Miscellaneous > Applications
9 different non-MS webbrowsers offered on this site!
i just used IEradicator and Opera.exe wouldn't work! (this is opera 5) i tried to uninstall then reinstall opera, but no dice! this hasn't happened before, and i have used IEradicator in this way a few times before. I'm not 100% convinced about 98lite. Some of these windows customisers take it too far. System Mechanic for example is great for managing yr autoexec and other startup files, but it will remove half yr registry that you will later find that you need. And M$ PowerToys is right out!
Anyway, i got in an irritated snit when Netscape refused to work properly aither so in a fit of irritation i got lynx (which i am very confused about how to install in windows, can anybody help?), Opera 6.01 (oh yes! it is the BEST browser yet!!! although you need to set it to identify as mozilla (not opera) to view msn pages) and OffByOne which is a free browser i got from download.com. Not tried it much yet, but it's a little odd compared with the others. Try it if you have windows, it is a very small download.
Sorry, waffling again, Opera 6 is great! can't wait for the mac version so i can have it at work!
quote: i just used IEradicator and Opera.exe wouldn't work! (this is opera 5) i tried to uninstall then reinstall opera, but no dice! this hasn't happened before, and i have used IEradicator in this way a few times before. I'm not 100% convinced about 98lite.
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If you insist on using Winders you're not going to be able to get away from IE. I tried IEradicator on Win 95, sure, it got rid of IE alright, and with it all the libraries that a great many third party apps require. I got so sick and tired of looking at one idiot box after another claiming this and that was hopelessly "broke" and needed a reinstall, that I went ahead and reinstalled the damn thing. :( However, I also got Netscape so I wouldn't have to actually use it either.
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well, as i say, i installed opera 6 no probs, i installed the "can't view hotmail" fix from 98lite, and windows works as well as it ever did (poor to mediocre). For many things i need to use windows. Linux still won't recognise my modem, ethernet card or USB CDwriter (actually it gets the usb cdwriter fine, but cdrecord hasn't been patched to support USB drives, or at least my drive) and i don't have the skills or time to find the fix for the modem.
As i say, you need to walk on eggshells with windows. I almost have a precise order that utilities need to be installed in, from many experiences installing windows, and finding it to be faulty immediately afterward. That includes installing certain apps BEFORE i uninstall IE.
btw, i thought the explorer and IE parts of win95 were totally nonintegrated? aren't they? i was under the impression that some copies of Win95 were the only true instances of Win32 that were totally NONintegrated with IE, isn't that right?
*psst* Netscape
psst* is shit.
i have netscape 4.08 and 4.78 installed as well as off by one and opera 6 you know. in fact the reason i installed those two isbecause of how much netscape sucked.
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