Author Topic: What about...  (Read 1823 times)


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What about...
« on: 21 August 2003, 17:43 »
What about: Director, Flash, Freehand, Photoshop, Reason (...) for Linux (s***) platforms ??? What about drivers for: tablets, scanners, (...) for Linux (s***) platforms ??? Is the linugz working for me ??? Maybe... I must work for linugz ???


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What about...
« Reply #1 on: 21 August 2003, 18:54 »
what about...

audacity, ardour, noteedit, mplayer, xine, ogle etc for windows? have you learned to shut your trap yet? maybe somebody should shut it for you?

actually there are a LOT of great programs associated with linux (gimp, gaim,, mozilla, the list goes on and on) that will run perfectly well on windows, but this is a strength of the OPEN SOURCE development model. having the source code available means people can make versions for any system they want it to run on. windows is closed source, and so are most windows programs, this stifles progress and creativity and is the way of the past.

you'll find the reason programs such as rebirth, sound forge, cooledit, reason etc are not available for linux is they are all made by greedy third party companies who are worried they might have to open their source and risk somebody else making a better program than them. Actually somebody did try to make a clone program of rebirth for linux, and you know what? Roland successfully sued him for infringing the patent on their user interface! apparently propellerhead software can make reason because they paid Roland a shitload to use the UI, shame open source advocates can't afford that due to the fact they're not fleecing their users hand over fist.

crawl back under your rock, crackers, and learn to construct a sentence properly.
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What about...
« Reply #2 on: 22 August 2003, 21:34 »
What means clone (for application) ??? I don't need a shit - I need powerfull tools... And what about drivers ??? Who makes drivers for linugz (s***) platforms ??? / Gimp (and etc.) - phffff... don't get on my balls...


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What about...
« Reply #3 on: 22 August 2003, 23:31 »
clone means a program to do the same job.
drivers come packaged with the system kernel in linux, you don't have to try and install them seperately like in windows (which takes a lot of time with a system like windows that you have to reinstall every so often)

and i wouldn't touch your balls if you paid me, idiot.
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What about...
« Reply #4 on: 23 August 2003, 02:34 »
cracker: What means clone (for application) ??? I don't need a shit - I need powerfull tools... And what about drivers ??? Who makes drivers for linugz (s***) platforms ??? / Gimp (and etc.) - phffff... don't get on my balls...

Try PLD Linux or Mandrake Linux first before you troll here.

[ August 22, 2003: Message edited by: Refalm ]


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What about...
« Reply #5 on: 23 August 2003, 07:04 »
Have you ever noticed how Windoid trolls just end up showing what ignorant fools they are?

I read the bit about tablet and scanner support and just laughed my ass off.
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