All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
Microsoft Shares Climb Nearly 5 Percent
It looks like Open Source isn't hurting MS at all. Truthfully, Linux is taking more marketshare from Unix than it is from Microsoft.
The reasion for that is beacuse of M$'s License 6.0.
Companies rushing for the upgrade beford it take effect. Everyone lose money during this economic down turn, ONLY this blood sucking company have profit!!
"61 bug fixes this year, let's go buy some of their stock. They must be really good people to fix all of those things for free."
This is how I imagine 80% of the public thinking of Microsoft. Those idiots who have no business owning a computer. Aka AOL users.
I have used Windows products since Windows 2.0 up till now, XP Pro, and I am finished. My next computer will be a Mac, which I have also used since system 7.
61 fixes? What does that average out to, like almost 2 per week?
Fuck Microsoft
and Fuck X-Boxes too.
Oh ya,and Fuck Steve Ballmer too, tha' big goofy fuck.
Anyone see this video with Steve Ballmer running around on stage at a Microsoft conference like an idiot. He is jumping around and yelling and saying "YAH! MICROSOFT RULES!". :D
Anyone know where to find the link for that video?
5% share climb is not good news, but I get the feeling that it's moot point.
zombie, read the following statement very carefully
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