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xmms.org apparently hacked
quote:Originally posted by M. O'Brien:
Looks like some little bastard had too much free time on his hands.
Hurts your eyes :(
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You did this did't you
quote:Originally posted by TheQuirk:
--- Topic for #XMMS is Yes, we were hacked by RIAA.
--- Topic for #XMMS set by tru at Mon May 5 15:53:54
--- End quote ---
wait. are they implying, in public, that the RIAA are responsible for this illegal act of piracy? there is something very wrong about that, and if it is true, then why is the "hacked" page still online?
quote:Originally posted by Calum: crusader for peace & freedom:
wait. are they implying, in public, that the RIAA are responsible for this illegal act of piracy? there is something very wrong about that, and if it is true, then why is the "hacked" page still online?
--- End quote ---
I belive that the entire thing was a joke staged by the guys behind XMMS while they're migrating to a new server (which is taking them a mighty while).
Would they really make that their topic and not fix it if it was _really_ hacked?
Thought so.
Master of Reality:
and if you hadnt bothered to read the page you could see that there is still links to XMMS and it says "site is offline while moving to new grounds"
moving this thread to applications...
[ May 07, 2003: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]
I'm still suspicious. The ugly stuff is gone, and yes it does say site is offline until a new host is set up (taking forever) but they still offer downloads and no explanation of the ugly stuff.... makes me wonder if the downloads are safe or have been trojaned.
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