Miscellaneous > Applications

if you wan't to ban IE users from your site...

(1/5) > >>

Canadian Lover:
Place this code on you index page:

--- Code: ---
--- End code ---
anyone that uses IE get's spam to deth with porn-ups!   :D

[ May 19, 2003: Message edited by: The all Microsoft hater ]

hahaha i like i like

i used it at www15.brinkster.com/armthehomeless

to to Members and then click on Mike

[ May 18, 2003: Message edited by: ArmTheHomeless ]

Why not use my idea...
Use a transperant png for the background, a black color background (as in the bgcolor thing) and white text. When the page renders in MSIE (which does not support transperant png's) you wont see the text.

(This reminds me of early 2002 when me, calum and a few others where just getting into web design) :)

[ May 19, 2003: Message edited by: Promote-OpenSource.Org's GWM ]

How about both, just in case they have javascript disabled (you never know).

Canadian Lover:

quote:Originally posted by M51DPS:
How about both, just in case they have javascript disabled (you never know).
--- End quote ---

People that use IE don't know what Javascript is.  ;)

[ May 19, 2003: Message edited by: The all Microsoft hater ]


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