Author Topic: How Apple+Mac is better than Windows+Intel  (Read 4598 times)


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How Apple+Mac is better than Windows+Intel
« on: 15 October 2002, 19:26 »
Can any body please tell me how an apple computer running mac os is better than an intel pc running microsoft windows for a multimedia development center.


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How Apple+Mac is better than Windows+Intel
« Reply #1 on: 15 October 2002, 19:47 »
It isn't.  Windows XP can do everything OS X can do on the multimedia front.  All the Mac programs like all the adobe programs, flash, dreamweaver, etc. are also available for Windows.  With Apple, you pay more money and you get more style, but that's usually all you get.


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How Apple+Mac is better than Windows+Intel
« Reply #2 on: 15 October 2002, 20:42 »
in my experience the mac is better than a windows pc. I am running a dual athlon 1.2ghz windows box and a 800mhz g4. i beat both macines up with heavy use all the time ( i am a graphic designer/animator). in lab controlled benchmarks the mac is either smoking the windows box, or they are very close, with the mac slightly ahead. In my own "real world" benchmarks, using photoshop, illustrator, golive, fireworks, flash and premiere, on both machines regularly, the mac wins. My mac has NEVER CRASHED. ever. my windows box crashes regularly, i have to restart the computer, or it BSODs on me, and restarts itself. If you are going to do video editing, the mac beats windows hands down. No drop in frames, very clean editing. i was also a skeptic about this mac vs windows thing. then i got a mac, running osX. after a little adjustment to a new OS, i would never go back to windows. NEVER. i admit, i still use windows, i use 3D Studio max. That is the only software i will use on windows now. granted, the mac does cost more, but you are paying for a system that works. and works well. when i compare how much i paid for the mac, and how much i paid for the windows pc, i can honestly say the mac was well worth it, and the pc, well, i would like to throw it out of a very high window. I guess it all comes down to personal preference. i like stability, style, and power, and the mac creates an environemtn for me where i want to design. I can focus on my work, instead of the computer.  
I suggest giving it a try yourself, dont listen to anybody elses opinion of it. i would of course, try to push you to mac, where as XPUser372814712347891 will want you to use windows xpee. If you can get your hands on a mac, give it at least a month of testing and play around with it.
ecsyle one


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How Apple+Mac is better than Windows+Intel
« Reply #3 on: 15 October 2002, 21:35 »
The Mac hardware is designed by Apple, as is the OS. The PC hardware is designed by Intel and the OS is designed by M$. One company that does both parts knows exactly what is going on in the system, Intel has to compete with AMD, and it has to fight off M$ telling them what to design in, when their ideas conflict, you get discrepencies in design. Hence a good reason why Macs are inherently more stable.

I have had a Mac lock up twice, but I'm working on hardware that sits on the Internal bus (that's going to happen occasionally), with M$ I tried, but spent too long trying to just get things done on a day to day basis.
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How Apple+Mac is better than Windows+Intel
« Reply #4 on: 15 October 2002, 22:15 »
Quality is remembered long after cost is forgotten...



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How Apple+Mac is better than Windows+Intel
« Reply #5 on: 15 October 2002, 23:19 »
The simple reason Mac's are better than PC's is, as the poster(s) above me noted, quality vs. quantity.

Mac's are running OSX, a powerfull UNIX based OS that is nearly impossible to take down. There are no issues with viruses, or stability. There are no issues with hardware conflicts or compatability. Anything you want to do, you can do it with no hasstle at all. This is something I have never found possible in the Wintel world.

Mac's are well built machines that last far longer than PC's. A used Mac from 3 years ago is still worth something today, unlike PC's which pass like the leves in autumn.

The Mac isn't designed by a Monopolistic organization bent on dominating every aspect of the user experience (Refering to Intel and M$). Instead it's designed by a company which has allways had a strong commitment to Quality and bettering compouters for the common user.


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How Apple+Mac is better than Windows+Intel
« Reply #6 on: 16 October 2002, 00:06 »
Originally posted by psyjax:

Mac's are well built machines that last far longer than PC's. A used Mac from 3 years ago is still worth something today, unlike PC's which pass like the leves in autumn.

Funny, I still run several x86 machines that are over 4 years old, Lets not turn this into a discussion of hardware though because you will be stepping on many of us linux users feet. Instead lets focus on the software. Microsoft multimedia software is less capable.
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How Apple+Mac is better than Windows+Intel
« Reply #7 on: 16 October 2002, 01:15 »
Originally posted by psyjax:

Mac's are well built machines that last far longer than PC's. A used Mac from 3 years ago is still worth something today, unlike PC's which pass like the leves in autumn.  

i think a reinterpretation of this would kepp away from the linux users feet. Mac's are well built machines that last far longer than windows PC's. Because with each new release of windows, the bloat and added baggage require you to "upgrade" your pc to the latest hardware, thus rendering the old hardware useless. Unless of course you run linux (which doesnt have the bloat or bullshit system requirements of windows), whose hardware maintains its value. i think that sounds right?!


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How Apple+Mac is better than Windows+Intel
« Reply #8 on: 16 October 2002, 01:24 »
Originally posted by xyle_one:
i still use windows, i use 3D Studio max. That is the only software i will use on windows now.

Why use get Virtual Coonectx for your mac install windows on the mac just for that peice of software and you will not need to use 2 pc's again?

Then with your windows box put nix on it!


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How Apple+Mac is better than Windows+Intel
« Reply #9 on: 16 October 2002, 01:50 »
Hey arya! Welcome to the boards!

I use my Mac for all of my multimedia and web content design. OK, enough about me.

The Mac is better because:
It comes with excellent movie maker software, called iMovie. iMovie can import movies from a camera (and is the only movie editing program I have used that can import movies faster than real time, for example 2x or 4x), and add many special effects. The edited movie can then be sent back to the camera, or exported to about 50 different formats, including MPEG4.

If you get a Mac with a DVD burner, you can easily make DVDs with cool-looking menus with iDVD

If you need heavy-duty movie making software, Apple makes Final Cut Pro, which can do anything to any format you can possibly think of. Also, Apple makes Shake, DVD Studio Pro and Cinema Tools.

Apple's iPhoto is rather light in terms of features, but has the basics. If you need more, Macromedia Fireworks MX and Adobe Photoshop 7 are availible for Macs.

iTunes is great for listening, ripping CDs and burning. Other than that, sound isn't my field so I can't help you much.

Web Design/Animation:
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, in my opinion is the best WYSIWYG HTML editor availible. It is heavily integrated with Macromedia's Flash MX, which can be used to do just about any animation on a web page. Apple also makes WebObjects, a Java editor (I haven't used this so I don't know much)

The Mac can use all of these programs, and some of the good ones, especially in the movie category are Mac exclusive. The Mac can also use many of these faster than a PC, and definately crash-free.

OK, hope all of these links helped!


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How Apple+Mac is better than Windows+Intel
« Reply #10 on: 16 October 2002, 02:06 »
Originally posted by: Crunchy(Cracked)Butter
Why use get Virtual Coonectx for your mac install windows on the mac just for that peice of software and you will not need to use 2 pc's again?

Then with your windows box put nix on it!  

ahha, i have the ever elusive, computer number 3. it is running mandrake 9 right now. (i was also playing with redhat8, which i absolutely love, and before that, suse8.0). i might try this Virtual Connectx, though then id have an extra machine... maybe i would just sell the windows box for another mac!! or better yet, a powerbook G4  


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How Apple+Mac is better than Windows+Intel
« Reply #11 on: 16 October 2002, 07:05 »
main reason...

Mac OS X

Nearly all the advantages of Linux, but with a UI developed by Apple. Power, stability, elegance, speed... it's all there.

I was a radio/TV major for two years and worked with digital audio and video. We had a mixed department of G4s and some Shittium 4 Dells with then new XP Pro. We couldn't use our DV cameras with the Dells because Windows disabled bus power on the FW ports.

When we finally made it work, it was shit. We captured 30 seconds at 320x240 and it was garbage. Dropped frames, poor sound, ugly compression. Then, BSOD before we could save it. We ended up ripping the garbage machine open and stopping the CPU fan with a screwdriver just to see what would happen.

It died horribly and we threw it off a building along with an x box.

Windows sucks for media production. Fuck it.

[ October 15, 2002: Message edited by: The Jimmy James / Bob ]

Go the fuck ~


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How Apple+Mac is better than Windows+Intel
« Reply #12 on: 16 October 2002, 08:40 »
Originally posted by The Jimmy James / Bob:
main reason...
Nearly all the advantages of Linux

Uh, not quite, it only runs on Apple hardware and it's expensive (not free). Maybe you should stick to picking on Windows so's we don't have to get in an argument.
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How Apple+Mac is better than Windows+Intel
« Reply #13 on: 16 October 2002, 21:04 »
Originally posted by The Jimmy James / Bob:
main reason...

Mac OS X

Nearly all the advantages of Linux, but with a UI developed by Apple. Power, stability, elegance, speed... it's all there.

I was a radio/TV major for two years and worked with digital audio and video. We had a mixed department of G4s and some Shittium 4 Dells with then new XP Pro. We couldn't use our DV cameras with the Dells because Windows disabled bus power on the FW ports.

When we finally made it work, it was shit. We captured 30 seconds at 320x240 and it was garbage. Dropped frames, poor sound, ugly compression. Then, BSOD before we could save it. We ended up ripping the garbage machine open and stopping the CPU fan with a screwdriver just to see what would happen.

It died horribly and we threw it off a building along with an x box.

Windows sucks for media production. Fuck it.

[ October 15, 2002: Message edited by: The Jimmy James / Bob ]

You are so full of shit. How do I know you are full of shit? Simple...because if you stuck a screwdriver in the HSF to stop the fan from working on a P4 system the CPU *will not* die. A P4 will simply underclock itself to keep at a safe temp if it gets too hot. A P4 will not even get hot enough to underclock itself with a Heatsink and no fan, if you remove the heatsink it will underclock itself.

A P4 is not like an AMD Athlon/Duron. The P4 does not have serious heat issues and serious design flaws. My conclusion is you have *never used a Windows XP box to do anything on and you go around making up shit to make people think that your overpriced, all propriarity Macs are somehow better.

An x86 box can do everything a Mac can do(wether it be running Windows, Linux, BeOS, etc). Actually a single 2.53ghz Pentium 4 Northwood and a Dual AMD Athlon MP 2000+(I'm sure a single Athlon MP/XP 2000+ could to) smokes a dual 1ghz G4 Mac. I've posted the article to the benchmarks in the past and I'll do it again if nessicary. ;P

(EDIT)Ahh fuck it, I'll through in the benchmarks.

Now tell me that the Mac does stuff better than a x86 PC. Heck, I think they were even using Windows in these benchies. ;P(EDIT

[ October 16, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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How Apple+Mac is better than Windows+Intel
« Reply #14 on: 16 October 2002, 21:19 »
Also, I don't get why people don't call Apple a Monopoly. Apple intergrates Apple software into thier OS(Quicktime, Finder, iTunes, etc.) just like MS intergrates MS software into thier OS.

But at least MS doesn't force you to buy computers built by MS to run the Windows OS. I bet if Apple wasn't so propriarity and control hungry they would be doing alot better in the computer market than they are right now.