All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
How Real is Palladium?
Heh heh!! Too graphical for my liking, but very clever!
Doctor V:
Microsoft could get Paladium into the mainstream tomorrow without convincing a single damn person to get it. Remember, Micro$sft XP's EULAs, they require the user give M$ the ability to update their computer remotely. Well, Paladium could just be an auto update. They have the technical ability with XP to do just this. XP would be pushed onto hundreds of millions of computers overnight without abybody agreeing to anything. Every little control measure the content cartel wants to push on the public could become a reality overnight. Linux and Mac users would be OK, unless CBDTPA passes (Bush would sign it in a heartbeat) which would require similar technology in all digital devices. Although TCPA fucks over the people far and wide, several of the richest companys in the world are investing billions and billions of dollars into it, and they won't just stop without some serious action.
You are giving Microsoft *way* too much credit here. They can't even make their SMS shit software work which is designed specifically to remotely update Windows boxes. It doesn't even work worth a crap if all machines are configured identically.
/*crazy future?*/
and all the people in the land, from museam keepers, to simple programers, had a heavy look upon their face as they took their now illigal computers and threw them into the grinder. for it had been made law that content was to be protected, and that any potentintial circumvention device had to go. even museam peices like the apple twientith edition was throun into the machine, espicially the apple. even though apple tried as it could, the mega-conglomerates had thier way and banned everything they didn't own, and nearly everything they did.......
/*yeah, i probably need a little help, and my writing probably sucks, so i should stop*/
Doctor V:
I always assume the worst. And what I have written above is only the absolute worst case scenario. But I would not put it beyond M$ to try.
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