i am having some problems with openoffice.org 1.0. I got the fonts to work, after a couple of false starts, and got it to install as proper network/client stuff too, but it seems not to be able to do complicated M$office2000 .doc files too well (these are ones with text boxes and tables and all that crap) HOWEVER i am using 1.0 which is a few months old. Is it worth a download of whatever the newest one is (for linux this is)? (bearing in mind i dial up?)
Sorry, this was off topic, but this thread is just callled 'openoffice' after all....
oh yes, and re: the article:
Rather thin on actual facts, and it is written from the point of view of "how can the marvellous Microsoft beat this open source upstart?", However, i think that it is by and large, on the money...
Onward the revolution, i say!

[ August 10, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]