Author Topic: Newbie on board.  (Read 1760 times)


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Newbie on board.
« Reply #15 on: 17 October 2002, 05:53 »
Originally posted by RudeCat7:
I was kinda surprised that they would release a distro that required a patch for xmms to play mp3z.

The way I understand it, MP3 capability was removed on purpose, it wasn't a bug. I'm not sure it will be included in the later releases either. At the time RH8 was being released there was the big story about royalty collection on MP3. Now, the MP3 patent holder (forget who that is at the moment) came out later and said their licensing hasn't changed. But I am still unclear if that means that RedHat will not be charged royalties for each distro sold or not.

I am sure RH will be checking into it and I would guess that if they want to charge RedHat royalties then MP3 will not be included in the next release either. I would assume it would be removed from all distros at that point. Of course you could still download the plugin.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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« Reply #16 on: 17 October 2002, 06:08 »
Hmmmm....that seems to be true. That is very lame.
Maybe we can look forward to the Ogg Vorbis format...
*meow!* I didn't say Linux was easier, I said it was better, Dumbass!


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« Reply #17 on: 19 October 2002, 01:48 »
Man, I must be dumber that I realised. I still can't get the modem to dial out. I took Calum's suggestion and used KPPP to configure the modem but all I am getting is "Modem is Busy" or "Modem is not responding" depending on the /dev I use. So I have tried YaST2 and I am not sure if it configured the modem as there seems no way to test it. I am not clear what the real modem is either, should it be /dev/modem or dev/ssty0 or /dev/ssty1 or what ? How do I figure that out ?
It's a Dell PC with an internal MHD something or other modem.

Any help, much appreciated and I am trying Suse web site too.
Other than that, what's not to like ?!!
Democracy, it's like three wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.


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« Reply #18 on: 19 October 2002, 04:59 »
MP3 alternative...

They say,

"Ogg Vorbis is a completely open, patent-free, professional audio encoding and streaming technology with all the benefits of Open Source."

Open Source Software - What is the compelling reason to use anything else?


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« Reply #19 on: 27 October 2002, 01:39 »
Got the driver for the Conexant modem and managed to get the modem working. I am almost free of windows !! At home anyway. Losing connections sometimes but I will get that straightened out. LUVLY JUBBLY !!
Democracy, it's like three wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.