That's bad man, I'm sorry, I know how that feels.
Bill Gates should star saying that in his key note speeches. You know Steve Jobs always says "Boom!". Well I reckon bill Gates should say "Bamb!", I can see it now.
"Now this is one for al you college kids, We at M$ know how much you hate homework, so we've come up with something a little special for you. Take a look at this.... OK I just type away here, notice how the fonts render, nice and blocky like there meant to. OK so I've typed my essay. So now what to I do, save? No in Windshit Longcorn we've developed "Super save". Watch I just hit the super save button and BAM! It's gone, erased. Not only that but it's a DRM fritz chip encrypted erasure. Wana see it again? Erh, no, er, hmm. I can't it's erased. BAM!"
I'd sue M$ for losing your work, oh no that's right there not liable for anything.
I hope you worked it all out in the end