Author Topic: No IE is better than we thought  (Read 1122 times)


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No IE is better than we thought
« on: 30 June 2003, 20:17 »


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No IE is better than we thought
« Reply #1 on: 1 July 2003, 12:22 »
But analyst Silver said that by integrating IE and Windows, Microsoft is doing exactly what it warns against, by forcing customers to upgrade their operating systems. "If Microsoft only releases IE as part of the operating system, (this) means the next major version of IE will be part of Longhorn. If a vendor or bank wants to use a specific feature of that version in their product, it means that only Longhorn users will be able to use it," Silver said. The real impact of Microsoft's decision will not be apparent "until we get a better sense of how widely open-source and alternative desktops are adopted," said Governor, who expects Microsoft to suffer some 'unwelcome side effects' as customers are "driven into the arms of the competition".
In their attempt to fuck the customer, they may very well fuck themselves.  

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No IE is better than we thought
« Reply #2 on: 2 July 2003, 15:01 »
I've been waiting for this to happen for sooo long. I hope it destroys them. I'm a developer as I guess many of you on this board are as well. As a developer I like STANDARDS, there common ground, it's the mechanism of certainty (or at least a semblance of certainty). It gives my life order, wow I'm a geek

OK IE, I've heard from time to time, from article to article that IE is standards compliant, it's a good browser. This is utter rubbish. It does not implement standards well and the one's that it tries to impliment it does badly. In short IE is the bane of my life. I guarantee that if for example I write some nice W3C validated code (XHMTL 1.1 for example) IE will not play ball. It's a nightmare.

The general surfing public needs to be educated that not only is IE not the only browser out there, but also what they are actually missing by using it, Mozilla, Pheonix, Safari......

No wonder that the general public has been confused and missguided when we hear pathetic statements like

James Governor, principal analyst at research firm RedMonk, said that if banks' customers turn to other browsers instead of upgrading to the latest version of Windows, then developers and banks and other large e-commerce operations may be forced to start more standards-based code to support those browsers in preference to IE. "Banks and most Web-oriented firms tend to support the status quo, which is Microsoft Windows and IE," he said.      

Forced to use standards!!!!! Well I'm sorry but if that's how you or your company view things than you're in the wrong jobs. Our whole industry is based on standards, I guess though if you have a influencial corporate like M$ constantly breaking those standards then you raise a generation of delinquent developers.

Most of my work is XML based now, XML is the future, the way things are generally heading, if these delinquent coders and developers don't start applying and keeping to standards now there is no way that they will survive in the XML driven world.

Good ridance IE!!!! Nothing but trouble!!!
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