I found lots of ppl who uses fuckin M$ Outlook.
Me too.
But actualy this is not main problem, the problem is that the most 90% of windoze users do not even seek to change e-mail client to any other
That's kinda like "how many people change the brand of shocks in their new car." Not many, because in their minds, it doesn't matter. There's no difference to them.
like "the bat, pegasus other shit".
I know that app. I've used "the bat, pegasus other shit" quite a bit, and I love it. Almost as much as I love Green on OS 9 and GNUmail on OS X and STEP.
Thing that impresses me: guy has windozeXP.
is impressive.
He has tons of shit: music, games, movies, everything.
Must be lots of Backstreet Boys, millions of copies of Mahjongg, and flicks like "Titanic".
Additionaly lots off software stuff like NeroBurning who replaces integrated windoze burner
It doesn't replace it. When I had XP Pro, I installed Nero. Guess what. XP's stuff was still there. For a quick burn, I liked it better than Nero, which is great for
composing a CD.
Winamp, alternative to WMP
Winamp is a joke. It used to be small, fast, easy to use. Now it's turned into just-another-cover-all media player. Just like nearly all Windows apps, it tries to be everything to everybody. Windows developers don't understand this little thing called "specialization". Do one thing, and do it well.
Even Total Commander, who partly replaces Explorer, DAP, GetRight, which replaces Explorer downloader, and more shit.
See... I've always hated those "system replacement apps". They only fuck things up by adding to the complexity of an already complex system.
Oh, and they always suck ass.
But the most rare thing to see that typical guys dont replace Outlook. They are fuckin blind even to my advices, and they dont care that they got some viruses thorough Outlook, they are not planning to stop use it.
That's the sheep in them. Using those other apps doesn't make them "different". They see all that crap as geeky cool. Using something other than Outlook or OE would require effort.
Actualy tryed Outlook myself, and it doesnt differs much from other clients, in mind of interface, etc.
In fact, there's a well-known OSS PIM app that's nearly a complete ripoff. I won't name it here.
Whats the problem (i hope there are some psychologysts and mysticists on this board)
Gods know that psychologists and mysticists will be able to nip the problem in the bud.
I agree totally, that is so true, I mean there are many other e-mail clients out there that are way better than Outlook/Express, its pathetic that they don't change it, but I mean Outlook is installed auto on Windows, so they probably don't even realise that they have it anyway, and maybe a lot of them don't use outlook often???
Are you aware that's one of the worst run-on sentences I've ever seen? Try this...
I agree totally! It's so true that there are many other better e-mail clients than Outlook Express that are out there. I find it pathetic that people don't change it, myself. However, Outlook Express is installed by default, so it's possible they don't even realize they have it. Perhaps many don't use Outlook Express very often anyway.What you said was a giant run-on question. Yes. Your entire paragraph was a question, as it was one sentence ending in question marks.
Also, most Windows users don't care that much,
About what? You didn't mention what they don't care about.
mostly Windows is pirated by everyone anyway,
So instead, you toss out another little incomplete statement. Not only that, but it's completely unrelated to your last fragment.
so fuck M$!
Indeed! Another unrelated fragment! YAY!
Now, I changed to Linux because of the security/stability issues in Windows 2000 Pro,
>sigh< How touching.
and a couple of days ago someone said to me "If I was you, i'd ask for XP for my bday"
So this fellow opened his wordhole and those syllables poured out? Wow.
& i'm like, WTF, why would I get an unstable/insecure piece of shit closed-source operating system that allows u nowhere near as much freedom as Linux does???
I mean... fer real! Gag me with a spoon!
Also, Fedora comes pre-installed with a great firewall, so i'd need not worry about viruses or anything, plus I don't have to defragment anymore, which is pointless anyway, its because the way files are handled in Windows are silly, plus I notice I get a lot of bugs in Windows unless I install the Service Packs which just get more annoying every version.
My point proved,
What was your point? I didn't catch one.
my case is closed!
Good. I'm glad.
(I'm glad to get this off my chest guys, so please no mindless flaming from Windows users, thanks).
Allright, but is it okay if I lambast you for mediocre grammar?
Edit: Don't take it seriously, man. Welcome to the Life without Windows Club :-D
[ April 03, 2004: Message edited by: JimmyJames: GenSTEP Founder ]