Author Topic: Microsoftee responds to MES's Whats So Bad article  (Read 2910 times)


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Microsoftee responds to MES's Whats So Bad article
« on: 7 October 2003, 21:18 »
Someone apparently from these forums posted a link to Microsuck's Whats So Bad About Microsoft article, and some Microsoftee guy responded to it!

"I'd like to see you write a counter-article for facts written here:"

I'll save Paul some time and start this one for him:

1) Bloat. Well i'm sure glad to see there are people in the world that wish we could still use our old 2Mb HDDs and single-digit megahertz processors for something. But the fact is, innovation takes processing power and space. EVERY operating system has grown immensely in size. Hell, i downloaded SuSe the other day and had to download SIX GIGABYTES to do the installation. Anti-Microsoft people call it 'bloat'. Intelligent people (who actually think before speaking) realize that using what is available is how the industry has grown forward from where it was 20 years ago.

2)Backwards Incompatibility. Well damn. if you want to talk about bloat, talk about an OS (or any program) that is compatible with every previous version of its software/documents. I don't care if its not compatible with one version backwards, as long as i can get a converter. Because chances are the new version works better and faster.

3) Perpetual upgrading. Ha. You want to nail microsoft with that. I'm constantly having to upgrade software that comes from the open source community on my Linux box (when i feel like wasting my time keeping it updated). Microsoft introduces new, compelling features with each release. If you don't want them, don't get them, you don't need them.

3) Vaporware. Find a company that doesn't do it. I bet you can't. Hell, my company of 5 people does it. Microsoft just does it better, and people know that, once it does come out with something, its going to work well, and work well with their existing installations.

Skipping a few to hit the ones that are the dumbest..

6) IE was better than NS starting with v4. Still is. Its getting alot of good competition (took long enough) now but it was much better than NS, certainly not inferior. MS's version of Java was SIGNIFICANTLY better than Sun's on the Windows platform and was a great benefit to developers who used it (their applications were MUCH faster than ones developed against Sun's implementation. Some of the other arguments are, in part, valid.

7) Bugs. Want to talk about bugs, eh? Numbers of bugs in Windows versus Linux distros are roughly comparable and often lean in favor of the software giant. So where's that whole community of people with eyes all over the code fixing everything? Well, its a fact, programmers make mistakes and introduce bugs. Windows is no worse than Linux, it just gets much more exposure and thus criticism. Linux's time will come.

That's all for now... hopefully someone appreciates the response...

Though the guy does make one or two minor good points, the rest is baloney if you ask me.


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Microsoftee responds to MES's Whats So Bad article
« Reply #1 on: 7 October 2003, 21:27 »
Where was this posted?


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Microsoftee responds to MES's Whats So Bad article
« Reply #2 on: 7 October 2003, 21:37 »
I don't see a single good point in that.
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Microsoftee responds to MES's Whats So Bad article
« Reply #3 on: 7 October 2003, 22:28 »
This guy has nothing to say that I didn
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Microsoftee responds to MES's Whats So Bad article
« Reply #5 on: 8 October 2003, 03:44 »
the correct term would be "microsofty", plural "microsofties".

"microsoftee" would only be correct if there were someone who "microsofted"... that is, a "microsofter". kinda like employers who employ employees.

People's use of the english language is shitty. I'm right, you're wrong, fuck off. If English isn't your native tongue, then you're okay... everybody else, SUX
Go the fuck ~


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Microsoftee responds to MES's Whats So Bad article
« Reply #6 on: 8 October 2003, 03:58 »
1) Suse is crap, try slackware, or even redhat, rh 8 wasnt that bad in size.
2) Uhm, thats retarded, you have a small point, but still Microsoft definatly do kill backward compatability, but needlessly changeing the word format to somthing older ones cant understand. Yes Microsoft did put in the ability to save us other formats but nobody uses it anyway.
3) Yes but how much does it cost?
3) Find a company that does that doesnt get bitched at.
6) Not really, because they Integrated it IE was starting faster, the computer was starting slower, but IE faster.
7) Yes but at least they are fixed in Linux.

I would also like to ask where I can contact the Individual and ask what they get out of helping Microsoft? A satisfaction and purpose simler to what Hitler found joining the Military, or if he just wanted annoy us.


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Microsoftee responds to MES's Whats So Bad article
« Reply #7 on: 8 October 2003, 04:18 »
Not a single mention of mac os in this entire thread until now.
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Microsoftee responds to MES's Whats So Bad article
« Reply #8 on: 8 October 2003, 04:31 »
Go the fuck ~


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Microsoftee responds to MES's Whats So Bad article
« Reply #9 on: 8 October 2003, 05:59 »
Jimmy James, coming out of knowwhere and flaming Linux to get a response is "Trolling".


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Microsoftee responds to MES's Whats So Bad article
« Reply #10 on: 8 October 2003, 07:15 »
being boring and whining about everything is called "sucking"

Go the fuck ~


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Microsoftee responds to MES's Whats So Bad article
« Reply #11 on: 8 October 2003, 07:56 »
Originally posted by Agent Jimmy James Smith:
being boring and whining about everything is called "sucking"


Doesn't change the fact that your trolling.  And yes the first post IS full of shit.

Bloatware.  I've never even heard of ANY linux distro being the size as M$ windows!!!!  Even WITH the apps!!!  Most distros can run on a pentium 2 and 4 and can be suited to the persons needs.   Microsoft Nada!!!!!!

If thats innovation.  Then the guy hitting  himself with a hammer if a fucking genious!

Vapor ware!!!!  Actualy no other company I have heard of doing that except the american corperations.  But it seems that they think they are above the law untill they get caught *Cough Enron!!!!

Perpetual Upgradeing.  Like I said Linux can run on a p2 and or a p4, So saying you need the latest hardware for linux is absoulte BULLSHIT!!!!!

This is one of the fundemental things why linux is just better!  And I've never seen ANY ms software that realsed compeling features, exept the spyware.  And no if you don't want it, Don't need it, tough because in windows its INTERGRATED!!!!  ITS THERE PERMINANTLY!!!

Yes all software has Bugs, but in linux they get FIXED!!! And no, linux has no where near as many bugs as windows has.  But then windows intergrated active x!

How many times are you gonna say "wait till linux catches on!"  For petes sake!  Your never gonna find a worm like Blaster!  So give up and get over yourself already!  

And finaly NS VS IE, Security holes with no tab browsing, nuff said.  Java?  Well under linux it works beutifuly, windows, expect that crash!

Just another misinformend troll!!  Rationalizing that he/she made the better chice because you KNOW you took it up the ass!

"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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Microsoftee responds to MES's Whats So Bad article
« Reply #12 on: 8 October 2003, 08:50 »
Just another misinformend troll!! Rationalizing that he/she made the better chice because you KNOW you took it up the ass!

Are you implying that I was the one trolling? I was posting SOMEONE ELSE'S reply to an MES article.


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Microsoftee responds to MES's Whats So Bad article
« Reply #13 on: 8 October 2003, 21:00 »
I dont think anyone thinks your trolling Xeen, he probably means the wininformant guy.

being boring and whining about everything is called "sucking"


Um...  why dont you practice what you preach?  Quit trolling as well.
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that


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Microsoftee responds to MES's Whats So Bad article
« Reply #14 on: 8 October 2003, 21:28 »
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

Doesn't change the fact that your trolling.  And yes the first post IS full of shit.

Bloatware.  I've never even heard of ANY linux distro being the size as M$ windows!!!!  Even WITH the apps!!!  Most distros can run on a pentium 2 and 4 and can be suited to the persons needs.   Microsoft Nada!!!!!!

If thats innovation.  Then the guy hitting  himself with a hammer if a fucking genious!

Vapor ware!!!!  Actualy no other company I have heard of doing that except the american corperations.  But it seems that they think they are above the law untill they get caught *Cough Enron!!!!

Perpetual Upgradeing.  Like I said Linux can run on a p2 and or a p4, So saying you need the latest hardware for linux is absoulte BULLSHIT!!!!!

This is one of the fundemental things why linux is just better!  And I've never seen ANY ms software that realsed compeling features, exept the spyware.  And no if you don't want it, Don't need it, tough because in windows its INTERGRATED!!!!  ITS THERE PERMINANTLY!!!

Yes all software has Bugs, but in linux they get FIXED!!! And no, linux has no where near as many bugs as windows has.  But then windows intergrated active x!

How many times are you gonna say "wait till linux catches on!"  For petes sake!  Your never gonna find a worm like Blaster!  So give up and get over yourself already!  

And finaly NS VS IE, Security holes with no tab browsing, nuff said.  Java?  Well under linux it works beutifuly, windows, expect that crash!

Just another misinformend troll!!  Rationalizing that he/she made the better chice because you KNOW you took it up the ass!


FYI, Windows XP can run just fine on a Pentium 2 system.

I see you mentioned tabbed browsing. Well, who the fuck cares about tabbed browsing. What is so hard about pressing ALT+TAB to switch browser windows? Don't even try to say that Mozilla doesn't have it's own holes because that would be a complete lie.