Author Topic: Internet Explorer 6 history  (Read 2606 times)


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Internet Explorer 6 history
« on: 3 June 2002, 21:07 »
I read the article on the IE5 history been kept even after you had cleared the cache ect.

I did actually find to my suprise links to files and website address, from before I upgraded to IE6.

But I could'nt find the history index file for IE6. If anyone knows where is is and how to clear it (I assume you just delete it)

Also before I get any remarks of, just switch to another browser, blah blah blah read below

Unfortunatly this is a work computer and I am some what limited to what I can install.


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« Reply #1 on: 3 June 2002, 21:17 »
And don't try to find it. Thanks to their .NET platform, M$ can store such files in their servers  ;)

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« Reply #2 on: 4 June 2002, 02:36 »
If you've been using IE and want to totally clear yourself...

Clear your History. Clear your Temp Internet Files. Clear your cookies.

And if your really paraniod, delete the index.dat files in the following folders: C:\WINDOWS\Temporary Internet Files and C:\WINDOWS\Cookies through DOS, or use a 3rd party program.


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« Reply #3 on: 4 June 2002, 03:12 »
like PurgeIE for example. it's free for a month, and then you must pay $5US i think to keep using it. it will scour yr system, and remove ALL your internet explorer detritus. Good stuff, i don't need it though, as i use mozilla and opera. ANd so should you.
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« Reply #4 on: 4 June 2002, 08:12 »
Mozilla is creaping on me... I would never stoop down to Nutscrape, but Mozilla is starting to be used more than IE...


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« Reply #5 on: 4 June 2002, 08:24 »
I had already started to use Mozilla and Opera more often than IE(on Windows) a few months ago.  But then I read the article on the fuckmicrosoft main page about IE's really hidden files and decided to check it out to see if they did exist; they did, I deleted them and unistalled IE.  I've been IE free ever since, and thanks to 98lite fixing(by deintegrating IE and removing it) my Windows system I've had better uptime.  I can now keep Windows up for 4 days while before I had to reboot once per day at least.  But I don't use Windows enough to really care about that.


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« Reply #6 on: 4 June 2002, 14:09 »
I don't belive it I put
"Also before I get any remarks of, just switch to another browser, blah blah blah read below

Unfortunatly this is a work computer and I am some what limited to what I can install.

And still I get a reply saying I should use another browser (Calum). Oh well can't account for that factor of the population.

Anyways thank you for your replies.


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« Reply #7 on: 4 June 2002, 14:35 »
oh, my posts are too fucking good for you are they?

actually, you will note that i suggested the name of a program that would sort out your problem perfectly for you, for free. All you have to do is sit on your arse and run it.

If i was telling you just to get another browser, then i would not have tried to help you in anty way. Can you not read? do you try and pick a fight with everybody you communicate with? do you try to look for the negative in everything?
well, i guess there's no accounting for that factor of the population.

If you really want help with M$ products , then i suggest you fuck off.

If you want to contribute in a way that is not facetious and snotty, then by all means you are most welcome.

[ June 04, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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« Reply #8 on: 4 June 2002, 15:13 »
I belive what you put was

"as i use mozilla and opera. ANd so should you."
That is saying that I should use a alternative browser.

And no i don't look for the negative in everything, but I put that at the bottom of my post because I did'nt want answers like use another browser.

I thank you for suggesting PurgeIE.

"Can you not read?"
Yes I can read, and if you read the post again you will see that you did actually say I should use another browser

It was not my intention to start a fight, and I am sorry if I offended you.

The above are just answers to the questions you asked.


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« Reply #9 on: 4 June 2002, 16:44 »
you didn't offend me in the least! and yes i did say that, but i said it after i had postulated what i reckon is a solution to the exact question you asked.

There's no point me answering a question of type "how do i use Microsoft <insert shitty product name here>?" unless i also include the many superior alternatives. What about if some other schmuck scomes along and reads this thread, and realises how gash internet exploder is? now, he/she'll be able to see two alternatives right there, with no need for any further looking.

welcome to the forums and all that, but i do take a little bit of exception to peopl etelling me not to post certain information. If you say "don't post flames" and so on, then fine. But this crap of telling people not to post potentially useful information (yes, maybe not useful to you, but then there are other people ibn the world) is right out in my opinion...  :D
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« Reply #10 on: 4 June 2002, 16:55 »
Ok fair point.

You are correct in that I didn't take into concideration the fact that other people may not have heard of the alternatives.

"What about if some other schmuck " I'm a schmuck. Now I'm offended  :D  Just kidding.

Unfortunatly I can't install the alternatives, which is why I wanted to know how to clear the real hidden files as well.


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« Reply #11 on: 4 June 2002, 18:42 »
:D  i didn't mean you were necessarily a schmuck!

anyway, try purgeie, it seemed to work fine the once that i tried it, otherwise, you'll have to make a DOS startup disk, and boot up yr machine using that, then manually delete the files as described in this article:
you can read the follow up article here:
in case you are really interested about it...

good luck and all that!  
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« Reply #12 on: 6 June 2002, 23:49 »
Microsoft cares about its customers and would never collect information from them without their consent.  IE will never go away as long as bug-ridden shit like Mozilla and it-renders-everything-horribly Opera are its only competition.


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« Reply #13 on: 7 June 2002, 00:13 »
Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
Microsoft cares about its customers and would never collect information from them without their consent.[/i]
They already have your consent.What you fail to mention is that if you use a copy of windows, then you are bound by Microsoft's windows end user licence agreement. It contains a clause by which you are required to consent to Microsoft gathering information about you. Bill Gates himself admitted that internet exploder and winblows mediocre player both gathered information about the user.  
IE will never go away
You're right, it won't go away. apparently, it's the only browser that is so unstable that it cannot be removed from its native operating system. Every other browser can be installed like any other program. Only IE requires a particular version of windows to run. And windows requires IE by turn, so the only way IE will go away, is if Microsoft gets put out of business. And roll on, i say.  
as long as bug-ridden shit like Mozilla and it-renders-everything-horribly Opera are its only competition.
Sticks and stones. Do you really want to stoop to this puerile level? like a cornered rat? i only ever use those browsers and together they are completely unstoppable. They have many more features between them than IE has, or ever will have. Also, your moronic assumption that they are the only competition could not be further from the truth. What are lynx, links, arachne, konqueror, galeon, offbyone, iCab and netscape if they are not browsers? go to and search for "browser", you will get between 200 and 300 results. And before you start about netscape doesn't count and so on, netscape has the gecko engine, and mozilla has the mozilla engine. They are totally different browsers.


[ June 06, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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« Reply #14 on: 7 June 2002, 02:31 »
Opera renders 99% of everything correctly, and often better than IE.  The only time Opera has problems with rendering is if the webmaster messed up the HTML.  You see IE corrects HTML on a per view basis, and if you test a buggy page in it, it might look good; there are a few idiots out there who only test there page in IE and as a result miss some errors(and piss off 10% of all web users, soon to be 35% when AOL switches).

And if mozilla is so buggy, why then is AOL  switching to it in force?  AOL 8.0 will be powered by it.  I happen to know a few people who are beta testing it for AOL, and they have no complaints at all, it renders better than before and is faster.  
And a noteable note is that a few browsers are based on mozilla; like Galeon, Konqueror, and Nautilus; and the gecko engine Netscape uses is somewhat based on mozilla, although it is very different.  There are tons of browsers not based on mozilla or gecko, though(like icab, Opera, Lynx, Links, and many more).

Windows XP loser #whocares, why do you still post here?  Is it fun to bash things which you know nothing about?  I highly doubt you've even read MS's EULA, or tried Linux or Opera.  Please stop spitting out canned opinions which you get from pro-MS sites.  Oh and fuck off.

[ June 06, 2002: Message edited by: Heru ]