Author Topic: Forced into Windoesn't  (Read 979 times)


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Forced into Windoesn't
« on: 11 March 2003, 14:31 »
Howdy, yes, I'm new, but this thing has been bugging me for ages.

I do multimedia STufF, like using Flash, Photoshop, Director, etc. The only two operating systems that I can use to use all of this software are Mac OS and Windows. I can't afford to maintain a Mac and the operating system isn't great anyway, so even though I'd rather use something like BeOS, I'm forced to use Windows.

I was wondering if anyone else was in this situation or a similar one.

Even better, is there anyway to use Flash, Photoshop, etc on another operating system?
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Forced into Windoesn't
« Reply #1 on: 11 March 2003, 15:27 »

why not set up a totally free dual boot linux/windows setup on your computer? you can keep windows and all that shit and in the meantime you will be able to get used to linux and its programs and its quirks. there are a lof of programs that do similar jobs to some of those you mentioned, but not all those programs are represented. still, with the help of some windows emulators (the 'wine' project is coming along fairly well) you can run programs that are installed on your windows side, in linux without having to reboot into windows.

all this adds up to: linux is not a perfect solution for you, but if you feel that windows isn't either, then you have nothing to loas eby setting up a dual boot setup and getting a feel for it all. do give yourself some time with linux though as it's different from windows and you will probably not start to appreciate its shortcuts and little helpful features until you become familiar with it.
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