Author Topic: Windows XP Service Pack 2 Build 2082  (Read 8433 times)


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Windows XP Service Pack 2 Build 2082
« Reply #45 on: 11 August 2004, 06:42 »
Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:

That's rich. I never said it had terrible support. I said...

"Linux can have a hard time with bad drivers."

The same goes for:
Windows 9x
Windows NT
Mac OS 9
Mac OS X
AT&T System V UNIX

Shall I continue?

Any OS can get a buggy driver, smart guy.

I'll stop responding to you since I don't feel like feeding the troll.
"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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Windows XP Service Pack 2 Build 2082
« Reply #46 on: 11 August 2004, 06:45 »
Originally posted by Canadian Lover:

So declaring people as a troll gives you the right to misspell?

[ August 10, 2004: Message edited by: Canadian Lover ]

I have the 'right' to mispell?

I had no Idea that spelling was a right
"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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Windows XP Service Pack 2 Build 2082
« Reply #47 on: 11 August 2004, 06:47 »
My 'rents XP box downstairs that had started to BSOD more than it did before, do you know who I blame?


The only change I did was to add in a cheap-o wireless card from D-Link, with shitty, unsigned, drivers.

the box was rock solid, and up-to-date, after I added the card it was less stable, BSODing once every two weeks.

I un-installed the driver, removed the card.  Re-installed the driver and put the card back in.

It was fine.

for some reason, D-link made their drivers so you had to install them first, then physically install the card.  Incredibly stupid on D-Link's part, if you ask me.

I just installed service pack 2 on it, run great!
2 motherfuckers have sigged me so far.  Fuck yeah!


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Windows XP Service Pack 2 Build 2082
« Reply #48 on: 11 August 2004, 06:52 »
I'm liking it so far. The firewall doesn't go off as much as they say it does, but then, I don't use many network apps.

It's definitely more resilient. I did a few things that would kill the Explorer, and they no longer do :-D

I'm so happy!
Go the fuck ~


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Windows XP Service Pack 2 Build 2082
« Reply #49 on: 11 August 2004, 12:52 »
LOL! I'm spreading FUD? FUD = Fear, uncertainy and doubt. As far as I know I'm not spreading any of the latter.

Anywho, I installed SP2 today and so far it is working well. Nice speed improvements, the firewall is doing a great job(I disabled my other firewalls to test it), some of my apps and games are running even better than they were before(they were already running well) and I've tried a few things that would normally crash explorer and they no longer crash it.

I do not like how it nags you if you disable automatic updates but that is ok. I'll just leave auto updates enabled until I figure out how to remove that nag baloon. I understand why they included that nagger though. Because most people do not manually update nor do the know how to manually update. MS is targeting the nags for the computer illiterates who are the most likely to have thier system unpatched making thier computers part of DOS attacks and/or the spreader of viruses/worms.

I can't say that SP2 sucks because of something designed to make the digital world safer by guiding the idiots.


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Windows XP Service Pack 2 Build 2082
« Reply #50 on: 11 August 2004, 17:07 »
Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:
Actually, Solaris, I don't support Apple anymore. I Have a Mac and OS X, but it certainly isn't my #1 thing anymore.

I support Linux and Windows.

Linux because it's the next big thing. Windows because, for me anyway, it just works, the same way OS X does.

Now, first, let's point out the problems with your "debate style"... and I use that phrase loosely. This is how I present my argument.

"I find Linux and Windows XP to both be equal in quality. In stability, security, and software/hardware support."

Your rebuttal:

"YOU A LIE!! Windows cannote be goode becas it is Micrasoft! The bloat and bloat and virus and bloat and IE and bloate and bloat and security and bloat!"

My reponse to you:

"I said that I have found this to be true. Your mileage my vary. For me, there have been no problems."

Your tirade:


What is your personal stake in this? How is your life affected by what OS somebody runs? Somebody you'll never meet. What did Microsoft Corp. ever do to you to make you so damn hostile?

Chill the fuck out and shut your mouth. We're tired of you hijacking and ruining threads with your PR MACHINE.

SP 2 was designed to address all the things you constantly bitch about.

1) Security. Service Pack 2 includes numerous security updates. These range from revamped versions of IE and OE, to the new comprehensinve firewall, to low-level architectural changes that protect system memory.

2) Compatibility. SP 2 does break some things, particularly older (pre-Win98) apps, but what's more important to you? Running that decade-old calendar app, or security? For newer apps, compatibility is better, as SP 2 benefits from two more years nearly of compatibility development over SP 1.

3) Networking and hardware. SP 2 has greatly enhanced support for network hardware, especially wireless. Configuring wireless networking is now as brain-dead simple as it is on OS X.

4) New Microsoft Shut The Hell Up XP. I hear they put that in just for you, Solaris.

Here's a screenshot using the "Star Trek" theme in the app.

GenSTEP Founder ]

This is not a Windows help forum, however please do feel free to sign up and agree or disagree with our views on Microsoft.

Oh and FUCKMicrosoft! :fu:


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Windows XP Service Pack 2 Build 2082
« Reply #51 on: 11 August 2004, 17:16 »
Just Doonloded SP2 an it sux shit cox, the fire worl lets throo orl the shit worms my copoputer is more slew and reterded. M$ just done it to make muny and shit theu kep spreding FUD, just like you JimyJames, Vipr and Alone. Your liers for sayin tha SP2 works, I will stop feeding the trols now, so I will starve to deth.
This is not a Windows help forum, however please do feel free to sign up and agree or disagree with our views on Microsoft.

Oh and FUCKMicrosoft! :fu:


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Windows XP Service Pack 2 Build 2082
« Reply #52 on: 11 August 2004, 17:53 »

[ August 11, 2004: Message edited by: kn0wn / BOB ]

"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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« Reply #53 on: 11 August 2004, 19:09 »
some of my apps and games are running even better than they were before

I noticed this with Rise of Nations, jDOOM, and Crimson Skies.

All of these improvements are because MS integrated stuff from Longhorn... could it be... Longhorn will be... dare I say... good?

If these few little trickles are any indication, perhaps so!
Go the fuck ~


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Windows XP Service Pack 2 Build 2082
« Reply #54 on: 11 August 2004, 20:27 »
Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:

I noticed this with Rise of Nations, jDOOM, and Crimson Skies.

All of these improvements are because MS integrated stuff from Longhorn... could it be... Longhorn will be... dare I say... good?

If these few little trickles are any indication, perhaps so!

All I know is, they start talking about that Palladium bullshit again, count me out for good.  I'm *NOT* having some dipshit pencil pusher reading MY private files.  That's right, MINE.  As in, NOT HIS TO READ (or hers as the case may warrant).  I'm already using RH9, "deprecated" as some people seem to think it to be, to hedge my bets.  I'm not taking any chance with my corporate information, thanks.  

Proudly posted from a Gentoo Linux system.

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even if you're renting you've got more rights than if you're using windows.

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Windows XP Service Pack 2 Build 2082
« Reply #55 on: 11 August 2004, 20:50 »
Um... Palladium never granted them the ability to *view files*... only manipulate system settings (via updates), which is something that's already done.

As for RH9, how could it be depreciated when Fedora hasn't even seen a "final" release yet?
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« Reply #56 on: 11 August 2004, 21:03 »
The idea behind Palladium is that *you* won't be able to view your own files, nevermind anyone else.
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Windows XP Service Pack 2 Build 2082
« Reply #57 on: 11 August 2004, 21:23 »
Flap, Jimmy, thanks for clearing that up a bit for me.   ;)

That being said, my initial point remains.  MY drive, MY files, MY BLOODY RULES (and if they don't like it they can bloody well piss off).  When these major corporations start buying me my components, they can tell me what to do with them.  Until then, MY money dictates what *I* do with MY files.  End of story.

Proudly posted from a Gentoo Linux system.

Quote from: Calum
even if you're renting you've got more rights than if you're using windows.

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Windows XP Service Pack 2 Build 2082
« Reply #58 on: 11 August 2004, 21:47 »
Originally posted by JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder:

As for RH9, how could it be depreciated when Fedora hasn't even seen a "final" release yet?

It never will see one. It is only a platform for developing the next Red Hat Desktop / Enterprise [A|E|W]S release.
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« Reply #59 on: 11 August 2004, 22:24 »
Palladium can even be turned off. It's the same thing as FileVault on OS X. It's a "trusted" area. Your whole system isn't "Palladiumized". Only things that run in it are affected. You can select certain files to be protected, and some to not be.
Go the fuck ~