Author Topic: Microsoft ate my homework!!!!!  (Read 2686 times)


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Microsoft ate my homework!!!!!
« on: 1 October 2003, 02:30 »
Fucking piece of shit. Was using M$ Word to type up a long ass college paper. I did half of it yesterday and saved it. Today I opened it and wrote another 3 pages. Then had to leave. So I decided I'd continue later. I hit the save botton, and BAM! "winword.exe has generated errors and needs to close." It closed, I reopened it, and SHIT! The 3 pages I just wrote were gone! Piece of killed an extra 4 of my hours.

I know, I know...Open Office...


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Microsoft ate my homework!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: 1 October 2003, 02:45 »
That's bad man, I'm sorry, I know how that feels.

Bill Gates should star saying that in his key note speeches. You know Steve Jobs always says "Boom!". Well I reckon bill Gates should say "Bamb!", I can see it now.

"Now this is one for al you college kids, We at M$ know how much you hate homework, so we've come up with something a little special for you. Take a look at this.... OK I just type away here, notice how the fonts render, nice and blocky like there meant to. OK so I've typed my essay. So now what to I do, save? No in Windshit Longcorn we've developed "Super save". Watch I just hit the super save button and BAM! It's gone, erased. Not only that but it's a DRM fritz chip encrypted erasure.  Wana see it again? Erh, no, er, hmm. I can't it's erased. BAM!"

I'd sue M$ for losing your work, oh no that's right there not liable for anything.

I hope you worked it all out in the end   ;)
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Microsoft ate my homework!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: 1 October 2003, 02:45 »
lol..."The Joys of MS-Word"

I don't think thta you should get open office...

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Microsoft ate my homework!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: 1 October 2003, 07:25 »
Anyone else reminded of an Apple commercial?

... and then it was like beep beep beep beep beep beep...

Old joke, I know, couldn't resist. I'm really sorry for you, xeen. I have a good trick for you: when you use M$ Turd (or any other word processor, actually), always copy all your text somewhere else (like Wordpad) before saving, so that if it crashes, at least you can copy the text and paste it back in your word processor. It saved me a lot of times when I had to type long posts at school in M$ Explorer on Windoze (fortunately I now have access to an eMac with Safari    ).


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Microsoft ate my homework!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: 1 October 2003, 10:41 »
I feel for you.  Especially since I've been there.

I need to write a guide to maintaining your sanity while being forced to use Word.

One thing you should do is get used to saving often but not with the same name.  This is good even when you don't work with a buggy-as-a-roach-motel word processor.

For example.

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