Author Topic: Look what this "sophisticated win user" has to say...  (Read 5685 times)


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Look what this "sophisticated win user" has to say...
« on: 14 September 2002, 21:49 »
Click Here to reply to this sophisticated pillock...
Linux is an interesting toy

Believe me when I say I am for diversity in OS. But you see I am a product of the original small computer market back in the early 80's.

Every single computer ran its own OS - but all ran BASIC. BASIC was written or stolen by Bill Gates, depending upon your view. But not a small computer did run without MS Basic.

LINUX has many good points, but it simply will not run in a sophisticated user mode. By this I mean, an internal OS that will help a USER that does not quite have the exact same target computer system that the OS loader is looking for. In other words drivers.

USERS wish to use, and not program. But they also wish to be rewarded for knowledge and not be treated as a NEWBIE. LINUX treats all sophisticated WIN USERS as NEWBIES and provides no ONLINE resolution HELP for resolving CONFLICTS.

As such LINUX needs to improve, but I as a USER want a system sophisticated to my needs. I run a system configuration that indicates I can learn - namely NT4 with a Dual Boot into Windows, but NT4 works as you say LINUX does without crash (Ihave had 3 crashes in the last 12 months) and as such I wonder why LINUX should be more favorable. Do you not fear that Win2000 and XP with its solid NT buid will kill LINUX?

I fear that Microsoft with letting NT for home use will kill LINUX as NT does not crash - save sometimes in a year or so.
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Look what this "sophisticated win user" has to say...
« Reply #1 on: 14 September 2002, 22:43 »
The guy is fucked up worse than Hogan"s goat; he probably tried to install a distro (my money's on Lindows) and couldn't, then he posted a really basic question to a Linux forum and got a RTFM reply; that crushed his fragile little ego, so he decided it was Linux, not him.
BTW: no point in replying to a mind that has slammed shut as firmly as his.
I'm SERIOUS about Linux; are you??


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Look what this "sophisticated win user" has to say...
« Reply #2 on: 15 September 2002, 03:09 »
What he means is, that Linux doesn't provide hand holding and coddling....and that man pages aren't pretty and graphical.

He's had 3 crashes in the last 12 months, and he says, "NT doesn't crash like Linux"


[ September 14, 2002: Message edited by: RudeCat7 ]

*meow!* I didn't say Linux was easier, I said it was better, Dumbass!


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Look what this "sophisticated win user" has to say...
« Reply #3 on: 15 September 2002, 06:20 »
Oh shit that's the funniest thing I've ever read in my life!  He sounds legally retarded.
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Look what this "sophisticated win user" has to say...
« Reply #4 on: 15 September 2002, 06:35 »
but I as a USER want a system sophisticated to my needs.

And that's exactly why he uses an OS with an animated pooch to help him search and a stupid paperclip telling him how to save his Word file.

Sorry, I just had to point it out.


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Look what this "sophisticated win user" has to say...
« Reply #5 on: 15 September 2002, 06:52 »
Im so lucky I discovered MES. What if I had discovered some pro wind0ze and anti-linux sites first? Then I might of been dangerously brainwashed into thinking this site is BS. Or would I? I've felt wind0ze is blah(not a piece of shit, just blah) before I even saw this site.  


Every single computer ran its own OS - but all ran BASIC. BASIC was written or stolen by Bill Gates, depending upon your view. But not a small computer did run without MS Basic.

Whatever. This sounds like BS. I have no technical know-how about this subject, yet my bullshit detector is ringing like crazy. Either it's obvious that is bullshit, or im no better then those people who make uneducated putdowns against Linux.  


LINUX has many good points, but it simply will not run in a sophisticated user mode. By this I mean, an internal OS that will help a USER that does not quite have the exact same target computer system that the OS loader is looking for. In other words drivers.

Well my theory is that someone must make it this way. Problem is, when the users get this good, they must realize the beauty of the non-friendly mode, and never bother.


USERS wish to use, and not program. But they also wish to be rewarded for knowledge and not be treated as a NEWBIE. LINUX treats all sophisticated WIN USERS as NEWBIES and provides no ONLINE resolution HELP for resolving CONFLICTS.

For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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Look what this "sophisticated win user" has to say...
« Reply #6 on: 15 September 2002, 07:04 »
Good one, Calum.
Why did he capitalize USER, NEWBIES, ONLINE, HELP etc?
Yes, NT4 became relatively stable, after what: 5 or 7 huge ass service packs? 2000 is the same way, I think we are up to 3. XP is doing the same thing: the first service pack was over 100 MB, and was mostly to please the DOJ.

And that's exactly why he uses an OS with an animated pooch to help him search and a stupid paperclip telling him how to save his Word file.

  :D   LOL   :D  

Every single computer ran its own OS - but all ran BASIC. BASIC was written or stolen by Bill Gates, depending upon your view. But not a small computer did run without MS Basic.

He's on CRACK! Apple computers ran completely without BASIC. I'm fairly sure BASIC doesn't exist for that platform. I think C came before basic? It was invented in the 70's

LINUX has many good points, but it simply will not run in a sophisticated user mode. By this I mean, an internal OS that will help a USER that does not quite have the exact same target computer system that the OS loader is looking for. In other words drivers.

I think he means that Linux has very few drivers.   :confused:  MORON! Look and you shall find.

USERS wish to use, and not program. But they also wish to be rewarded for knowledge and not be treated as a NEWBIE. LINUX treats all sophisticated WIN USERS as NEWBIES and provides no ONLINE resolution HELP for resolving CONFLICTS.

You can't just download a distro and think "I'm gonna master this today" Buy a fuckin book or something! Don't take on every complex little thing and expect to understand and use it in a few seconds. Windows is the same way. You can't just go through the Admin tools and expect them to work the second you open them (without a $35 phone call or $3000 training course, that is). They make a 400 page book on "Getting Started With IIS" and they don't even begin to touch anything but the basics.

If you bothered to read all that, I pity you! In sum: This guy is BLIND AND DOES NOT SEE THAT M$ IS DOING THE VERY THINGS HE IS BITCHING ABOUT! Not to mention he is preaching to the wrong audience.


[ September 14, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]


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Look what this "sophisticated win user" has to say...
« Reply #7 on: 15 September 2002, 08:48 »
You can't just download a distro and think "I'm gonna master this today" Buy a fuckin book or something! Don't take on every complex little thing and expect to understand and use it in a few seconds. Windows is the same way. You can't just go through the Admin tools and expect them to work the second you open them (without a $35 phone call or $3000 training course, that is). They make a 400 page book on "Getting Started With IIS" and they don't even begin to touch anything but the basics.

Nor can you download a distro and expect to master it in one month.  
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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Look what this "sophisticated win user" has to say...
« Reply #8 on: 23 September 2002, 21:43 »
Originally posted by lazygamer:
Im so lucky I discovered MES. What if I had discovered some pro wind0ze and anti-linux sites first? Then I might of been dangerously brainwashed into thinking this site is BS. Or would I?

Ineresting question. What's to say you aren't? What's to say you are? What if you had found some pro-apple sites first? Would you be sitting on you new iMac(beautiful as it is) hoping they pick you for a "switch campaign" ad and chatting about linsux?


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Look what this "sophisticated win user" has to say...
« Reply #9 on: 23 September 2002, 10:27 »
Linux treats its users like noobs?



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Look what this "sophisticated win user" has to say...
« Reply #10 on: 23 September 2002, 11:39 »
USERS wish to use, and not program. But they also wish to be rewarded for knowledge and not be treated as a NEWBIE.

Maybe he wants a golden star sticker for learning what a tarball is?


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Look what this "sophisticated win user" has to say...
« Reply #11 on: 23 September 2002, 14:08 »
he wants to be a 1337 H4xx0r d00d  :D
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Look what this "sophisticated win user" has to say...
« Reply #12 on: 23 September 2002, 14:42 »
Another frustrated wannabe Linux user. He propably tried to install Linux, couldn't do it, ditched it and then started to flame it. Really pathetic.. what an asshole   :D    :D


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Look what this "sophisticated win user" has to say...
« Reply #13 on: 23 September 2002, 15:22 »
i thought of a good analogy for what this guy is saying:

he is basically saying he knows a lot about windows and therefore linux must be crap if he cannot figure out how to use it easily and quickly.

That is like someone saying 'I know how to peel oranges, so coconuts and pumpkins must be really crap because i cannot peel them in exactly the same way.'

(tangerines are fine however as they are 'orange-compatible')
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Look what this "sophisticated win user" has to say...
« Reply #14 on: 23 September 2002, 15:36 »
Originally posted by Calum:
i thought of a good analogy for what this guy is saying:

he is basically saying he knows a lot about windows and therefore linux must be crap if he cannot figure out how to use it easily and quickly.

That is like someone saying 'I know how to peel oranges, so coconuts and pumpkins must be really crap because i cannot peel them in exactly the same way.'

(tangerines are fine however as they are 'orange-compatible')

  :D  Good analogy indeed  :D  .