For the past four or five weeks i have been tearing apart windows...By accident i came across
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D}\shellex\ExtShellFolderViews\{5984FFE0-28D4-11CF-AE66-08002B2E1262} – PersistFile -
Your probably saying so what?
Well the file and that directory don't exsist...there is %web% which and their is
I found this by accident when i was searching for *.htt in the registry.
The above CLSID is the clsid for control pannel.
This has only been found on win2k
I just wanted to put that out there, and get a response from staff, and other viewers on if they know the folder exsist or if i m a blundering block head. Theres a very good chance some program created it and i m not close to my conclusion. Please post feedback.