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it was a joke for god sake  ;)


quote:Originally posted by Calum:
it was a joke fergodsssake!

the statement 'you should never talk in absolutes' contradicts its own existence by stating an absolute! my girlfriend said it by accident once and i have never forgotten it!
--- End quote ---

Isnt she an Aussie? Because that would explain it? We are the most insane and self-contradicting race in the world. And i am the most furious man.

I have a new gf, well shes a chick i met at the Linux Installfest i attended. Amazing she is almost like me in every way, except she is good looking, she is my age, and im going to bone her stupid!

We are horny like the most desprate man in Taiwan.

yes my girlfriend is from sydney, and what you say is generally true about australians, i have to say...

can't you see i am most furious man in taiwan?

and it's 'for gods' sake' (since 'gods' are plural).

I'm a trend-setter!

You are the most furious trend-setter in taiwan.

I am the biggest asshat in taiwan!


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