Author Topic: How can people know that Microsoft is REALLY secure, since it's a closed src.  (Read 983 times)


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Hi again everybody, I just wanted to make a topic again, after learning some Delphi   . So, If I'll ask Microsoft, "how can you be so sure, that your products are secure, since only few people got the source code? And how can you EVEN DARE to recommend people to use IE?! Now, search for "a new, unknown exploit, has been discovered in IE. M$ doesn't give a fuck. And will update it only, when "The Next Excuse" - Longhorn will be released...". Now first of all, it really pisses me off that M$ bullshits people, and no one can sue that huge crap, thank god more and more people are going on GPL        . But we linux-users do know that there isn't any hidden shit in the linux kernel (SINCE ANYONE CAN LEGALLY GET AND WATCH THE SRC!). God, does anyone know a place where there are some M$-jokes?


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How do they know?  They don't.  They're making it up.  What else would they say? "We suck"?
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Originally posted by Titan09:
God, does anyone know a place where there are some M$-jokes?  :D
This is not a Windows help forum, however please do feel free to sign up and agree or disagree with our views on Microsoft.

Oh and FUCKMicrosoft! :fu:


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Speaking of M$ jokes, maybe I'm going to host some jokes from the old Microsuck website.

Stay tuned  ;)


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Whoever said MS wasn't the joke?
Then again, if MS is the joke, I must've missed the punchline.

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