Author Topic: XP has an average crash-free period of 31 days, Microsoft says.  (Read 1134 times)


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Talking to Choas  today, he sent me this:

<Some text on how great XP is and how it's great for the corporate enviorment and less helpdesk calls>


Meanwhile, the Windows 98 Second Edition-based computers often required restarting. The average maximum runtime to failure for Windows 98 Second Edition was 15.7 equivalent user days, or roughly half that of the other two operating systems.


15.7*2=31.4 days, correct?



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XP has an average crash-free period of 31 days, Microsoft says.
« Reply #1 on: 12 January 2003, 08:26 »
Microsoft must be very proud. they have DOUBLED the efficiency of their flagship product. Wow. Windows must have a fucking amazing development team. I guess i should run out and buy windowsXP right now!!!
jesus. i fucking hate microsoft. That article is funny. i sure wish that my computer at work knew that it was supposed to stay up for 31.4 days. Im lucky to get 2 days.


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XP has an average crash-free period of 31 days, Microsoft says.
« Reply #2 on: 12 January 2003, 21:15 »
Two little notes:
average maximum

Maximum averages, not plain old averages. Very different things.

ZD Net is M$'s bitch, and we all know that by now.


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XP has an average crash-free period of 31 days, Microsoft says.
« Reply #3 on: 12 January 2003, 21:47 »
That's a bunch of bullshit! The crash rate is more like 7.5 days. And not to mention about 10 application crashes a day (I'm running XP Pro,I would hate to see XP Home)


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XP has an average crash-free period of 31 days, Microsoft says.
« Reply #4 on: 12 January 2003, 12:37 »
I just realized something, I never notice how much Wind0ze crashes. You know why? Because my computer is always turned off at bedtime. I doubt it would be on for more then 24 hours.

Is it really that bad for your comp to turn it on and off? If it is, does it cut down on it's life enough that you will notice the problem?
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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XP has an average crash-free period of 31 days, Microsoft says.
« Reply #5 on: 12 January 2003, 13:29 »
Originally posted by lazygamer:
Is it really that bad for your comp to turn it on and off?

It is bad if your comp is a server.  
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XP has an average crash-free period of 31 days, Microsoft says.
« Reply #6 on: 12 January 2003, 13:48 »
i run winXP pro at work. I crash about 1-2 times a day. Its not hardware, ive looked into it. Stupid fucking windows. Fuck you if you seriousely think its the shit. I have never crashed Redhat or osX. The future is in unix, not dos.


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XP has an average crash-free period of 31 days, Microsoft says.
« Reply #7 on: 12 January 2003, 14:03 »
Originally posted by Xyle: iGeek...:
Microsoft must be very proud. they have DOUBLED the efficiency of their flagship product. Wow. Windows must have a fucking amazing development team. I guess i should run out and buy windowsXP right now!!!
jesus. i fucking hate microsoft. That article is funny. i sure wish that my computer at work knew that it was supposed to stay up for 31.4 days. Im lucky to get 2 days.

They state that XP pc's did *not* crash. Now, this may be true or not (I must tell from experience that I find it hard to believe that a battery of serious XP PC's stays up for 31 days collectively) - it implies that the average uptime increases by a magnitude of X {X e R | 2 < X}. So that part of the article is far from bullshit.

The rest is worse however - I'm surprized you guys picked up the wrong objections. Wasn't Win98SE supposed to be stable in his days (according to marketing)?
Not to mention that they stress-test it for 7 days to 'simulate' 31 days, which is of course total bullshit since it leaves out the state-of-the-moon-issues Windows seems to have. If you want to stress-test an OS to see if it'll hold out for 31 days, run it for 31 days. With different loads. It's not a fucking tire.
Third, it is shown time and time again that computers behave very different in the wild than in the lab. Lab-reports are all but useless.
GS/CS d- s-: a--- C++ UL+ P+ L++>+++ E W++ N>+ o K- w-- O- M V? PS+>++ PE- Y+ PGP t+ 5+ X R tv+ b+++ DI+ D+ G++ e>++++ h! r- y
A quantummechanical wavefunction describing an unknown amount of bottles of beer on the wall
A quantummechanical wavefunction describing an unknown amount of bottles of beer on the wall
We take a measurement, the wavefunction will collapse, and one of the bottles of beer will fall


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XP has an average crash-free period of 31 days, Microsoft says.
« Reply #8 on: 12 January 2003, 19:52 »
fuck you if you think Xp is the shit  

What's sad is that almost everyone I know hates every version of Windows except XP,and another sad thing id that I've seen them talking to computer-illterate people and telling them "XP is ssoo much bettter!"


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XP has an average crash-free period of 31 days, Microsoft says.
« Reply #9 on: 12 January 2003, 21:15 »
I use 98SE at work. That 15 days figure is bullshit. I'm lucky to get 8 hours without a crash and restart.
Running no more than4 different apps, mind you.


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XP has an average crash-free period of 31 days, Microsoft says.
« Reply #10 on: 12 January 2003, 22:00 »
Speaking of Win98SE, Ihave it on an older computer and it averages 2-3 BSODs a day. Not to mention every application you can think of having an illegal operation (or 5) and crashing. And yesterday, I shut down almost every program under the  Ctrl-Alt-Del list, then the the "Explorer" program for files crashed.


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XP has an average crash-free period of 31 days, Microsoft says.
« Reply #11 on: 12 January 2003, 22:07 »
I get somewhere around two reboots a day if I run 98SE. You're all wrong though:

Didn't you notice they were using Windows98SE Gold?    ;)  

Edit: Ack, no, you didn't. The first paragraph:

A test report from eTesting Labs Inc. shows


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XP has an average crash-free period of 31 days, Microsoft says.
« Reply #12 on: 12 January 2003, 23:49 »
I haven't had a day when 98SE dosn't fuck up.

Not to mention the fact that 98SE has what I like to call "fake crashes" it prettends to be running correctly even though it has obviously gone SNAFU. No errors no nothing, just a slow degredation process till it finally grinds to a screeching halt.

Pathetic. My old iMac with OS9 didn't crash as much.


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XP has an average crash-free period of 31 days, Microsoft says.
« Reply #13 on: 13 January 2003, 00:51 »
WOW fuck me!  31 days AND then crashes, you could also predict it!

I'm glad i'm using SuSE because it has never crashed, no wait, infact i'm jealous of XP users.


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XP has an average crash-free period of 31 days, Microsoft says.
« Reply #14 on: 13 January 2003, 02:40 »
shit if i just leave my m$ box on for any lenght of time without doing something it solws down so much.
i have to reboot all the damn time to keep a decent level of performance.
also when i get done with heavy ram usage programs i have to reboot or its as slow as a fucking 486.
ya windows is just fucking great, and i have more money than billy bob mf gates.
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