Author Topic: Sun to unveil MS-displacing software for business desktops  (Read 1530 times)


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So far Sun had operating systems that where for servers only, like Solaris.

Now they also have a desktop operating system meant for business:

USA Today: In a move aimed squarely at Microsoft, Sun Microsystems on Tuesday will unveil a suite of software for businesses that want to dump


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Sun to unveil MS-displacing software for business desktops
« Reply #1 on: 16 September 2003, 19:20 »
Well to be fair I'd hardly say that Solaris was ever "for servers only". Solaris is no less suited to desktops than GNU/Linux or any other Unix-alike.
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Sun to unveil MS-displacing software for business desktops
« Reply #2 on: 16 September 2003, 19:33 »
flap: Well to be fair I'd hardly say that Solaris was ever "for servers only". Solaris is no less suited to desktops than GNU/Linux or any other Unix-alike.

Read the article. This operating system from Sun is based on GNU/Linux and is designed for the desktop.

As much for GNU/Linux. It was mainly server-only in the beginning, but companies like Mandrake, Lindows, Lycoris, etc. designed it for the desktop too.


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Sun to unveil MS-displacing software for business desktops
« Reply #3 on: 16 September 2003, 19:58 »
Solaris is and always was as appropriate for the business desktop as any other OS. What do you think makes it any less so? If Solaris is only meant to run on servers then what do you think organisations using Sun hardware have been using on their desktops?

[ September 16, 2003: Message edited by: flap ]

"While envisaging the destruction of imperialism, it is necessary to identify its head, which is none other than the United States of America." - Ernesto Che Guevara


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Sun to unveil MS-displacing software for business desktops
« Reply #4 on: 16 September 2003, 21:11 »
Well I hope sun microsystems takes that one step futher and stop M$ going after the cell phone market as well.  :D   Eather way, this is great news.  I look forward to their product!  
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Sun to unveil MS-displacing software for business desktops
« Reply #5 on: 17 September 2003, 05:45 »
except for the brand name what makes the sun java desktop any different or better than say... Mandrake with Gnome and Java2?

I am a little upset that Sun isn't calling it Linux, but instead by the name Java Desktop you would guess that it was an OS based on Java.  So they are going to reap the rewards of Linux without really helping to spread the name.

But I am happy to see that it is being targeted at MS, and not the smaller market held by real linux distros

If only the common man knew that that this Sun Java Desktop was just RedHat 9 made uglier and rather stripped down.


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Sun to unveil MS-displacing software for business desktops
« Reply #6 on: 17 September 2003, 10:02 »
SuSELinux your an idiot!

Sun Java Desktop isn't based on REDHAT 9 it's based on SuSELinux

................  :eek:  

 Sun Microsystems on Tuesday renamed its open-source desktop bundle, which once went by the code name 'Mad Hatter' and announced it would price the collection of productivity applications and desktop software at $100 per user.

Now carrying the moniker Sun Java Desktop System, the SuSE-powered system includes the GNOME desktop environment, Sun's own StarOffice 7 application suite, the Mozilla Web browser, and other open-source utilities, including media players from RealNetworks and Macromedia.

Java Desktop System is priced at $100 per user annually, although customers who purchase it as an add-on to Sun Java Enterprise System (formerly known as 'Project Orion') can pick it up for $50 per worker per year.

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