Author Topic: using rawwrite  (Read 2958 times)


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using rawwrite
« Reply #45 on: 14 May 2002, 05:58 »
well I am sorry that I cant afford Visual Studio for C++ and there are no classes at my high school fo C/C++.

And VoidMain when some1 asks for advice at least I can give better than "format c:"

[ May 13, 2002: Message edited by: Alex ]


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« Reply #46 on: 14 May 2002, 07:33 »
And they obviously haven't taught you how to read either.  Exactly who said anything about Visual Studio or C/C++? You asked about VB. I told you the answer can be found by searching google. And you "still" have not understood that you don't need AIM, or email, or even classes to learn anything. A good search of will find the answer to any of your questions. But since you brought it up, you don't have to *pay* for C/C++, it comes free with any Linux based operating system (which also can be legally had for free).

But Linux is probably too much for you, you have to be able to read to understand how to install and use it. Even so, the "same" C/C++ can be had for Windows/DOS (also for free). Search for GNU C/C++. Then search for tutorials on C/C++ and when you learn it you will likely know more than anyone that has taken classes in C/C++. GNU C/C++ is *far* more widely used than the C/C++ included with M$ Visual Studio.

Now, about you whining about being told how to "FORMAT C:" (in VB mind you), if you would have listened in your English classes you would have been able to read the name of this web site and known that it is an ANTI-MICROSOFT site and *not* a Microsoft support site. And that you would be taking your chances on getting useful answers to Microsoft based questions.

I certainly hope you are not accessing this site from your school because it would take me 2 seconds to trace your IP address to a particular school and call up the superintendent relaying the fact that he has a student accessing this particular site that I am *sure* he would not be happy with. He could then search the school's firewall logs, which obviously exist since they are filtering porn sites, which could be tracked down to an exact computer at your school along with the exact time it was accessed. It wouldn't be too hard to figure out who was sitting at that computer at any particular time and put some serious dents in that "A" report card. And that is only if he doesn't find out (and he will) that the reason you were on this site is to find out how to hack the school systems. You'll be *very* lucky if you don't end up in front of a juvenile court.

If you would spend less time on AIM and email maybe you would already have a Linux machine set up at home and already have learned C/C++ and already have made KDE so good that M$ goes out of business, and maybe you could have turned it into a pretty good business. But I suspect I will have to put my hope in other students who aren't looking for an "easy way" through life and are willing to play by the rules.

I can picture what your life will be like when you get out of school. You'll be the one that thinks they can cheat their way out of paying taxes.  You might be successful for a few years. One day it will catch up with you and you'll be doing hard time rather than juvenile court. Maybe it would be good for you to do a little time now while you are still a minor and they'll go easy on you.

Have a nice day...

[ May 14, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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« Reply #47 on: 15 May 2002, 01:46 »
psyjax said stuff about c/c++ :
   VB sux ass. Learn C\C++, you can do more with  it than just wright trojans and e-mail bombs.

'nuf said

and no, they cannot find out it was me at that computer at a certain time because who said i use my id?  and if they knew what computer it was and not my id they still cant do anything because we dont have assigned seats so the teacher doesnt know what seats we sit in.
but if you still think you can trace it and call them GO AHEAD!.
and FYI - the asst. superintendent is a good friend of mines dad.

and besides, they cant do anything to us for obtaining knowledge of hacking.  They can only punish us for the act of hacking.

anyhthing else smart guy?

[ May 14, 2002: Message edited by: Alex ]


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« Reply #48 on: 15 May 2002, 04:41 »
I don't know why I continue with this... No one in "this" thread mentioned C/C++. And does your Dad and your superintendent *know* that you visit from your school computer?  If they do, and are not concerned about it, then I wonder how long the superintendent and your dad will be friends after the superintendent loses his job over *your* internet practices?  And if you don't believe you can be tracked down you are sorely mistaken. You would be surprised how easy it is. It is something I do as part of my job, and I am pretty good at it. Ever hear of the hacker kid in Canada that went by the handle of "Mafiaboy"? I could go into *great* detail on how he got caught from personal experience. See

Again, you can choose to close your mouth and take some of the good advice I have given you or you can choose to continue to be an M$ programmed robot that has to be led by the hand everywhere he goes, and can't think for himself. It's your choice.

[ May 14, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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« Reply #49 on: 15 May 2002, 06:01 »
Hey Void. I did say he should learn C\C++ a few posts up  :D

Sorry, but I did. And he should be learning a more productive language if you ask me.

Alex, like Void said there are plenty of free compilers. Give one a go!


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« Reply #50 on: 15 May 2002, 06:47 »
Oops, sorry about the C/C++ thing there Alex after psyjax's post. I'll give you that one. Maybe *I* should have listened in English class. Kinda blows my whole parade. But I have age for an excuse. The older you get you're allowed to vapor lock every once in a while.
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using rawwrite
« Reply #51 on: 15 May 2002, 15:11 »
i don't think it blows it at all. i have nothing against alex personally, but i think his stubbornness and defiance of listening to well meaning advice (and Alex, the advice you have got so far is well meaning, even if it seems like we are berating you, which we aren't) is something that, as Voidmain says, will only stand him in bad stead in his next phase in life.
Learning for yourself is much better than being at school, school is there to provide the resources (eg the time, equipment et c) to learn for yourself, and ultimately to provide you with a certificate to say you learnt it all well at the end of it.

I know, Alex, that you will say that chat and email are resources you need and that your school is depriving you, but i suspect that other resources are provided to you, if you take a bit of initiative, that suffice instead. The slight increase in resources that would be gained by allowing students unrestricted network access is not worth the price the school would pay in security.
Also, in my experience, those services usually distract from the business of doing whatever i am trying to do anyway.
Also again, the very fact that you get As all the time kind of suggests that you do not need any more resources at your disposal than you currently have.

Now, i reckon your attitude is such that you must ask every little question that pops into your head, and i suppose you reckon that is a good way to get answers, but you will waste your life asking questions when that time could have been spent finding the answers out for yourself. As voidmain says, if you do your own learning and research, the info you get will be that bot more relevant, and it will sink in a dozen times better than if you just get told stuff. It also enhances your ability to take the initiative and think laterally, which will be a great advantage whatever you do.

Again, no offence, but do do things the right way. Voidmain, from what i gather has always done things legally, and has done a lot of interesting and fulfilling things so far, and also seems to have become self employed and quite comfortable from what i gather. He also does not seem to blow his own trumpet or boast, and seems quite well adjusted and happy, all this just from his posts! well, you know what i mean, i have never met voidmain and i don't know if any of that is true, but that's how he comes across.

The point of me saying this is, he turned out alright, and he advocates actively finding things out for yourself and behaving legally. put two and two together.

Do you have a machine at home? do you have the ability to install gnu/linux on it? (ie, do you own the machine yrself or does somebody else want only windows on it, is there room on the drive for another OS if so, are you confident you can dual boot without wiping out anybody's data et c?) if so, i suggest you get linux at home, asap. this will enable you to program in a number of languages for free, and it will give you a grounding in a lot of stuff that you simply don't get with another popular operating system, i mean in terms of what goes on under the hood.

Basically, Alex, get linux, you will learn a lot, and i suggest you learn actively rather than passively. and no hard feelings intended.
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