i agree with both of those sentiments. A hint for you though, go into the preferences menu of opera, and i think you need to bring up the 'network' dialogue. Anyway, in one of the preferences screens, you will find an option to 'identify as', and i suggest you set this to read 'Mozilla 5' or whatever the highest version of mozilla is on that list, and then try your vBulletin boards again.
Also, it might be worth your while getting the latest stable version of mozilla too, since you can then always just use mozilla if you have any real problems with a page in opera.
i have only ever found one page that cannot be displayed using mozilla OR opera and it was on Microsoft.com. Actually, opera displayed it okay if i set it to identify as internet explorer, however i did not want to do that, as i felt i shouldn't have to.
as for trillian, i used to use it a lot, and found it had a lot better stuff than msn, however it would ocassionally be a bit erratic. In the last week or two i have finally got connected to the internet using linux, and i find that a program called AMSN
perfectly emulates msnmessenger. In trillian i had problems with smileys not being the same as msn, and with my display name not having the option to change in trillian. All this is fixed in AMSN. I really like it!
for those interested, here's the link...
welcome to the boards and all that as well!

[ October 09, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]