Zombie8797 I thought the recycling bin was stupid too, not because it functions like apple's trash can, but because it is a Recycling bin! As in re-use.
Why the fuck are you dumping files you want deleted into a directory that says essentially it will put them back to use at a latter time? Thus, the trashcan is a better desktop metaphor
But I guess that's just personal opinon.
As for FkTheSoft: don't listen to the anti-Mac crowd. They usually don't have any long term experience with Mac's, or have only experienced older more unstable systems in the past. Just as a note, I can easely relate to Zombies4848 trials with the first gen iMac he once owned.
If you have the cash go for a Mac. They are stable, easy to use, and will never EVER give you any problems. They are based on the same rock-solid UNIX core that Linux is based on, meaning that you do not only benefit from having a top-end GUI with plenty of main-stream software like Photoshop among others, but you also gain access to a vast library of Free UNIX software, not to mention free Darwin software (the name used for the type of UNIX run under OS X)
OSX on a Mac is the best user experience there is. Someone once said on these forums, that Quality is long remembered after price. And the truth is Mac users don't upgrade their computers as often as PC users, I have seen more PC's in garbagebins than old Mac's. They are excellent, truely PERSONAL computers.
Oh ya, allways buy 3rd party RAM lest apple shafts you with that price
(NOTE: PC's here refferes to Wintel boxes, all bets are off when it comes to Linux based comps.)