Author Topic: Why windows is windows and linux is linux.  (Read 1806 times)


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Why windows is windows and linux is linux.
« on: 6 April 2002, 14:20 »
People are computer illiterate idiots.  Business people realize so they puppeteer programmers to make over-bloated software for people like my grandma and mom who can barely use the mouse.  

Business + "alot of programmers" + idiot users = buggy software.   I have experienced it first hand as a lead developer of a web project.  The sales people wanted the whole thing to basically wipe the ass of the user and in doing so was constantly changing the base structure and the programmers were forced to "patch" the base system which in result led to alot of bugs that couldnt be fixed unless started from scratch.  Unfortunately you cant start from scratch because of money  ( Windows Millenium was a fucking joke..  maybe even a crime )

Linux = an os for programmers.  Thats the way it was designed.  So was unix.   And its free.  Its not designed for idiots.   The user is expected to learn ( alot about computers ). Which basically eliminates millions of people who use computers today because they arent going to want to use it because they are tards.

A thought...

If m$ died and it were up to linux to be on every desktop..   These so called "People friendly" cracker-jacks who know dick about programming are going to be sitting around figuring out ways to make linux useable by everyone..   Its quite possible that linux would end up like windows..

In general linux's design is alot better then windows..  And would have a better chance because alot of it is open source.   But still..  You never know..


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Why windows is windows and linux is linux.
« Reply #1 on: 6 April 2002, 22:45 »
come now, ip tracking is mean


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Why windows is windows and linux is linux.
« Reply #2 on: 7 April 2002, 01:31 »
Business + "alot of programmers" + idiot users = buggy software.
I think you're being just a bit hard on the end users here. There are lots of problems that commercial programmers run into: feature creep, clients who don't really know what they want and/or are constantly changing the specs for whatever software they want developed, too much influence from marketing. All these factors conspire to royally screw up many projects.

There is also one other factor: The A Number One purveyor of bloated and buggy software is Microsoft. Here is a company that has basically run out of ideas. The last good idea they had was Win 95. What to do when you've sold as many copies of Win 95 as you can? Here is a product that never breaks down, never wears out, and runs today just as good as it did when new. (With today's faster processors and more memory, it runs even better.) Close up shop and go home? Hardly! So they made some minor changes here and there, fired up the marketing team and pumped out all this hype to convince enough people that the next iteration was something grand and glorious. They fooled 'em with Win 98, Win98SE, Win ME, Win 2000, and now they're trying it with Win XP. However, it doesn't seem to be working anymore. They seem to have reached the limits on their ability to keep fooling people   :D  

As for Linux, I keep hearing this all the time: it's too hard, it's too "geeky", etc, & ad infinitum. It just ain't so. The KDE desktop is easier to use than any version of Windoze, everything that the "average idiot user" could possibly want to do can be done from the desktop. You never have to look at a command line if you don't want to. If they can learn Winders, they can learn Mandrake. It ain't no harder, and with Mandrake's superior documentation, it's probably a good deal easier than Winders.

Powered by Mandrake Linux and Freedom
Computers are like air conditioners: they can't do their jobs if you open windows.

[ April 06, 2002: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]

Live Free or Die: Linux
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Why windows is windows and linux is linux.
« Reply #3 on: 7 April 2002, 01:37 »
You appear too be using internet expoder. I suggest you get Netscape or Arachne
Mozilla and Opera, I believe, can be told to "lie" and impersonate Internut Exploiter. You knew that, right?

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[ April 06, 2002: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]

Live Free or Die: Linux
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Why windows is windows and linux is linux.
« Reply #4 on: 7 April 2002, 01:51 »
I let Opera impersonate IE5.5, it gets into sites that supposedly IE 'only'    

But, Slacker is correct. The average computer user simply is not capable of using Linux, even Mandrake. My sister has a hard time using XP Pro, which is ungodly easy. She does not understand basic concepts, such as browsing windows explorer. She is the only person I know that uses Kazaa, with ALL the spyware installed, to play her media collection. Even though she has WMP8 and Winamp 2.78, she uses kazaa.

If Linux is to have a fighting chance on the desktop, it MUST become more like windows. Its not an option, and it will happen.

Years from now, you will be posting on a site called  


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Why windows is windows and linux is linux.
« Reply #5 on: 7 April 2002, 02:16 »
The ideal operating system is one that suits everone; it would be intuitive and easy to use and at the same time would allow "power users" or developers to not feel like they are being treated like idiots (like Windows XP will do to you)  If all Linux programmers think that only a geek should use their OS (and they don't, look at KDE) then I'm afraid Linux will have a very short life on the desktop.


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Why windows is windows and linux is linux.
« Reply #6 on: 7 April 2002, 03:27 »
I agree, business morons are the death of good code. I am constantly amazed at how stupid busness folks are.  Linux is a hackers wet dream.

Micro$haft will slowly destroy itself since Gates and the other Business guys are running the show.
dbl221***Comp-Sys walking wounded


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Why windows is windows and linux is linux.
« Reply #7 on: 7 April 2002, 05:30 »
Originally posted by X11:
You have a point, but i think most people could adapt to mandrake. And i think this is your IP
(Thanks to goosenburys tracker) - You appear too be using internet expoder. I suggest you get Netscape or Arachne

[ April 06, 2002: Message edited by: X11 ]

The ip was way off but your right I am using ie.  Ive recently done the tutorial from   Linux is a MUST if your a programmer.  Im beginning to realize this now.  But my brain has been trained for a windows based machine so Im not used to linux yet.   The amount you can learn about computers is great with linux.   And you can also apply it to your life as well.   It forces you to educate yourself by searching for information.  In windows it seems like they dont want you to know..


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Why windows is windows and linux is linux.
« Reply #8 on: 7 April 2002, 05:31 »
Originally posted by jtpenrod:
I think you're being just a bit hard on the end users here. There are lots of problems that commercial programmers run into: feature creep, clients who don't really know what they want and/or are constantly changing the specs for whatever software they want developed, ....
[ April 06, 2002: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]

Point taken.. but the reason the client is constantly revising is because of the business people convincing them they need it..   A software application should be carefully designed with everything in mind before-hand..   Of course you cant think of everything..   this is why we make modular or object-oriented programs.   But the contant adding of useless features or even worse changing of useless features will lead you to your doom.   Useless or uneccessary because they are dumb..  whatever..  I say that the user should learn how to use it or get off the boat.  Put proper documentation of course..

[ April 06, 2002: Message edited by: Slacker ]


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Why windows is windows and linux is linux.
« Reply #9 on: 7 April 2002, 05:37 »
Another thought..   The amount they spend to fix the bugs will probably be more then it would cost to make it "less friendly".  
Maybe thats their plan!   Get the client to spend as much as they can on buggy software   .  

[ April 06, 2002: Message edited by: Slacker ]

[ April 06, 2002: Message edited by: Slacker ]


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Why windows is windows and linux is linux.
« Reply #10 on: 7 April 2002, 09:06 »
Originally posted by psyjax:
come now, ip tracking is mean

Coz X11 is a sic stalker freak.
he probly tracks old ladies down.

Master of Reality

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Why windows is windows and linux is linux.
« Reply #11 on: 7 April 2002, 09:25 »
Originally posted by Chucklebury Clock:

Coz X11 is a sic stalker freak.
he probly tracks old ladies down.

WHY the hell isnt the ignore not working???
I set it to ignore this crackbaby.
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Why windows is windows and linux is linux.
« Reply #12 on: 7 April 2002, 09:52 »
Originally posted by Garden GNOME:
The ideal operating system is one that suits everone; it would be intuitive and easy to use and at the same time would allow "power users" or developers to not feel like they are being treated like idiots (like Windows XP will do to you)  If all Linux programmers think that only a geek should use their OS (and they don't, look at KDE) then I'm afraid Linux will have a very short life on the desktop.

Hmmm... Ideal foreveryone... sounds like OS X  :D .


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Why windows is windows and linux is linux.
« Reply #13 on: 7 April 2002, 21:13 »
Well, end users must either be idiots or just plain ignorant. Here
"The gentleman is dead, the feminists killed him" Anonymous

Gooseberry Clock

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Why windows is windows and linux is linux.
« Reply #14 on: 7 April 2002, 18:50 »
Originally posted by Master of Reality:

WHY the hell isnt the ignore not working???
I set it to ignore this crackbaby.

It only applies to private messages.