Author Topic: Pathetic letter  (Read 702 times)


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Pathetic letter
« on: 17 January 2003, 20:06 »
I got this on a mailing list that I am on:

Off topic a bit but I am in a bit of a bind and needed some advice I have seen given before on this list. I run three online shops, support two mail order businesses, and am part of to many exchanges, topsites, email lists, forums, etc to keep track of. In the past three years I have also managed to piss off a good hand full of various people who have replied with threats, little email goodies with nasty little surprises hidden within, and a half dozen middle of the night phone calls with not so pleasant overtones.
Due to the large amount of viruses I have been recieving I believe for personal reasons and of course because the net seems to be more virus ridden then a $2 crack prostitiute I have been using Nortens Anti-Virus for the past 2 years (with the amount of viruses (viri?) I have caught makes me wonder what all my system caught before I installed it)
But now I have friends and co-workers urging me to install some hacker protection because
A: I am on with a stable IP and nothing in the way of a "real" firewall to protect me,
 B: A friend hacked my system to show me how vulnerable I am
C: I have just purchased a New Dell and have just started adding all my old programs and files to it.
So for all of you in the "know" whats the best Hacker/virus protection software out there either in combo or singular form? BlackICE came to mind due to the fact i have seen in bantered about so much on this list and others, but I am indecisive. I went to CNET to read the reviews on some firewall/antivirus/anti-hacker software and everytime I saw one I thought was the one for me I'd read the negative reviews and back off. So any Help out there?
Oh btw my new PC runs on XP if that helps.

These fucktards deserve all the headache they get, IMHO.


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Pathetic letter
« Reply #1 on: 17 January 2003, 20:36 »
there's a simple enough answer to that problem as i am sure you know, and of course i wrote a more in depth answer to this very problem right here:

Windows does everything i want it to, except how do i fix XXX problem?
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Pathetic letter
« Reply #2 on: 17 January 2003, 20:56 »
Oh btw my new PC runs on XP if that helps.  

Yep...that helps get viruses.

I would suggest you tell him that all the top line internet sellers use Linux/UNIX, and that if he switches that way he will get a virus free more secure setup.
Tough - Adapt or die : Read The Fucking Manual.

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Pathetic letter
« Reply #3 on: 17 January 2003, 21:11 »
It's actually a "she," but I'll pass on the info.