No I couldn't... I had trouble finnishing MAVO already, and HAVO seems too difficult anyways...
HAVO was a no brainer for me. I flunked once in second grade (can't remember why, dont want to either). But I did absolutely nothing for 6 years but showing up. Homework? What's that? And even the showing up part faded away. My absence in my graduation year totals up to at least 1/5th of the year (I wasn't at school at least once a week) but they couldn't expell me or anything because my grades didn't suffer
The look on all the teachers faeces errr faces when I walked away with my diploma was worth a million bucks ...
Do you have some advise of how I can do better than my ROC teachers? (the failures of your stagaire can be very helpfull to me)
From what I observed it's nigh on impossible to fail (unless you are a complete retard). Our (stagiare) learned more in 2.5 months with us then in 2 years of school.
I can only judge according to what others have told me though, I've never been there myself. I saw some course material from our (stagiare) and I basically laughed my ass off at how easy it was.
I guess it all depends on what you want though... if you aspire a programming job, don't go there, period. If you want to administer windowze boxes then go there. If you want to have a basic diploma and learn stuff on your own time then go there.
I don't want to tell you not to go to school but if you ask my opinion it's highly overrated. You can learn a lot more practical stuff a lot faster by doing it instead of theorizing about it (this more reflects me on a HBO informatica though, there is not much theorizing done on a MBO informatica
phew ... long post, I'm all done now
I thought the correct english word for stagiare was interm, but according to kdict interm is no english word and I seem to have misplaced my dictionary
[ August 12, 2002: Message edited by: BadKarma ]