Author Topic: Internet Explorer 6 history  (Read 2561 times)


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Internet Explorer 6 history
« Reply #15 on: 7 June 2002, 03:14 »
I have Microsoft's EULA memorized, for your information.


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Internet Explorer 6 history
« Reply #16 on: 7 June 2002, 03:43 »
Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
I have Microsoft's EULA memorized, for your information.

that's completely irrelevant and also a complete lie. As you well know, if you are so smart, there is a clause within the latest XP EULA which allows Microsoft to change the terms and conditions within aforementioned EULA even after you have agreed to them, and you are still bound to the contract, including the changed clauses. This idea in itself has not been tried in court yet, and may prove illegal itself as it may constitute a breach of statutory rights. Of course it will all depend on how much money each side of the argument puts forward, as to who gets found to be in the legal right.

The point i am making here is that even if you memorised it today, you cannot say you know it, as the fuckers may have moved the goalposts even as we speak, making your claims nothing more than the hogwash we all know them to be.
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