Heh, see my sig.
I've seen your sig, and Fred Phelps' disgusting web site. Have you seen this part of it:
The utter lack of logic here is stunning in its extent. The fact that their belief that there are those of us who are destined for hell, and that there isn't thing one that we can do about it, and that the fortunate few will go to heaven, logically negates
everything they preach.

If it doesn't make any difference, then why do it in the first place?
Secondly, if Phelps & Co. have some problem with "fags" and their political goals, that's fine by me. If they want to protest "gay pride" marches and rallies, then they are certainly entitled to counter-demonstrate to make their point. No problem there either. However, their demonstrations at funerals are
way over the line. This deliberate infliction of pain on the loved ones of these "unrepentant fags", at an already painful time of their lives, is utterly
That they could do such a thing, while calling themselves "Christian", makes
These Guys look good.
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[ November 18, 2002: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]