Author Topic: God help me! I have to move to Windows XP as my main OS.  (Read 672 times)


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Out of all the MS Operating systems that the world is pretty much forced to use (Win95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP), Win2000 has been the best for me to use as my main Operating System the past 3 years. Even though it has its shitiness, it's the best of all the shit that Microsoft has released. I'm a professional computer user and Win9x is not an option. Windows NT was great but is old now and can't handle the new stuff out there. That leaves me with Win2000 and WinXP "Pro". Win2000 is by far a million times more stable, more cleaner, less bloaty, more faster, less spyware, and more professional looking that XP. I hate windows xp with all the hatred that lies within me. Unfortunately now I have to use it. I'm a professional video editor and constantly use Adobe products. This week they've announced that their new upcoming releases of Premiere and DVD Authoring software will ONLY run on XP. Which probably means that the next version of Photoshop and other software will be the same. So now I have to move to XP as my main OS. Please pray that I don't go insane soon. Especially now that I fear the day that will arrive in a few years where I'll be forced to move on to Longhorn.
Fuck Microsoft! Fuck Bill Gates! for creating such a piece of shit of an operating system that I will soon hate using my computer. Fuck all of them.


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God help me! I have to move to Windows XP as my main OS.
« Reply #1 on: 15 July 2003, 18:52 »
Sucks ass. i know how you feel. I use adobe products on a daily basis at work, not so much premiere, mostly photoshop, inDesign, & illustrator. Xp is a joke. its too bad adobe has decided to drop premiere for the mac. I use mac at home, and use the same adobe software, and it a much nicer experience. for me anyways  ;)

well, look it at this way, by being forced to use xp at work, you will at least have something to come and bitch here about. Maybe even check out some Distro's or something as well  
I hated computers when all i used was windows. I mean, i had fun, but most of the time i was just getting pissed of at them. its not really like that anymore. i enjoy using Jaguar & RedHat.


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God help me! I have to move to Windows XP as my main OS.
« Reply #2 on: 15 July 2003, 21:03 »
don't just bitch to each other! email the godsdamn developers developers developers developers! that's the only way to break this idiotic windependence that a lot of companies (and worse, individuals) seem to enjoy fostering.
visit these websites and make yourself happy forever:
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God help me! I have to move to Windows XP as my main OS.
« Reply #3 on: 15 July 2003, 21:10 »
you know, its not that i enjoy my dependence on windows, it is that i really have no choice. The software i use at work, autocad and 3d studio viz, is used because it is better software. Now, i have sent emails to the developers of the software, and have actaully recieved postive replies. They are doing studies on developing autocad for osx, but have no intention of writing viz for osx. thats fine. if i can get autocad for my mac i would be a happy person. At least i can get the adobe line of apps on my mac. And no, i do not want to hear "use gimp". I have looked at different drafting packages for both linux & mac, and they cannot compete with autocad.

i would love if i could get autocad on linux. natively. that would kick assmore than anything. then i could get my firm running linux workstations.

[ July 15, 2003: Message edited by: ecsyle:951 ]


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God help me! I have to move to Windows XP as my main OS.
« Reply #4 on: 15 July 2003, 23:24 »
Originally posted by bwid_s_01:
Out of all the MS Operating systems that the world is pretty much forced to use (Win95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP), Win2000 has been the best for me to use as my main Operating System the past 3 years. Even though it has its shitiness, it's the best of all the shit that Microsoft has released. I'm a professional computer user and Win9x is not an option. Windows NT was great but is old now and can't handle the new stuff out there. That leaves me with Win2000 and WinXP "Pro". Win2000 is by far a million times more stable, more cleaner, less bloaty, more faster, less spyware, and more professional looking that XP. I hate windows xp with all the hatred that lies within me. Unfortunately now I have to use it. I'm a professional video editor and constantly use Adobe products. This week they've announced that their new upcoming releases of Premiere and DVD Authoring software will ONLY run on XP. Which probably means that the next version of Photoshop and other software will be the same. So now I have to move to XP as my main OS. Please pray that I don't go insane soon. Especially now that I fear the day that will arrive in a few years where I'll be forced to move on to Longhorn.
Fuck Microsoft! Fuck Bill Gates! for creating such a piece of shit of an operating system that I will soon hate using my computer. Fuck all of them.

I know how you feel. Actually I left my last job because I was being "forced" to use ASP, IIS crap and the like. I'm doing much better now.

What I don't understand is you say that you've got to use M$ because you're into video editing, Isn't OS X the best platform for that? You'll have to excuse my ignorance I know nothing about Video editing.
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God help me! I have to move to Windows XP as my main OS.
« Reply #5 on: 16 July 2003, 00:24 »
Originally posted by bwid_s_01:
Unfortunately now I have to use it. I'm a professional video editor and constantly use Adobe products. This week they've announced that their new upcoming releases of Premiere and DVD Authoring software will ONLY run on XP. Which probably means that the next version of Photoshop and other software will be the same. So now I have to move to XP as my main OS.

That's a very stupid move for Adobe.  But why do you have to use the latest versions?
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God help me! I have to move to Windows XP as my main OS.
« Reply #6 on: 16 July 2003, 00:27 »
Originally posted by M. O'Brien:

That's a very stupid move for Adobe.  But why do you have to use the latest versions?

haha. because of that perpetual upgrade cycle that we are so accustomed to. Its rediculous  :rolleyes: