Originally posted by Refalm:
It just shuds down all programmes really fast and if that doesn't work, it just reboots for no-reason.
I tried to play Doom, and Windows XP thought: "Oh no I'm gonna crash, let's reboot!".
You can't run the most normal programmes anymore
Do you know why you can't access DOS at bootup like you could with Win95/98? It is because WindowsXP does not run on top of DOS. It is it's own OS, it doesn't rely on some old legacy OS for it to run. The Win9x dependancy of DOS is the reason why Win9x was so unstable. When you use any variant of Windows NT you are in a pure 32bit OS with no strings attached to an old 8bit OS(DOS). Windows 2000 and Windows XP emulate DOS quite nicely if you know how to configure the memory allocations for old DOS apps/games properly(and in most cases you will need a program to emulate DOS sound channels to get sound to work with DOS apps/games in Windows XP DOS emulation..this is mostly true if you have a SBLive/Audigy sound card).
DOS apps/games are old news buddy, let them die already. When you want to play an old DOS game in WindowsXP without it crashing you should find a decent Windows port for the game. Like Doom for instance...get a port like ZDoomGL and you will be able to play the game stabily with excellent speed, much better graphics, support for high resolutions, MLook, MD2 support, a quake like console and so much more(providing you have a good 3D Accelerator like a GeForce or a Radeon...or even something old like a Voodoo 3 or TNT2). Why cling on to old pixelated DOS games when you can play the same old game with newer GFX rendering?
The ZDoomGL port can be found at
http://www.doomworld.com/doomgl/zdoomgl.htm(please keep in mind for ZDoomGL to work you must have the files from the classic Zdoom 1.22 port in your directory containing the ZdoomGL binary files...you can get Zdoom 1.22
here and you need the original .wad file(s) from your Doom, The Ultimate Doom, Doom II or Final Doom game in the ZDoomGL directory.
Here is some screenshots of ZDoomGL running on my PC without any MD2 models(the screenshots on the ZDoomGL page are using MD2's). MD2 weapons and characters look better than sprites because they don't have jaggy outlines, but if you ask me they look too cartoony and take away from the classic feel of the game. Just look at how much better the game looks with dynamic lighting, lens flares and a high resolution than it does in it's original crappy 320x200 engine with no lighting. The ability to aim and shoot is a major plus also. LoL, who would've ever thought Doom would've ever became 3D accelerated?
http://zombie9921.homestead.com/files/zdoomgl.jpghttp://zombie9921.homestead.com/files/zdoomgl2.jpghttp://zombie9921.homestead.com/files/zdoomgl3.jpgEven the Spectres(the invisible Demons) got a benefit from hardware acceleration..instead of being black fuzz they actually look like ghost Demons.
http://zombie9921.homestead.com/files/zdoomgl4.jpghttp://zombie9921.homestead.com/files/zdoomgl5.jpgZDoomGL never crashes on 2000 or XP for me(even if I play it for hours). It does crash in Win9x though.
The reason your system randomly restarts is probably because you are having heat issues with your system, you have a stick of RAM with a bad meg or 2 or you have a driver causing the problem. AMD AthlonXP systems are notorious for spontaneous restarts because of heat..I don't know if you have an AthlonXP though. T-Birds are bad about getting so hot the system will lock up(occasionally they will cause a restart also, but not nearly as often as AthlonXP's). If heat is your problem you need to get a better HSF and some better thermal paste for your CPU or you need to install some case fans to get some airflow going through.
[ May 07, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]