - you have to give them a 30 character alphanumeric code and they give you a different one back to confirm. Takes between 10 and sometimes 20 minutes depending on how many times you have to read each other the codes to get them right. Considering we have to reinstall at 1 PC a day, this takes a significant chunk of otherwise productive time.


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Pirate Software
« Reply #2 on: 26 April 2002, 13:25 »
in case you hadn't noticed, you yourself [edit - i meant ITNinja [/edit] started this topic, nobody was whining about anything.
Plus, why is this topic called Pirate software? it has nothing to do with pirated software?

I agree, using linux is very sensible and there's NO reason somebody with windows might not want to dual boot, except for disk space, and if they have a computer old enough to have such a small hard drive they'd probably be better ditching windows completely in favour of linux.

Re: whining about activation. It is amazing how many dumbasses have bought XP and are now whining about activation. I have no sympathy for them. They should have paid attention.
BUT i think it's okay for people to whine so that OTHER people pay attention. At the moment people are just being herded along like cattle into the maws of the great Microsoft slaughterhouse, by and large, maybe some of those people will start to think for themselves if other people keep mouthing off about it?
I've seen a lot of people on these forums go from total knownothing to having their own balanced opinions, including myself, and it's been sites like this that have helped me weigh the cons along with the pros.

Anyway, welcome aboard, i see you are new here...

[ April 26, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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Pirate Software
« Reply #3 on: 26 April 2002, 14:23 »
There is nothing wrong with a commercial company protecting it's software against piracy, there is something wrong with treating your customers guilty untill proven innocent however. Plus microsoft's motivation for the WPA is not just anti piracy (the pirates already cracked the WPA ffs)
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Pirate Software
« Reply #4 on: 26 April 2002, 21:10 »
im sure you will be really excited when you change a part on your computer like a fried mother board or a hard drive that just crashed and you call microsoft and they tell you its a diferent computer and you need to go purchase another cd for a new serial number.  it happened to me about a month ago..... i dont mind buying software but when i have to buy it twice because they tell me i have to and its a diferent computer when i just replaced a part thats when i say fuck that....


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Pirate Software
« Reply #5 on: 27 April 2002, 01:22 »
Microsoft would rather people use their operating system for free then to use linux.  Also alot  of people end up buying the product at some point if they *need it*.   Most of the warez never even gets used.   Companies tend to focus on the people who have money and will buy the product.  Warez kiddies usually dont have the scratch.  So they wouldnt buy it anyways.   The industry's that hurt the most are the game and music industry.      Because alot of people who do have the money are stealing the software instead of buying it..   More so with music then anything else.  Average aol users who could buy the cd's are pirating it.  

Microsoft is doing fine.

Also..   The techies do alot of pirating if they arent at a good paying job yet.   So microsoft and development companies would rather somebody use their software for free so they can learn on it and then if they get a career they will most certainly buy it.   Its like an investment.  And if they dont get a computer related career then they probably would never buy it anyway.

The use of wpa was to prevent casual copying not warez.

[ April 26, 2002: Message edited by: Slacker ]


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Pirate Software
« Reply #6 on: 27 April 2002, 01:51 »
Slacker what you say is only half true.
MS is pretty busy against pirating of theyr last software such as 2000 and XP.
With w98 let alone w95, then yeas it's true.
w95 cost hardly $25!

X11:"in a few years when the next windows is out they probably will stop allowing people to activate Windows XP, and they will have to upgrade"
Tis day Linux will OS number one.


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Pirate Software
« Reply #7 on: 27 April 2002, 02:30 »
Originally posted by Fredledingue:
Slacker what you say is only half true.
MS is pretty busy against pirating of theyr last software such as 2000 and XP.
With w98 let alone w95, then yeas it's true.
w95 cost hardly $25!

Tis day Linux will OS number one.

Just because its more expensive doesnt mean they are making up for losses.  Microsoft has a huge overhead and alot of money gets spent when they make software.   Most of the piracy that they are trying to combat is that of people making cd's and selling them ( mostly foreign countries ).