Author Topic: VB: adding something to registry so it satarts when comp starts  (Read 4578 times)


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in VB how do i add a reg key so the same program will run when the computer starts?


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Someone please remove this account. Thanks...

Aaron Ni

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Uh hummm, make sure you put that program on your freinds comps too.    :rolleyes:
You know me.... really...


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i didnt ask how to format the computer dumbass, i ONLY want to know the line(s) of code to put in VB to tell it to put it in the registry so it loads when the computer boots.

Also what does echo y/n mean?

[ May 11, 2002: Message edited by: Alex ]


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Originally posted by Alex:
i didnt ask how to format the computer dumbass, i ONLY want to know the line(s) of code to put in VB to tell it to put it in the registry so it loads when the computer boots.

Also what does echo y/n mean?

[ May 11, 2002: Message edited by: Alex ]

clueless. simply clueless.   :D

[ May 11, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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in VB how do i add a reg key so the same program will run when the computer starts?

The answer is to call up the Microsoft support. They make VB editing programs, so they must now what to do.
If they don't answer at first, try again, only half of the staff knows how to handle VB support.
Also, the best time to try this is at night, because most VB using Microsoft support-staff is than avaible to answer your calls.


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Originally posted by psyjax:

clueless. simply clueless.    :D  

[ May 11, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

whats that suppose to mean?


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Originally posted by Aaron:
Uh hummm, make sure you put that program on your freinds comps too.

y would i, i am just trying to learn more about vb, not make a trojan


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Hmm, that's not the impression you give from this thread of yours... It sounds very much like you're trying various different ways to hack your school's network so you can look at another classmate's private network drive.

I would reiterate other people's suggestions that you do something more constructive like learning to use Linux/Perl/C++ - you'll probably pick up answers to all your questions here along the way - along with a sense of why trying to hack other peoples' networks is wrong in the first place.


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you called voidmain a dumbass, alex!

bad start.

i think you hads better stop being so arrogant with this "i want, i want, i want" stuff if you don't even know the meanings of words like "clueless" and "yes" and "no".
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I dont know the code but it has to be in VB
but the key is put in
try adding this:
Code: [Select]


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Hey Alex, don't be such a noob...
Don't ask people, but learn it yourself.
I'm sure your local library or bookshop has a VB tutorial in your language... read and follow things from the book, and at the end, you can program in VB...


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there's nothing wrong with being a newbie or asking questions, but asking what y/n means is taking it a bit far. You could quite easily look up the definition for any of those words you have asked about, alex, really you should only ask when you have tried something and run into a problem, otherwise you will only slow yrself down.
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Originally posted by Alex:
in VB how do i add a reg key so the same program will run when the computer starts?

First, I'd like to respect all us each other.
VB you say!? :)
I'd recomend U to use some real Programming language, such as C (not C#)

Anyway, you should read the MSDN about how editing the registry and create new string values in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx and teir HKEY_CURRENT_USER relatives keys.

Ain't this a AntiMicrosoft site?
Why then R U asking about M$ tools for M$ products anyway?
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while your editing the registry, you might as well delete some of the keys under the sytem folders, its mostly spyware anyway.. it'll make your computer run faster.  :D   :D
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