Author Topic: ms os's and modern it  (Read 1139 times)


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ms os's and modern it
« on: 8 January 2002, 03:35 »
Didn't MS create today's booming computer industry by making an OS with many features, yet accessable to the average joe? So they stole the windows idea from apple, but i don't think any of the mac os's provide for gaming and apps the way windows does. I've used macs and the way they manage memory and drivers and other stuff is laffable (never used mac os x). I don't think mac os provides as many feature and as much functionality as a windows OS does, and i think that would have prevented them from creating today's it industry. What MS os's lack is stability and security. Linux has stability and security, but is not user friendly at all - again not an OS that could produce today's computer industry. So MS os's have their flaws which are security and stability, but they do have *some* security and stability, and the ease of use and functionality that they bring prove to be a winning combination. Winning not only for microsoft but winning for many many people who have jobs somewhere i the computer industry today - and that's a heck of a lot of people. In other words i think MS has achieved some good things, and it has not produced anything as horrid as some people on this forum say they did.

Sure MS wants the world, but so does united states and any corporation with a chance of survival. No businessman really gives a fuck, Bill Gates is just better at business than everyone else. And as i argue above, his sucess is good news for many people, including people that come to this site.

You're afraid of the big man shuting down the small man? Privacy concerns? Censorship concerns? Fair price concerns? Quality concerns? MS is part of your problem, but it's by far not the whole problem, the problem is capitalism in the United States, Bill Gates is just an outstanding example of the phenomenon. Just one last thought, those "bad" things i mentioned above are precisely the things that let you drive SUV's, buy 400 dollar graphics cards, have 1000 tv channels, and many other things. I guess it's complicated, at least to me.


[ January 07, 2002: Message edited by: rumor ]

This, is a chemical burn.


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ms os's and modern it
« Reply #1 on: 8 January 2002, 06:07 »
Actually Windows 2000 and Windows XP are very stable unless you do something to knacker it up. Windows XP is extremely quick on new hardware and CPUs like the Intel Pentium III Coppermine/Tulatin, Intel Pentium 4/Pentium 4 Northwood, AMD Athlon/Athlon XPs, Nvidia and ATI video cards, PC133, DDR1600/2100 DDR and Rambus RAM, etc.

Windows XP is a very nice OS because it has stability and it has support like Windows 98. In OSes like Linux you do not have much gaming, hardware driver support and you are forced to write your own port of an app/game and your own hardware drivers. MacOS is a point and drool OS made for complete idiots who know nothing about hardware. Windows is great for hardware support and software support.

I don't know why there are so many paranoid people who think that UNC Gates is going to take over the world. For crying out loud, the man only makes software and little hardware. I bet if MacOS was the dominant OS in the market people would be claiming Windows is a saviour and Steve Jobs is gonna take over the world. Little sites like this will not make most of the people in the world want to use crappy un-supported OSes.

[ January 07, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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ms os's and modern it
« Reply #2 on: 29 January 2002, 08:13 »
Just to test out the new OSes, I got a copy of Mac OS X and Windows XP Professional (both legally obtained, unlike how most windows users get theirs). And what I found was simple. Unless you switch over to NTFS and reformat/reinstall, Windows XP is not only slow, but crash-happy, laggy and repeatedly malfunctions (at least for me).

Now, you say the driver support for the Mac OS is laughable? I installed a USB driver for a digital camera recently on both 10.1 and XP... and this is what I had to do:

OS 10.1:
1.) Insert CD
2.) Double-click Installer
3.) Connect camera when it told me to
4.) Sit back, wait for install.

Win XP:
1.) Checked the manual (the first thing you have to do when installing hardware)
2.) Inserted CD
3.) Ran installer
4.) Realized that it wasn't an XP-compatible driver. Noticed that an XP-compatible one was not available. Fired off an email.
5.) Six weeks later, I was notified of the new driver.
6.) Downloaded and installed new driver.
7.) Connected camera when asked.
8.) Waited.
9.) Realized that the driver had a major conflict with my USB tablet.
10.) Trip to the support site. (Some people ask me why I have support sites of all major hardware manufacturers bookmarked under Windows.. that's because I don't ship my machine back where I bought it like the average Windows user every time it breaks)
11.) Located fix.
12.) Installed fix.
13.) Didn't really fix it, but what can you expect from Windows?

(What I didn't include here are the constant trips to Task Manager (and some forced-resets) after several memory leaks severely impacted the "Protected Memory" of XP)

So my Windows XPerience has not been great, to say the least. In fact, it's the worst operating system I have ever had to install.


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ms os's and modern it
« Reply #3 on: 29 January 2002, 12:29 »
1.) Checked the manual (the first thing you have to do when installing hardware)

HeH? You have to check a manual to install hardware? Maybe you are better off with MacOS because it is dumbed down so much that even a retard can use it.  ;)


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ms os's and modern it
« Reply #4 on: 29 January 2002, 14:16 »
Originally posted by rumor:
Didn't MS create today's booming computer industry by making an OS with many features, yet accessable to the average joe?

Didn't we already establish this elsewhere? Yes, the computer/technology industry is definitely in the shambles it is in today, partly or largely because of Microsoft.

Sure MS wants the world, but so does united states and any corporation with a chance of survival.

Well, that's obviously why the US is so popular with the entire rest of the world then, is it?

No businessman really gives a fuck, Bill Gates is just better at business than everyone else. And as iargue above, his sucess is good news for many people, including people that come to this site.

"Businessmen" (whatever that means) won't give a fuck because they aren't competing directly with Gates. Why? because Microsoft has a virtual monopoly in their field. Plus, who cares what "businessmen" think? There are a hell of a lot more ordinary people who don't have the money to throw around that these "businessmen" have, who are getting shafted up the ass a lot worse than any "businessman" is. They are the ones who give a fuck. Gates' success is good news for some people, him and possibly his immediate family.

You're afraid of the big man shuting down the small man? Privacy concerns? Censorship concerns?Fair price concerns? Quality concerns?

I'm not afraid of anything of the sort! what is this crap? All those things you mentioned are definitely real concerns that some people prefer to brush under the carpet. The thing is that once our privacy and general respect for the individual is gone, it'll be next to impossible to get back, that's why we need to keep it in the first place.

MS is part of your problem, but it's by far not the whole problem, the problem is capitalism in the United States, Bill Gates is just an outstanding example of the phenomenon.

So what? for all you know, all the people posting here might have their finger in all sorts of pies. If Bill Gates is partof the problem, then aren't people allowed to be partof the solution? and with regard to capitalism in the United States, yes you are right, the US is fucking fucked. It makes it all the worse that they are a major world power and have a cabbage for a commander in chief. I can't talk though, look at Scotland's political and military history!

Just one last thought, those "bad" things i mentioned above are precisely the things that let you drive SUV's, buy 400 dollar graphics cards, have 1000 tv channels, and many other things. I guess it's complicated, at least to me.

I don't have all that fancy shit, so does that mean i'm allowed to say what i like about M$? Why can't people do what they like as long as they take responsibility for their actions? (unlike some multinational corporations i could mention) If somebody wants to start a little anti-M$ website, and ten years later M$ goes out of business, those people probably lose out less than most computer users, since they probably have macs or run UNIX at home. There's a lot of "you run Windows, nah nah nah!" going on on this forum, and it's totally unfounded, since people who use windows probably have to use it at work et c et c.
Anyway, nothing personal, but i don't agree with many of your comments, rumor. Pick holes in my words too if you like, i am certainly fallible!

[ January 29, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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ms os's and modern it
« Reply #5 on: 29 January 2002, 19:41 »

A wise man once said "He who controls the flow of information, controls the world."

Seems like that is advice Gates is following.
