Author Topic: Linux vs. Windows, Longhorn FS and "Perfect" Windows.  (Read 1396 times)


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Today I got my newest PC World issue (the more and more I read it, the more and more it degrades) and, guess, what, they compared Linux (SuSe 8.0) and Win XP! Needless to say, Windows won. Why?

-You must be an expert to use Linux
The way I understand it, RH8.0 fixed this, correct?

-Lagging hardware support

More and more hardware is becoming Linux compatible. Even so, most hardware that's not supported is crap (winmodems, etc.).

-Second-tier software: most Linux software can't match the Windows alternatives - like MS Office, Outlook (ha!) and Photoshop.

Seeing as how they compared StarOffice 5.2 to Office XP, they have NO right to judge. I prefer OO over Office XP any day. Outlook is a joke, with all of it's security holes, and Evolution beats it hands down. And The Gimp is almost as good as Photoshop, but if you care, you should be running a Mac, anyway.

-A confusion of Distros: Since Linux is free, anyone can package the operating system...

I think that's a good thing, don't you?

-Support at a price

Microsoft provides support at $35-PER-INCIDENT, Mandrake does the same at $15. They actually said those prices don't differ much. Besides, if you pay $30 for a packaged distro, you'll usually get free, 60 day technical support by phone and 90 day email support.

Microsoft says it will base it's next FS off of it's SQL database (MS-SQL). I think it's a great idea, except for the fact this is not the first time they promise a database driven FS, and that MS-SQL sucks.  

A few pages before the Linux article, they said Windows would be perfect if it had the following:

Tabbed Window Access - Fluxbox provided this feature for a long while now).

Descriptive icons - Gnome/KDE has those.

Smarter folder (larger icons for more recently opened documents) - I belive Gnome and KDE provide this in their recent builds.

Super short cuts (right click makes a menu): Fluxbox, BlackBox, WindowMaker, IceWM...

They forgot to mention Linux provides all these features and more.


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Linux vs. Windows, Longhorn FS and "Perfect" Windows.
« Reply #1 on: 13 October 2002, 06:45 »
sounds like the magazine is written by complete memberheads for complete memberheads. i bet it has a high circulation...
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« Reply #2 on: 13 October 2002, 06:56 »
Like you wouldn't belive. Well, Popular Science isn't that bad (yet).


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« Reply #3 on: 13 October 2002, 08:15 »

-You must be an expert to use Linux

No, you just need to read the fucking manual, read the fucking tutorials, choose a distro that doesn't piss you off if you don't know how to do command line stuff, and a modem that is happily detected.    


-A confusion of Distros: Since Linux is free, anyone can package the operating system...

Why the hell does this matter? People only constantly mention distros that have a PROVEN record. What do you hear? Mandrake, Redhat, SuSe etc. Not "|-|4><0rIX 2.0".    

BTW, I have had trouble with delays for a low cost PC gamer suscription awhile back I got from a  special company(they gave me the wrong subscription). So in order to make up for the delays, the company did not start subtracting issues from the PC gamer subscripion, and gave me a free 1 year subscription to PC magazine. That's pretty cool, but how is PC magazine for being competent? Do I have to fear all mainstream tech magazines now that I know the truth about Microsoft and am working at the whole Linux d00d thing?

[ October 12, 2002: Message edited by: lazygamer ]

For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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Linux vs. Windows, Longhorn FS and "Perfect" Windows.
« Reply #4 on: 13 October 2002, 08:58 »
Bah. I dont even bother with those kind of magazines.
 Of course they wont say bad things about MS so they will ensure "First Exclusive previews" and yada yada yada.
 Buy Magazines about Linux guys. Thats what i do


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Linux vs. Windows, Longhorn FS and "Perfect" Windows.
« Reply #5 on: 13 October 2002, 21:43 »
It sometimes has intresting articles about spam, ecommerce, etc. But most of it is trash.


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« Reply #6 on: 13 October 2002, 10:18 »
Might I qoute PC World "To find out if it's (Linux) finally ready for the average PC user"

It'd be different if they had advanced of slightly advanced users, but your average user would probably be considered a bit above newbie.

"You must be an expert to use Linux"
The way I understand it, RH8.0 fixed this, correct

The full text under that included "Many procedures still require dropping to the command line, decoding cryptic sytem messages, or hand editiing what can be complex confoguration files."

First, they were talking of Suse, not RH8. And RH8 was released Sept 30th, 2 weeks before I recieved my PC World. I doubt they would do a OS review so close to a realase. Also, the command line and editing config files by hand would easily seem like some expert computer work to and average PC user.

Lagging hardware support
More and more hardware is becoming Linux compatible. Even so, most hardware that's not supported is crap (winmodems, etc.).

And yet Linux still lacks hardware support for many devices, does it not?

-Second-tier software: most Linux software can't match the Windows alternatives - like MS Office, Outlook (ha!) and Photoshop.
Seeing as how they compared StarOffice 5.2 to Office XP, they have NO right to judge. I prefer OO over Office XP any day.

That would be personal preference, and I assume they compared features. Since I use neither Office XP or Star Office often, I couldn't say which has more features. They also say "Menu organazation and toolbars can vary substantially from program to program. And while some products (like Star Office) come across as top-tier suites, others feel considerably les polished"

Outlook is a joke, with all of it's security holes, and Evolution beats it hands down.

Looks exactley like Outlook too me. Maybe MS could sue.        Either way, I don't use either enough to tell.

And The Gimp is almost as good as Photoshop, but if you care, you should be running a Mac, anyway.

This Windows Vs. Linux. Who invited the Mac?

-A confusion of Distros: Since Linux is free, anyone can package the operating system...

I think that's a good thing, don't you?

And yet a newbie could get stuck with a harder distro. I remember a post on the Linux board about a new convert who had unwittingly installed Slackware. That could easily push away anyone new to Linux.

-Support at a price

Microsoft provides support at $35-PER-INCIDENT, Mandrake does the same at $15. They actually said those prices don't differ much. Besides, if you pay $30 for a packaged distro, you'll usually get free, 60 day technical support by phone and 90 day email support.

PC World- "With SuSE, the free instalation support is severly limited. If you're a Linux beginner planning on calling for help, consider installing Mandrake Linux, with it's $15 per-call (or less, in quanity) support polity"

Explains itself.

Not that everything about those magazines are great. Every other month is an issue dedicated to windows tips. (cover of PC World: Windows Your Way: 25 tips and tools to keep you in control.

PC Magazine cover:104 ways to make Windows Work Better) It's always the same damned tips too. But at least they provide to editorials, and looks at upcoming hardware, software, and other stuff.

[ October 13, 2002: Message edited by: fett101 ]

[ October 13, 2002: Message edited by: fett101 ]


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« Reply #7 on: 13 October 2002, 10:24 »
Hey fett101,

Your post is a bit confusing, It is hard to tell when you are responding and when the origional poster is quoted.

In the future, why not copy and paste the "QUOTE" tags as you post. That will organize it more. Just a suggestion, not to be a pain.


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Linux vs. Windows, Longhorn FS and "Perfect" Windows.
« Reply #8 on: 13 October 2002, 16:55 »
strangley, even though many of you have posted saying how duff PC World is in particular, in australia, they are quite pro-linux. MY first linux distro was 2cds of red hat 7.0, one CD of turbolinux 6.1 and one CD of extra linux software. This came with a totally good newbie intro type magazine for a total of AUS$17! and guess who published it? PC World. It was the first in a series of 'LinuxWorld' minibooks. The second came out soon after featuring i think red hat 7.1 and mandrake 8.0, and that the one that X11 got.

Go to and you will find that a help site for new to intermediate users of linux is maintained there, and updated regularly. maybe it's different stateside.
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« Reply #9 on: 13 October 2002, 17:12 »
In Windows, the hardware is made specifically to work with the software. The people who make the hardware write drivers for it, do testing with it, and when it is released it is always windows ready. Since Linux doesnt have the large market share that windows does, hardware vendors see no reason to write linux drivers, do testing on linux, and make sure that it works with linux. However linux users a a very resourceful bunch, and with the help of the large linux companies have been able to get a huge amount of hardware to work with linux. Its wrong to say linux doesnt have hardware support, because that is uncontrollable unless you want to tell hardware makers that now they have to make sure their hardware is compatible with our stuff too. Id love to see equipment that says windows/mac/linux compatible, other than the occasional modem and nic.
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Linux vs. Windows, Longhorn FS and "Perfect" Windows.
« Reply #10 on: 13 October 2002, 18:58 »
Sorry. I'm used to forums without spiffy quotes where << quote >> is common usage,


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« Reply #11 on: 14 October 2002, 00:58 »
Those magzines are unfair, they preach the joys of windows  because everybody should be using hte latest and greatest while dub linux down only because they don't really know how to use it themselves.  The magazines are simply a way of telling people they need to upgrade to the latest everything.  Only a few really shine.

I beleive there is a magazine in the UK called "PCPlus", its nearly is perfect.  They review linux software regurlaly and the ppl seem to know what they are talking about, they will discuss the pitfalls of MS software and what the RIAA are doing at the time.  The first page is nearly always about invasion of piracy from the multi-nationals.  At the back they have a masterclass, some for windows, some for linux beginners and another section for linux masters and a bit for macs.  Writers for the magazine who write an entire page each month are always telling readers about the dangers in the worls or how MS is pushing shit to us.  I remember one guy ended his monthy column with "Which is yet another reason to get off the rickety windows bandwagon and switch to linux."  This was after talking about the pitfalls of prprietory software.

If you havn't seen this mag or live in the UK then here is the link to the site, they have alot of linux stuff there as well to enjoy.  Also included is another fine magazine which isn't baised.

I agree with the statement that a real linux magazine should be bought though.


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« Reply #12 on: 14 October 2002, 10:25 »
PC World is heavily biased against open source and/or freeware.
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Linux vs. Windows, Longhorn FS and "Perfect" Windows.
« Reply #13 on: 14 October 2002, 14:52 »
yeah, so what'sup with all this anti pc world thing? must be different in the states.

also, re: good magazines, LXF (Linux Format) seems to be one of the best in Europe, anyway, although it's linux and some BSD only, so maybe it's not the same type of thing...
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