Author Topic: Reasons why not to use M$...  (Read 5242 times)


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Reasons why not to use M$...
« on: 3 February 2002, 06:13 »
Now, I know there's plenty of reasons why I shouldn't run Windows or all the other crap they have out. The fact that they own a huge monopoly and are trying to rule the internet, along with the fact that, what they put out usually sucks. (I went to best buy today and saw XP. The interface looks dumb as hell, but I didn't touch it at all, I thought it might burn me...) Anyways, I'm trying to convince some of my friends why M$ is evil. So I was wondering if you guys could post some more on it, give me some more good reasons, if you have the time. Oh and, I once heard Bill Gates owns Apple. That's not true, is it?
my name is matt

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Reasons why not to use M$...
« Reply #1 on: 3 February 2002, 08:14 »
windoze XP has some extreme security holes in it (i figure that they are there, so microshit can steal info).
vistit Gibson Research XP story
it is all about the raw socket security hole in WinXP.
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Reasons why not to use M$...
« Reply #2 on: 3 February 2002, 08:25 »
there is another PnP buffer overflow security hole in XP which could let someone gain system level access.
try going to
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Reasons why not to use M$...
« Reply #3 on: 3 February 2002, 20:22 »
Apart from the (obvious) security issues, linux (hell .... any non MS OS for that metter) is a *lot* more stable then winblows. Hell .... the only BSOD you'll ever see under linux is the one in the BSOD screensaver  :D

If you play 3d games check out my findings in the "repost question" thread in the linux forum.

And you can also convince your friends that hey'll sleep better at night knowing they're not helping the biggest monopoly on earth getting it's foot deeper in the soil that is known as software  :D

And bill doesn't own apple ..... he does seem to 0wn em tho  :(
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Reasons why not to use M$...
« Reply #4 on: 4 February 2002, 04:41 »
Also wondering, could someone point out the strongpoints of what OS's are good for what. Like, which is best to design graphics, play games, set up a server or stuff like that. I'd kind of like to know...
my name is matt


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Reasons why not to use M$...
« Reply #5 on: 4 February 2002, 05:14 »
Originally posted by NESnerd:
Also wondering, could someone point out the strongpoints of what OS's are good for what. Like, which is best to design graphics, play games, set up a server or stuff like that. I'd kind of like to know...

Designing graphics is not a function of an OS, but of an application and there are good graphics applications that will run on all OSs, you may hear people talk bad about "The Gimp" but chances are those that talk bad about it have never really used it, it will do some extremely impressive stuff.

Games? PlayStation2 (Linux under the hood)

Server? *NIX (Linux is a *NIX)
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Reasons why not to use M$...
« Reply #6 on: 4 February 2002, 07:00 »
I have been an avid hater of all things M$ (I like that one) for many years, but I can't fight the buttholes who avenge XP. One guy said it was the best that has come out. I haven't seen a bigger pile of software crap since Windows 95.

As for the Apple ownership, yes Bill (Satan's love spawn) Gates did have part ownership at one point. I'm not sure if he does now. Steve kind of abandoned Apple some time ago but came back to promote the imac's release. If you want an entertaining and otherwise ignored history of the old IBM/MAC wars, I recommend the TV movie, Pirates of Silicon Valley, with Anthony Michael Hall playing the High Priest of Nerdom, Bill "I make the shitiest software and have the world's smallest penis" Gates. Doesn't make our god Steve look much better, but it's the truth, and the truth shall set you free.

Damn the man! Fight the M$ Empire!
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Reasons why not to use M$...
« Reply #7 on: 4 February 2002, 10:40 »
In response to appleavengergrl:

Actually steve didn't leave apple and come back for the iMac. He was ousted in a hostile takeover by that Pepsi guy Jobs hired as his second in comand. He loved Apple, it was his baby, but the stockholders were greedy and figured if they got rid of him they would make a mint.

Job's was soooo pissed of he sold off all of his Apple stock except for one share out of spite. They asked him back to Apple in order to save it and Jobs came in as the iCEO were he has remaind till this day (actually I don't know, did Jobs ever drop that title?).


At least in the beginning of the Apple resurection, Jobs worked for basically free. And I belive he still does today, his sallary is like nil, and his stock is also like nil. (Like I said, at least when he started as iCEO).

And as far as M$ owning stock in Apple. This was one of the consesions made by microsoft so Apple would drop the lawsuit against those rip-off bastards. Microshit HAD to buy Apple stock, and furthermore it was non-voting stock, microshit has no say in ANYTHING apple does.

As a matter of fact, Apple has been getting quite vocal recently in decrying some of Redmond Beast's tactics.

Apple was one of the first to tell the DOJ not to accept M$ oh so generous offer of distributing their Wintell Borgs to schools. And now Apple has joind in the Class action Lawsuit by AOL Time Warner against M$.

oh and.... Microsoft sucks ass!! OS X rulz  



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Reasons why not to use M$...
« Reply #8 on: 23 February 2002, 21:14 »
Microsoft products have a bad name because they are over used... you dont get any virus's or a wide range of USEFUL applications in *nix. Microsoft software is under a lot more stress than *nix, if some little kid was playing with a *nix box its possible to erase your whole hard drive right before your eyes without any warning messages or anything of the sort. Win is most likely just as stable as any *nix OS, its what you run on it that decreases stability. You dont play ghost recon on a nix box do you? you dont rip dvd's on a nix box do you? Windows XP is aimed at the new home user. All those annoying help things and reminders are there to help!, i bet i can find thousands who swear by it. For all you people who say "my nix box has 100 day uptime" 98% of the time the box is just sitting there.. not doing a thing, maybe just running an eggdrop. SO LAY OFF !


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Reasons why not to use M$...
« Reply #9 on: 23 February 2002, 21:33 »
Originally posted by cyrax-:
Microsoft products have a bad name because they are over used...

No, Microsoft products have a bad name because they "suck ass".


you dont get any virus's or a wide range of USEFUL applications in *nix.

Right on count 1, couldn't be farther from the truth on count 2.


 Microsoft software is under a lot more stress than *nix

Completely false, MS OSs don't even come close to handling the "stress" that *NIX machines can handle.


 if some little kid was playing with a *nix box its possible to erase your whole hard drive right before your eyes without any warning messages or anything of the sort.

Again you have it backwards. Have you ever actually *used* *NIX?  Kids can only screw up a WIndows machine without having Administrative authority.  I'll let any kid on my machines and *ask* them to try and screw it up.  They can't.


 Win is most likely just as stable as any *nix OS, its what you run on it that decreases stability.

Ahhh, you just admited that you have never used *NIX by the "most likely" statement.


 You dont play ghost recon on a nix box do you?

What's "ghost recon" and why would I want to play it?


you dont rip dvd's on a nix box do you?



Windows XP is aimed at the new home user. All those annoying help things and reminders are there to help!, i bet i can find thousands who swear by it.

Boy you hit that one right on, so why would anyone want to put it on a server?  


For all you people who say "my nix box has 100 day uptime" 98% of the time the box is just sitting there.. not doing a thing, maybe just running an eggdrop.

I don't measure my uptime in days, I measure it in "years".  And my *NIX boxes work 24 hours a day, unlike your little fisher price gameboy wannnabe.


I don't believe that would be appropriate since MS is trying to ruin my world known as the Internet, not to mention my privacy.

Maybe you should actually think before you speak and try out the alternatives.... You might be pleasantly surprised.  Hey, on a side note, did anyone catch the article about Wal-Mart now selling computer with no operating system?  I think that's one company MS can't put the cuffs on. I know Wal-Mart isn't likely us geeks first choice for computer buying but looks like they might have some pretty good deals (without all that Microshit crap installed). Check out
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Reasons why not to use M$...
« Reply #10 on: 23 February 2002, 10:43 »

I dont' usually reply to this kind of crap but in this case I think a response is appropriate.

Microsoft products have a bad name because they are over used...

No they have a bad name because MS is attempting to take over the internet and because they have used advertising and monoploistic tactics to brainwash the public into believing MS is better than they actually are.

you dont get any virus's

Wow and that means I don't have to waste $XXX bucks on software to protect myself from virus's.

or a wide range of USEFUL applications in *nix.

And what do you classify as useful? I can do pretty much anything I want on my nix machine. In fact I can do a great deal more than my wife can do on her W98 machine or my kids can do on their W95 machine.

Microsoft software is under a lot more stress than *nix,

Heh yeah just keep telling yourself that maybe one day you will actually believe it.

if some little kid was playing with a *nix box its possible to erase your whole hard drive right before your eyes without any warning messages or anything of the sort.

Damn sorry to crush your pretty little picture that you are attempting to paint here but my kids (6 and 9) can get on my nix machine and I don't have to worry at all about what they are doing. I set them up a special account and setup what I want them to be able to access and they can't do anything else. On their Win95 machine in their room I am constantly having to fix something that they have screwed up but on my nix box they CAN'T hurt anything.

Win is most likely just as stable as any *nix OS,

Ok so when I was running w98 my system crashed about 4 to 10 times a day. Now on Nix doing the same stuff I never crash. Sounds equally stable to me.

its what you run on it that decreases stability.

That is true to a degree.

You dont play ghost recon on a nix box do you?

Well since I have never heard of ghost recon I could not honestly say either way. Maybe I can play it with WineX maybe I can't. Oh and while we are on the subject I have over 80 games on my nix machine right now.  

you dont rip dvd's on a nix box do you?

Oh but you can and at the same time do as many other things as you wish to do. So yes nix also has great multi-tasking.

Windows XP is aimed at the new home user.

I have never owned a copy of WinXP but in the 2 months since my brother got his new gateway computer complete with Win XP I have been at his house at least 10 times to FIX his broken OS. From what I have seen of it is appears to be NT in W98 wrapper with bloat added.

All those annoying help things and reminders are there to help!,

In this area I have to agree with you 100% correct, help is much better on MS products than on nix. However you must consider that MS is paying people a fortune to make it super user friendly. Nix on the other hand is based on the free labors of thousands of people through out the world. So understandably help would be better on the MS products. However the software is better on nix.

i bet i can find thousands who swear by it.

Yes your right you can. In the 1930's millions of people swore by Adolf Hitler also. Did that make them right?

For all you people who say "my nix box has 100 day uptime" 98% of the time the box is just sitting there.. not doing a thing, maybe just running an eggdrop.

I would not know much about this because all the comps in my house are shut down every night.


Ok let me get this straight. People here at should lay off and NOT say anything that could possibly upset a microsoft user. I see it all clearly now. Of course how could we be so cruel and unjust. Thank you so much for clearing that up for us.

Translation : Grow Up, Get a life, Think for Yourself, Don't blindly accept propaganda.

One quick after thought. Lets say you don't like cheeseburgers but everyone you know loves them. By your logic you should eat those cheeseburgers   even though you don't like them because you peers say that is how it should be.

Think about it. Linux offers choice. Windows says do it my way period.


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Reasons why not to use M$...
« Reply #11 on: 27 February 2002, 15:52 »
In response to "why is Micro-$oft a bunch of doggy doo" or whatever it was, here's a really good article, based on openminded firsthand experience, from a guy who wanted to fairly compare MacOS (presumably system 7) to Windows95. Of course it's easy to guess what conclusions he comes up with given the tone of this site!
incidentally the credit for this link goes not to me, but to cahult who posted it here.
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Reasons why not to use M$...
« Reply #12 on: 28 February 2002, 02:10 »
Originally posted by cyrax-:
For all you people who say "my nix box has 100 day uptime" 98% of the time the box is just sitting there.. not doing a thing, maybe just running an eggdrop.



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Reasons why not to use M$...
« Reply #13 on: 28 February 2002, 13:29 »
does it just do maths?
sounds like an easy way to get a virus.
I reckon that SETI program which runs in yr downtime is much better, but that's just my preference...
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Reasons why not to use M$...
« Reply #14 on: 28 February 2002, 14:08 »
Bill "the bastard" Gates does have an Apple his ex blurted out once that he never goes anywhere without his old Apple Mac that does not have windows on it thats just for the saps, you see even the bastard knows that windows is shit.