Author Topic: Windows XP bugs update  (Read 1072 times)


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Windows XP bugs update
« on: 6 May 2002, 18:38 »
OK, Windows XP have never crashed on my PC! (wooo stop, don't rate me yet, please read on  :rolleyes: )
It just shuds down all programmes really fast and if that doesn't work, it just reboots for no-reason.
I tried to play Doom, and Windows XP thought: "Oh no I'm gonna crash, let's reboot!".
You can't run the most normal programmes anymore  :( .

Also, you can't enter MS-DOS mode in a normal way anymore... if you want to format, you have to have a boot-disk that Windows XP won't give you in their package... they basicly want you to have a Windows-only PC...
So please stop saying stuff like: "enter DOS mode, type FORMAT C:" because this is impossible without a boot-disk... (next time, just say: "throw your HD out the window(s), and install Linux or BSD on the new one"


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Windows XP bugs update
« Reply #1 on: 7 May 2002, 10:06 »
every game i have crashes in windows periodically

linux has never crashed playing any game, from quake to the plethora of games that come with linux

certainly a linux install program can swat that pesky xp partition.

search at forums for info on how to reactivate lilo or grub or whatever bootloader after xp smashes your beautiful mbr
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Windows XP bugs update
« Reply #2 on: 7 May 2002, 10:23 »
Originally posted by Refalm:
It just shuds down all programmes really fast and if that doesn't work, it just reboots for no-reason.
I tried to play Doom, and Windows XP thought: "Oh no I'm gonna crash, let's reboot!".
You can't run the most normal programmes anymore             :(            .

Do you know why you can't access DOS at bootup like you could with Win95/98? It is because WindowsXP does not run on top of DOS. It is it's own OS, it doesn't rely on some old legacy OS for it to run. The Win9x dependancy of DOS is the reason why Win9x was so unstable. When you use any variant of Windows NT you are in a pure 32bit OS with no strings attached to an old 8bit OS(DOS). Windows 2000 and Windows XP emulate DOS quite nicely if you know how to configure the memory allocations for old DOS apps/games properly(and in most cases you will need a program to emulate DOS sound channels to get sound to work with DOS apps/games in Windows XP DOS emulation..this is mostly true if you have a SBLive/Audigy sound card).

DOS apps/games are old news buddy, let them die already. When you want to play an old DOS game in WindowsXP without it crashing you should find a decent Windows port for the game. Like Doom for instance...get a port like ZDoomGL and you will be able to play the game stabily with excellent speed, much better graphics, support for high resolutions, MLook, MD2 support, a quake like console and so much more(providing you have a good 3D Accelerator like a GeForce or a Radeon...or even something old like a Voodoo 3 or TNT2). Why cling on to old pixelated DOS games when you can play the same old game with newer GFX rendering?

The ZDoomGL port can be found at
(please keep in mind for ZDoomGL to work you must have the files from the classic Zdoom 1.22 port in your directory containing the ZdoomGL binary can get Zdoom 1.22 here and you need the original .wad file(s) from your Doom, The Ultimate Doom, Doom II or Final Doom game in the ZDoomGL directory.

Here is some screenshots of ZDoomGL running on my PC without any MD2 models(the screenshots on the ZDoomGL page are using MD2's). MD2 weapons and characters look better than sprites because they don't have jaggy outlines, but if you ask me they look too cartoony and take away from the classic feel of the game. Just look at how much better the game looks with dynamic lighting, lens flares and a high resolution than it does in it's original crappy 320x200 engine with no lighting. The ability to aim and shoot is a major plus also. LoL, who would've ever thought Doom would've ever became 3D accelerated?
Even the Spectres(the invisible Demons) got a benefit from hardware acceleration..instead of being black fuzz they actually look like ghost Demons.

ZDoomGL never crashes on 2000 or XP for me(even if I play it for hours). It does crash in Win9x though.

The reason your system randomly restarts is probably because you are having heat issues with your system, you have a stick of RAM with a bad meg or 2 or you have a driver causing the problem. AMD AthlonXP systems are notorious for spontaneous restarts because of heat..I don't know if you have an AthlonXP though. T-Birds are bad about getting so hot the system will lock up(occasionally they will cause a restart also, but not nearly as often as AthlonXP's). If heat is your problem you need to get a better HSF and some better thermal paste for your CPU or you need to install some case fans to get some airflow going through.

[ May 07, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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Windows XP bugs update
« Reply #3 on: 7 May 2002, 14:02 »
oh poppycock! windoids are always moaning about hardware! why is it that windows users are always suspecting that their hardware is all to buggery? why not just run an OS that works, and funnily enough, seems to have a higher quota of not having been installed on duff hardware. My hardware is always going to pot with windows. I have never found a circumstance where a software reinstall didn't fix the "hardware" problem.

Still, if you want to pass the buck all your life...

of course it could be your hardware, and i really don't know which chips have what problems (though i suspect it's down to the individual units rather than the particular model) but it is worth checking out everything else first before you go and lash out for some more parts and then find you still have the same problem.

[ May 07, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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Windows XP bugs update
« Reply #4 on: 7 May 2002, 15:44 »
well you could try this method for overclocking your cooling fan, or here is a page dedicated specifically to cooling down an AMD Athlon. Here is another low cost cooling idea that you may like to try.

If, after you have tried all of these, you still have problems, it might be because WINDOWS IS A FUCKING HEAP OF OVERPRICED BLOATWARE SHIT WITH NO DECENT PROCESS, MEMORY OR HARDWARE MANAGEMENT!!!!!

You choose.......
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Windows XP bugs update
« Reply #5 on: 7 May 2002, 16:10 »
I know... I just posted this so no-one will say: "type FORMAT C: in DOS-mode" because this is impossible without a boot-disk. I just don't want people who haven't used Windows *deep-respect* for a while make a fool out of them selves...
My little brother insists on keeping Windows, so I can't throw that sh*t of the PC  :(
I sure hope Lindows will work like a b*tch*n' good OS, so I can say: "I installed Linux and I can still run all my Win32 apps."


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Windows XP bugs update
« Reply #6 on: 7 May 2002, 17:31 »
Originally posted by X11:
What about Wolf3d...

(EDIT) Ehh? DOS is 8-bit buddy(hence why any games that you run in DOS don't run in color modes any higher than 8-bit/256 color..or when you use a custom Win9x loading splash screen picture it must be in 256 color or lower otherwise it wont display..DOS doesn't handle anything above 8-bit). Windows 3.1 was a 16-bit shell that ran on top of DOS(which was still 8-bit). Win9x is a 32-bit OS that runs on top of DOS(still 8-bit).

BTW, obviously somebody here cares about Doom or he wouldn't have posted about having a problem running it in these forums. ;P

[ May 07, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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Windows XP bugs update
« Reply #7 on: 7 May 2002, 20:48 »
first of all, sounds a bit dumb, running a 16 bit shell over an 8 bit OS, asking for a crash it sounds like...
what was win95 about then? was it 16bit dos? or a 16bit windows OS with 8 bit DOS included? or what?

secondly, refalm, i wouldn't hold out for lindows, it looks like being a high priced custom linux distro. Nothing you can't get elsewhere, with a normal consumer distro and some emulator apps. take X11's advice, and get an OS like red hat, SuSE or mandrake, and install Wine, WineX, DOSEMU and VMWare on it.
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Windows XP bugs update
« Reply #8 on: 8 May 2002, 01:21 »
Originally posted by Calum:
well you could try this method for overclocking your cooling fan, or here is a page dedicated specifically to cooling down an AMD Athlon. Here is another low cost cooling idea that you may like to try.
You choose.......

nice links. but why stop at overclocking your fan to 24 volts? Why not hook it up to 125 volts and see how long it will run?
directly connect it into the house wiring... Mu ha ha ha ha ha ha!

why not put an overclocking fan inside a tube connected to the cold winter air that connects to your pc?
Time to experiment.

question: i have an old fan (it is crappy and burnt my processor because its so small) and there is no wire connected to it, just two pins where a connecter should go, how can i find out which is negative and which is positive?

[ May 07, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]

[ May 07, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]

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Windows XP bugs update
« Reply #9 on: 8 May 2002, 01:49 »
to my knowledge, there is no difference. If you wire it up one way, the fan will go clockwise, if you wire it up the other way, the fan will go anticlockwise. Wire it up both ways and see which way doesn't suck  :D

(this is a serious answer and you should not shy away from actually doing this. I am not trying to damage you or your kit, just to dispel any myths you may have heard...  ;)  )
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Windows XP bugs update
« Reply #10 on: 8 May 2002, 02:28 »
Originally posted by Calum:
I am not trying to damage you or your kit, just to dispel any myths you may have heard...   ;)   )

i plan to damage my fan plenty. I pretty sure making a fan go that fast will have a couple negative consequences, but hey.. the good results outway the bad results  
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Windows XP bugs update
« Reply #11 on: 8 May 2002, 03:11 »
I can picture it now. Master's CPU gets ingested into the fan like a pigeon in an F-16 engine. Shoots out the back and through the wall.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...

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Windows XP bugs update
« Reply #12 on: 8 May 2002, 07:37 »
Originally posted by VoidMain:
I can picture it now. Master's CPU gets ingested into the fan like a pigeon in an F-16 engine. Shoots out the back and through the wall.

its more like: Master creates fireworks out of nothing more than a CPU fan.
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Windows XP bugs update
« Reply #13 on: 8 May 2002, 13:43 »
Oh who cares if Lindows gets expencive... I have the right friend helping me get te right software for the right price   :D


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Windows XP bugs update
« Reply #14 on: 8 May 2002, 14:07 »
well, if you are going to illegally run an OS that is not very good at what it does, in preference to one that works properly and is actually stable, then you might as well go and run windows as your only system...
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