Author Topic: Windoze is not so baaad  (Read 2519 times)


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Windoze is not so baaad
« Reply #30 on: 18 March 2004, 03:24 »
Didn't I hear somewhere on this site a few years ago that M$ used only 2 M$ servers, the rest were all unix? If that were true, would that not show BG's 'faith' in the excellence of his own "Product"?
And check out this M$ support page :;en-gb;835826
Especially the bits about uninstalling stuff & how windows is shit for removing things. And how M$ recommend other products to carry out the jobs they admit their own software can't do (I'd ask for a refund if this wasn't a cracked copy of Win3.2 that I stole)

[ March 17, 2004: Message edited by: weallhatebillgatesFKARon ]

I see dumb people


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Windoze is not so baaad
« Reply #31 on: 18 March 2004, 11:53 »
Originally posted by insomnia:

But how long will you need it?
Only a few MS apps are usable.(without even being good)
GNU needs their own simular(and much better) apps.
Not those bad written MS ones.

ReactOS is already on it's way for windows replacement. Since Unix was a happy-go-lucky SOB and Windows came along and violently shook the standards, dividing two main filesystem operators (/dev/null and C:\DOS\RUN). Now we have Linux and Windows using up the desktop sharehold. I'm not sure how Mac's filestructure goes, same with OS/2 and Amiga, but I think Mac would go in the Unix-similar and OS/2 in the DOS-similar, not sure about Amiga.

I think ReactOS is only a temporary solution to pry people from Windows until they can get Linux as a replacement. Since today's and yesterday's (roughly 89-present) computer games are built on the C:\whatever filestructure, tomorrow's "classic" games will need virtual computers or emulators to actually work.

Microsoft is mainly evil for reinventing the standards.


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« Reply #32 on: 18 March 2004, 13:18 »
Amiga? try its own way. I think it used to denote things the same was as Classic Mac OS

Folder:Subfolder bject

OS X works just like the STEPS...

Go the fuck ~


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Windoze is not so baaad
« Reply #33 on: 19 March 2004, 00:51 »
I meant doesn't it have /etc/bin instead of C:\ ? I would think so.


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Windoze is not so baaad
« Reply #34 on: 20 March 2004, 01:29 »
Windows 2000 was the most stable OS that Microsoft has ever made. Since then, it has gone downhill. I have Windows XP (Home Edition, which makes it all the worse), and I actually feel nostalgic for Windows 2000, which is really sad, because Windows in general is terrible. The security loopholes, the interminable list of bugs, the incompatibilty issues, and, of course, the constant updating needed for it to run without crashing every five minutes. I just hope that someday I'll have the money to get a Mac and never look back. The only thing I'm worrying about is whether the Mac that I might hypothetically get in the far, far future (because at the moment I don't have the money for it; they're pretty expensive) will be compatible with my wireless network, which is using a *Microsoft* wireless router. You can really see the difference between Microsoft's OS and Apple's by looking at their respective websites. Apple's is just better; it just works.


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Windoze is not so baaad
« Reply #35 on: 21 March 2004, 15:14 »
Originally posted by restin256:
I think 98 was good. I like the fact that it ran from the command prompt, so it's the most modern winfuck OS with the least bloat. It does crash a lot, but I've gotten used to that, as my modem doesn't work in Linux and I don't know how to configure dial up anyway.

If Linus had chosen to make a clone of DOS rather than UNIX, we'd probably not be using Windows anymore.

I use 98 when I have to use win. But the crashing gets to a point where you really do want to throw the whole pc out the window. Should be called "Chuck out of windows 98"  :D


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Windoze is not so baaad
« Reply #36 on: 5 May 2004, 15:53 »
Bwahahaha your all damn wierd fighting like kids over which candy is better. your can never say which OS is better coz some like one some like the other, in my opinion i prefer windows but that is coz i dont know linux well enough i have both OS's on my system but when i installed windows that was it no hassels when i installed linux it was complex and i fucked it up 5 times and had to reinstall it 5 times but that does not make me think that linux is crap and that there programers suck. Maybe it is a PEBKAC problem o wait none of you people like to think you are the problem right you all just think your are gods lmao well PEBKAC - Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair. I installed linux 5 times why ? coz i didnt understand it, Is this the programmers fault No and Yes.. No coz i should try reading up on it before i just go and install.. Yes because they should have made it more user friendly. Also there are different uses for each OS or should i say advantages, like linux is better if you where to host sites and what not. well anyway ive had my share of this topic have fun bye bye now lol.
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Windoze is not so baaad
« Reply #37 on: 5 May 2004, 16:37 »
well actualy i found that installing linuxoze need some little experience. Its not enough be able to use keyboard (and or mice) , but need to know some fuckin commands to make it well.


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« Reply #38 on: 5 May 2004, 18:25 »
Refalm, Windoze software is crap? Maybe Linux software is crap?

don't say that linux is crap. and the sofware is better than MS software will ever be.


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Windoze is not so baaad
« Reply #39 on: 5 May 2004, 19:04 »
hehe ok  ;)


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« Reply #40 on: 6 May 2004, 00:56 »
DukePuke: Refalm, Windoze software is crap? Maybe Linux software is crap?

Did I say that? Windows has some pretty good software available, like Mozilla, Opera, Unreal Tournament 2004, The GIMP, Apache, Duke Nukem 3D, etc.
Oh wait, but they're also for Linux, so why not use that?  ;)


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Windoze is not so baaad
« Reply #41 on: 6 May 2004, 16:02 »
smth mentioned "blender" or such kind of software for linux, but everybody forgot maya? Looks like "shrek" was created with maya under linux system


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« Reply #42 on: 7 May 2004, 00:47 »
DukePuke: smth mentioned "blender" or such kind of software for linux, but everybody forgot maya? Looks like "shrek" was created with maya under linux system

Indeed, Blender isn't quite ready for rendering movies like "Ice Age".

I always thought Maya was Mac only, it surprises me that they made a Linux version too.
All hail nVidia, without them, modern commercial gaming and 3D rendering would not exist on Linux.

[EDIT]Typo   [/EDIT]

[ May 07, 2004: Message edited by: Refalm ]


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« Reply #43 on: 7 May 2004, 10:19 »
Originally posted by Refalm:
Indeed, Blender isn't quite ready for rendering movies like "Ice Age".

The latest Blender includes raytracing and it is a way improved. Take a look at the gallery on Blender 3D is catching up.


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Windoze is not so baaad
« Reply #44 on: 7 May 2004, 10:46 »
Unreal Tournament 2004 Editor refuses to work on my Debian system, although the game itself runs better than my win2k sys (identical machines, nvidia 5950, waiting for ATI R420). This proves that Windoze just suxors to_the_max. UTEd 2004 Seems to just do a core dump, any ideas?

[ May 07, 2004: Message edited by: yourmom ]