Author Topic: Windows 3.1, any cop? (stifle laughter please!)  (Read 2884 times)


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Windows 3.1, any cop? (stifle laughter please!)
« on: 27 April 2002, 20:41 »
well, i was in this op-shop today, (oh yes, i go to op-shops every now and again, usually looking for cheap sci-fi novels) anyway, today i was in there looking for a record player (no such luck, but i'm digressing wildly).
So, what should i see for 2 pounds fifty pence, but a copy of windows 3.1, on 6 (or is it 7?) floppies!
Is it worth buying that do you think? mainly my questions are twofold:
1.) Will i be able to install windows 3.1 on a partition labeled "D:" instead of "C:"? if not, then i may as well not bother.
2.) There's no serial number on this copy of windows 3.1. I know this isn't a warez site and all that, but do you guys think that i'll be able to find a working serial number for it? shouldn't be too hard should it? i'm not askinghow, mind you, just if it's easy or not, and basically if it's worth the bother. I don't want to waste 2 quid fifty.

Basically i just want to see how windows 3.11 goes, since i have never used it! i was using macs at that time in high school, and only got using windows after 95 was out.

What are yr thoughts then folks?
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Windows 3.1, any cop? (stifle laughter please!)
« Reply #1 on: 27 April 2002, 22:03 »
Windows 3.1 is an OS that feels like it's takeing acid. Windows within windows, heighnous colors, freaky interface over all, and I actually like it   :D  

SOmething about it, it's so basic and clunky, it's got this totaly retro charm to it. Like the MacOS's deformed autistic child. Get it, it's worth screwing around with. I belive you can install it on any drive letter you wish, the installer is pretty simple As far as cracks for 3.1, do a search in google. I have run across some abandonware sites that have Win3.1 and sierial numbers so it shouldent be to hard to snag one.

If your in to screwing around with computers, that's a must have in your collection.

BTW, Win31 is not a real OS. It is really just a shell for DOS. So you don't technically have to replace any OS at all. You can even install it in to it's own directory.

All you have to do is type win at the DOS prompt and your off. You can have the whole GUI in a folder in Win95/98. I have seen people do this. I can't couch for other OS's

[ April 27, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]


Master of Reality

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Windows 3.1, any cop? (stifle laughter please!)
« Reply #2 on: 28 April 2002, 08:12 »
Originally posted by Calum:
well, i was in this op-shop today, (oh yes, i go to op-shops every now and again, usually looking for cheap sci-fi novels) anyway, today i was in there looking for a record player (no such luck, but i'm digressing wildly).
So, what should i see for 2 pounds fifty pence, but a copy of windows 3.1, on 6 (or is it 7?) floppies!
Is it worth buying that do you think? mainly my questions are twofold:
1.) Will i be able to install windows 3.1 on a partition labeled "D:" instead of "C:"? if not, then i may as well not bother.
2.) There's no serial number on this copy of windows 3.1. I know this isn't a warez site and all that, but do you guys think that i'll be able to find a working serial number for it? shouldn't be too hard should it? i'm not askinghow, mind you, just if it's easy or not, and basically if it's worth the bother. I don't want to waste 2 quid fifty.

Basically i just want to see how windows 3.11 goes, since i have never used it! i was using macs at that time in high school, and only got using windows after 95 was out.

What are yr thoughts then folks?

its on 7 floppies  
i think it is worth putting on, i am planning to use it now that i happen to have a spare computer
  :D   or i might try the copy of Windows 3.00 i have
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Windows 3.1, any cop? (stifle laughter please!)
« Reply #3 on: 28 April 2002, 13:23 »
Originally posted by X11:
Its on 6!!!, i have it right in front of me and its on my PC. Runs nice and fast.
Windows 3.11 For Workgroups is 8

Hey, X11, would you be willing to send me a copy?

I wan't to install it on my VPC.

Send me an e-mail at [email protected]

let me know in the forum if you sent the e-mail as I have not tested it yet   ;)  


[ April 28, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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Windows 3.1, any cop? (stifle laughter please!)
« Reply #4 on: 28 April 2002, 17:09 »
fucking A!
I think i'll away out and buy 3.1 right now!
also i'll be putting it on a partition of its own, i think, just to be safe.
Gods, i wish i had bought that old copy of OS/2 i saw last year for AUS$15! if i'd known IBM were charging so much for it now et c...
Well, win3.1 it is then...  :D
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Windows 3.1, any cop? (stifle laughter please!)
« Reply #5 on: 29 April 2002, 02:51 »
Windows 3.1? Way too modern!

You should try Windows 1.01. You have to run it on DOS 5.0 or earlier, because it spits out garbage when you try to run it on DOS 6 and above. Still, it's quite nice, in a minimalist sort of way. No bloat, not too many colours, no PS/2 mouse support, not even a file manager (that didn't come till 3.0). Aye, things were simple back then...

(Oh, and it runs like a fox with a rocket up its arse on my Athlon 1.4GHz!)
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Windows 3.1, any cop? (stifle laughter please!)
« Reply #6 on: 29 April 2002, 06:39 »
Originally posted by X11:
Its on 6!!!, i have it right in front of me and its on my PC. Runs nice and fast.
Windows 3.11 For Workgroups is 8

ya, ya... i have workgroups 3.11, it is 8 disks.
and my special version of 3.00 is 7 disks.

[ April 28, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]

[ April 28, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]

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Windows 3.1, any cop? (stifle laughter please!)
« Reply #7 on: 29 April 2002, 13:20 »
windows 1! no mouse, no file manager! what did it have then?
i suppose support for a serial mouse...

Also, can windows 3. be run on any other DOS except MS DOS? eg, can i get one of those things that runs DOS programs in linux, and run windows 3.1 under linux?
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Windows 3.1, any cop? (stifle laughter please!)
« Reply #8 on: 29 April 2002, 13:52 »
Well, here's a page which purports to have all the dos based versions of windows for download, and also a couple of programs, such as w4w version 1.1!

i tried to download 3.1 yesterday (the op shop was shut) but it was a corrupt archive, so off out to the op shop today i think!

Here's the homepage for the open source DOS project, it aims to be totally compatible with MS DOS, so with those two links, you could conceivably run windows on an open source OS. unusual thought...

And here's a thread i found very useful in my quest.

I know it looks like i am answering my own questions, but it's only in case anybody else fancies doing this as well, the info might as well be here for those people to see...
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Windows 3.1, any cop? (stifle laughter please!)
« Reply #9 on: 29 April 2002, 15:20 »
if you look inside a ball mouse, you'll see those wheels inside, the ball just moves them around.

Hey, does anybody know where i can see some screenshots of windows 1, 2 and 3 in action? (especially windows 1!)ta!
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Windows 3.1, any cop? (stifle laughter please!)
« Reply #10 on: 29 April 2002, 16:01 »
hey! that's great! i would never have thought of that, although it seems like a little overkill!!
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Windows 3.1, any cop? (stifle laughter please!)
« Reply #11 on: 29 April 2002, 18:18 »
Calum, you can see screenshots of old versions of Windows right here.
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Windows 3.1, any cop? (stifle laughter please!)
« Reply #12 on: 29 April 2002, 19:01 »
There are also some nice shots of Windows 1.01 in action (including the setup program) here.
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Windows 3.1, any cop? (stifle laughter please!)
« Reply #13 on: 29 April 2002, 20:53 »
those links are fantastic!

especially the pages on toastytech of the prewin95 and prewindows1 screenshots!
And the hexedited programs from windows 1 and 2 that run in win32!
Oh yes, and the link that enables you to switch on real mode DOS in winME! that makes it as good as win98! (isn't that fantastic (sarcasm))
I also liked the liberal 98lite screenshots, designed to make you want to go and get 98lite if you hadn't already.

I'm all enthused about windows 3.11 now!!!

hey, not only that, but i can run FreeDOS, with win98 on top of it, and there's this (again, free and open source) program i saw (originally in German! but has been rewritten in English) which allows a lot of win32 features, 32 bit programs being run, start menu et cetera in windows 3.1.

So with that model, it's a free, open source, non microsoft operating system, with windows (a program) running on top as a GUI, with this german thing (i wish i could remember the name!) running on top as the real GUI that i am seeing, and using to execute the 32 bit programs.

To cut a long story short then, windows would be doing the job of the X-server, FreeDOS would be doing the job of linux, and this German thing would be doing the job of GNOME. Add to the fact that the actual OS is free and open source and i think this setup (which will cost me a grand total of
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Windows 3.1, any cop? (stifle laughter please!)
« Reply #14 on: 29 April 2002, 21:17 »
Ah, the nostalgia. (Has an old Laptop which is still running Win 3.1 on it)

I remember the old times of my 486... Those were fun days.
Free it, goddamnit!

Computer security is very much like home security - you can take as many security precautions as you like but if you leave windows open, sooner or later you'll get broken into. - (Calum 2003)