Author Topic: MS history 101  (Read 914 times)


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MS history 101
« on: 23 June 2002, 12:19 »
I just got writing and couldn't stop, so I', gonna copy my reply here for everyone else to see that don't like reading XP users propoganda. This is a horror storym about the beginning of a horrible monster, here it is...

I'm only sixteen, but I know my computer history, the slowest intel processor ever was the original 8086, It ran under 10 mhz, so it was like watching paint dry, it was only an 8bit system, if I remember correctly. IBM used it in the original Pc they desinged. Those ones were real useful, no input except for some BASIC programs you could enter with the handy dandy keyboard, It was great. I think it did use tape storage and some type of floppy drive/ Guess who this was also the beginning for- our friends at microsoft. IBM was looking for an OS to use, a big company turned them down, so they went to some loosers in washington. Microsoft designed (stole) MS-DOS 1.0 for IBM. Then some other companies got in on the action and Microsoft started selling MS-Dos to the public and to other PC companies. IBM eventually fell from compitition, and MS became rich. Thus beginning the shitty, anti compitition, anti piracy company, who used a form of piracy themselves to take over the computer market. It's all IBMs fault, wanna know why? Because they didn't fully licsence DOS for their system, if they had, Microsoft couldn't sell it to anyone else. We could have hacked away the seedling before it became a big fucking weed. My knowledge came from a book, there is no way I could remember all this stuff, This all happened before I was even born. Cool stuff though.

It gave me nightmares, so I decided to stay up and pass the story along.
Je suis une omlette du fromage.
(I am a cheese omlette)


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MS history 101
« Reply #1 on: 23 June 2002, 12:22 »
Now all we need is a rad CRPG about a battle between Microsoft and anti-microsoft dudes, except the setting is a metaphor rather then realism.  
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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MS history 101
« Reply #2 on: 23 June 2002, 13:23 »
actually Intels first and slowest processor was the Intel 4004 originally designed to be a calculator chip, came out as a general purpose CPU.

The first microprocessor and the slowest one on the list.


[Edit - crap spelling]

[ June 23, 2002: Message edited by: smokey mcp0t ]

//this is how I was born :)

cat /dev/urandom > /dev/mybrain

Tip for win98 (l)users: type copy /con/con in your command prompt to increase stability


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MS history 101
« Reply #3 on: 24 June 2002, 01:50 »
IBM wanted to licsence DOS, but just like with BASIC, Microsoft didn't agree.

Billy might make shitty software, but he has semi-good buisness instincts.


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MS history 101
« Reply #4 on: 24 June 2002, 11:01 »
I might be wrong about it all being IBM's Fault. They couldn't have known that microsoft was going to be a bunch of greedy assholes. Anyway, it doesn't really matter, if it had gone the other way, IBM would be the monoply, but it would cause the other companies to make some OS's of their own. More compitition. But since we can't go back and change the past, we will just have to hope that someone takes away their power, without taking their place.
Je suis une omlette du fromage.
(I am a cheese omlette)