Author Topic: iserror.log Wtf?  (Read 1330 times)

Aaron Ni

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iserror.log Wtf?
« on: 16 September 2002, 01:28 »
Ok, I was just looking through some folders for an avatar on another forum and I go into the "My Pictures" folder, I barely look in there since I keep several different folders all sorted (Somewhat anal...)

And on the bottom of My Pictures I find an iserror.log file, at first I think it came from my Apache files but it doesnt make sense, and it's mainly gibberish that I cant understand.

Here's what it says.


      Initializing ....

Total memory allocated = 5448052
      Begin Printing Seed information

Seed point: 56 73    Path 0 0    User path -1 -1 -1


Print path:

[56 73]

      Begin Printing Seed information

Seed point: 56 73    Path 0 30    User path 0 6 0

Seed point: 61 50    Path 31 31    User path 26 26 26


Print path:

[56 73] [57 73] [58 73] [59 73] [60 73] [61 73] [62 73]
[63 73] [63 72] [63 71] [63 70] [63 69] [62 68] [62 67]
[62 66] [63 65] [63 64] [63 63] [63 62] [63 61] [63 60]
[63 59] [63 58] [62 57] [62 56] [62 55] [62 54] [62 53]
[61 52] [61 51] [61 50] [61 50]

User path

[56 73] [56 72] [56 71] [56 65] [54 57] [53 49] [61 50]
[51 41] [49 33] [47 25] [45 19] [43 11] [41 5] [35 3]
[33 3] [32 3] [31 3] [30 3] [29 3] [29 3] [28 3]
[27 3] [26 3] [25 3] [24 3] [22 3] [21 3] [19 3]
[19 3] [19 3] [20 3] [21 3] [23 3] [25 3] [27 3]
[29 3] [31 8] [33 14] [35 22] [37 28] [38 34] [39 40]
[40 46] [41 47] [41 49] [41 50] [41 51] [41 52] [40 52]
[40 53] [39 53] [39 54] [38 54] [37 54] [37 55] [38 55]
[39 56] [40 57] [41 58] [42 59] [43 61] [44 62] [45 63]
[46 64] [46 65] [46 66] [47 66] [47 67] [47 68] [48 68]
[48 69] [49 70] [49 71] [50 72] [50 73] [51 73] [51 74]
[52 74] [52 75] [53 75] [53 76] [54 76] [55 76] [55 77]
[56 77] [56 76] [56 75] [56 74] [55 74]

      Begin Printing Seed information

Seed point: 56 73    Path 0 30    User path 0 6 0

Seed point: 61 50    Path 31 62    User path 6 89 6

Seed point: 55 74    Path 63 63    User path 89 89 89


Print path:

[56 73] [57 73] [58 73] [59 73] [60 73] [61 73] [62 73]
[63 73] [63 72] [63 71] [63 70] [63 69] [62 68] [62 67]
[62 66] [63 65] [63 64] [63 63] [63 62] [63 61] [63 60]
[63 59] [63 58] [62 57] [62 56] [62 55] [62 54] [62 53]
[61 52] [61 51] [61 50] [61 50] [61 51] [61 52] [62 53]
[62 54] [62 55] [62 56] [63 57] [63 58] [63 59] [63 60]
[63 61] [63 62] [64 63] [63 64] [63 65] [62 66] [62 67]
[62 68] [63 69] [63 70] [63 71] [63 72] [63 73] [62 73]
[61 73] [60 73] [59 73] [58 73] [57 73] [56 73] [55 74]
[55 74]


So like I said.. what the hell?!  :confused:
You know me.... really...