Author Topic: Windows XP Shows the Direction Microsoft is Going  (Read 1117 times)


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Windows XP Shows the Direction Microsoft is Going
« on: 22 January 2003, 21:17 »
Somebody posted this in another forum- its worth a read. Sorry if it's off-topic here.


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Windows XP Shows the Direction Microsoft is Going
« Reply #1 on: 22 January 2003, 22:53 »
In general, I am sick and tired of my every move being watched by someone. Every mundane activity I do in life is tracked and distributed to some other organisation "in order to better serve me". My fucking backside it's better to serve me. I now only shop in stores that do not require a "club card" that identifies me. I think this is an outrageous invasion of privacy and should be made illegal. Because I am not a member of their dopey "club" they have the right to rip me off ?!! Fuck them, stand at the check out and ask for the manager. I did this frequently, all they do is run a generic card to give you the  "discount" anyway. If Radio Shack, Toys r Us, Best Buy whoever ask me for a phone number, zip code or address I tell them nowt. When did life become so complicated ? Why has it become so difficult to just play a fucking CD, watch a movie or buy a six pack of beer without some bastard taking a note of it ?
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Windows XP Shows the Direction Microsoft is Going
« Reply #2 on: 22 January 2003, 23:51 »
Originally posted by HibbeeBoy:
In general, I am sick and tired of my every move being watched by someone. Every mundane activity I do in life is tracked and distributed to some other organisation "in order to better serve me". My fucking backside it's better to serve me. I now only shop in stores that do not require a "club card" that identifies me. I think this is an outrageous invasion of privacy and should be made illegal. Because I am not a member of their dopey "club" they have the right to rip me off ?!! Fuck them, stand at the check out and ask for the manager. I did this frequently, all they do is run a generic card to give you the  "discount" anyway. If Radio Shack, Toys r Us, Best Buy whoever ask me for a phone number, zip code or address I tell them nowt. When did life become so complicated ? Why has it become so difficult to just play a fucking CD, watch a movie or buy a six pack of beer without some bastard taking a note of it ?

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Windows XP Shows the Direction Microsoft is Going
« Reply #3 on: 23 January 2003, 01:33 »
in my state they put a barcode on the back of drivers licenses and everytime you purchase cigarettes or beer they know. and the worse part is you cant stockpile weapons*for protection* , but you still can carry a firearm on the street.
How can you say im crazy? You wouldnt know what crazy was if Charles Manson was eating Fruit Loops on your front porch.  -- mike muir/suicidal tendencies

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Windows XP Shows the Direction Microsoft is Going
« Reply #4 on: 13 February 2003, 21:20 »
Right On!!! Do they really expect you to even carry all those stupid cards too? Fuck them. It seems like everyday your name is being passed thru a computer like 17 times without you even knowing it.

In this day and age your no longer identified as a individual, your just another number. I told myself lately that if we didn't have computers then problems like this wouldn't occur. But then i would miss my red hat! Just imagine the future where everything is done with one card. Your banking, shopping and much more. They thought of that scares me!

In the end who are we? Just another victim of the corporate world such as microsoft. Either way, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. DOWN WITH MICROSOFT!
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Windows XP Shows the Direction Microsoft is Going
« Reply #5 on: 23 February 2003, 22:57 »
Originally posted by X11: Slackware Commando.:
Usually if my address is asked, i lie my ass of, sometimes i make up fake names, and a fake life story. Its Fun!

According to a number of online databases my name is Xavier Smith and I live at 1234 Doesntexist Avenue. My e-mail is [email protected].  ;)


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Windows XP Shows the Direction Microsoft is Going
« Reply #6 on: 1 March 2003, 11:38 »
Oh, the looks I get when I tell them that my personal information is none of their business...
It's like I have two heads...


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Windows XP Shows the Direction Microsoft is Going
« Reply #7 on: 4 March 2003, 06:30 »
I did my senior paper in HS on automation and it really is truly amazing the rate at which we are moving toward a "Onecard" society. Look at the push for the use of ATM/DEBIT and Credit cards. But I am sure I am only pointing out the obvious as many people here seem to be pretty sharp.



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Windows XP Shows the Direction Microsoft is Going
« Reply #8 on: 14 March 2003, 08:55 »
Just imagine the future where everything is done with one card. Your banking, shopping and much more. They thought of that scares me!

In the end, it will not be a card, since this can be stolen or lost, but instead a chip of some sort under the skin on your right hand or in your forhead!


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Windows XP Shows the Direction Microsoft is Going
« Reply #9 on: 14 March 2003, 10:12 »
Originally posted by mattymanx:

In the end, it will not be a card, since this can be stolen or lost, but instead a chip of some sort under the skin on your right hand or in your forhead!

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Windows XP Shows the Direction Microsoft is Going
« Reply #10 on: 14 March 2003, 13:34 »
Originally posted by M51DPS:

According to a number of online databases my name is Xavier Smith and I live at 1234 Doesntexist Avenue. My e-mail is [email protected].   ;)  

i used to put [email protected] but got disinterested and started putting [email protected] or similar instead. so long as you include the @ and a dot, those forms always accept it.
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Windows XP Shows the Direction Microsoft is Going
« Reply #11 on: 18 March 2003, 14:39 »
Have any of you ever tried typing your own name into a search engine?
The results can be freaky.
I use my real name sometimes (on the internet), since I'm too paranoid to bother with trying to hide, and the google results for my name come up with posts on message boards from years ago.
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Windows XP Shows the Direction Microsoft is Going
« Reply #12 on: 19 March 2003, 02:21 »
Originally posted by devlkore:
Have any of you ever tried typing your own name into a search engine?
The results can be freaky.
I use my real name sometimes (on the internet), since I'm too paranoid to bother with trying to hide, and the google results for my name come up with posts on message boards from years ago.

Amazing! I have a lot of distant relatives that I never knew about. Just on a search for my last name I got over 240,000 results.


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Windows XP Shows the Direction Microsoft is Going
« Reply #13 on: 19 March 2003, 21:24 »
and the serial number on that chip will somehow magically be 666, but thats only if you support nailing jews to sticks and thinking that they comeback to life in threedays........
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4:20.....forget the DMCA for a while!!!


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Windows XP Shows the Direction Microsoft is Going
« Reply #14 on: 21 March 2003, 00:20 »
For personal details I often provide a whole load of crap. Tell them you are ethnic, don't speak english as a first language, are at college, living at home, in a household making less than $25,000 per year, don't drive a car, etc etc. You will never hear from them again.

Computer "researchers" are another crowd I give a load of crap to. Nothing I enjoy more on a slow afternoon than messing with their heads. "E-mail ? No, I can't say I have ever heard of it." or my favourite "Oh, I don't think the internet is going to catch on, we are waiting to see how that goes."
Democracy, it's like three wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.