Author Topic: One more reason to use WMP for all of your video playback needs. ;P  (Read 2644 times)


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Isn't this just pretty damn cool. With WMP9 Corona you can minimize your media to your taskbar and you will have a taskbar player. If you are watching a video it will give you a little video window that you can show and hide at free will(the window always stays on top so you can watch the video while surfing the net, browsing folders, etc.). You can also use the small video window for audio visualizations.

WMP9 also still has the superior full screen control system that will slide off of screen when your mouse has been idle for a few seconds(so you can watch your video with no controls in the way, but you can bring the controls up with a mouse movement). Plus you still have Trubass, WoW Effects, an equalizer and now you can even customize the colors of your Media player default skin. WMP9 still uses minimal CPU cycles and resources.

WMP is superior to other players.


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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. It plays QT movies and DVD's without any extra codecs installed(it plays them out of the box). IT can play DiVX movies and Real Media with codecs of course.


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i've got winblows mediocre player, and it does not play DVDs at all. Or VCDs. In fact it sucks cock, sorry. And it's 7.1 which is the most recent version you can get unless you want to be illegally forced into buying windows xp.

also, that 'cool' little window thing with the video in it has been standard in xmms for quite a while. Also, let me know whether it has DivX support, will you?

plus, what was all that about quicktime and realplayer support? how did they sort out their petty arguments with realmedia and apple out of interest?
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Well, WMP9 does play DVD's, VCD and SVCD out of the box. For WMP 7.1 you need to have a decoder installed to play DVD's. For QuickTime..WMP9 plays QT content out of the box. It doesn't associate itself to QT files automatically though, you have to do that manually(for legal reasons probably). It plays DivX with the DivX codec installed and it will play Real Media with the Real Media codec installed(you have to go underground to find the RM codec though ;P).

All builds of WMP9 other than the newest one (2848) installs and works in Win9x and Win2K. I know the taskbar player doesn't work in Win9x/Win2K(it is a WinXP/.NET only feature). I don't know how well it plays other propierity formats, DVD, VCD, SVCD, etc. in Win9X/2K.

(EDIT)I have never used XMMS before so I can't comment on it's little player Window. Does XMMS also have Full Screen video controls that appear and dis-appear at will, does it have Tru-Bass and WoW Effects, does it have it's own Video Overlay controls(for people who have a video card that doesn't offer overlay controls in the drivers), does it have Speaker enhancments(like WMP9 does with XP Plus)?

[ August 22, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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not really, i think it has some of that stuff, but since it's really a knock off of winamp, i think the fact that it does video at all pretty cool. I haven't been watching much video recently but i find xine has filled all my needs so far, and i think it does have all that stuff to be honest.

Glad to hear WMP9 comes for winNT and win95 type systems too, i thought it sucked when they had their winXP only version. Of course i don't think i'll be bothering to get it since i actually prefer winblows media player 6.2 over all the later versions. i never use it however since i tend not to want to wait five minutes for windows to boot. May as well watch the videos in linux eh?
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Here is WMP playing a VCD(no extra stuff installed).


SVCD works also. ;P Another improvement for me to mention about WMP9 over WMP8(and maybe even 7.1) is it tells you the the total track/video time and it also tells the time of where your marker is at when playing(I hated the time thing not being in WMP8).

[ August 22, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

[ August 23, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]


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Hmmm, I guess I'll be nice enough to give some linkage to people who want WMP 9.

Latest build available(WinXP/.NET only) build 2848

Latest build that works with Win9x/ME/2K (2798) also works with WinXP and .NET

Don't ask me about WMP9 functionality in Win9x/2K because I haven't really used it in those OSes and I can't be arsed to bother with Win9x/ME. ;P


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hmm, or mplayer, and yes, with a bit of voodoo majic, you can runit on winxp. and mplayer is done very nice in my opionin, it can play anything execpt for the sorensen v3 codec. which they are working on. not bad for an opensource media player
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Naa, dont think it will run in wine, but at least XINE suppurts DVD's and VCD's properly.

And i must say that, Windows Media Player takes way too long to load, and is buggy!

XINE has gave me no problems.... You should try RedHat 7.3 Zombie, if you like XP, you will love RH73. Maybe Lindows, If it has all the software from RH i might get it!


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Here have a look, its fast loading too!

Notice the buttons for VCD and DVD are right there, you know whats better... It plays my DivX, MPEG, AVI, MOV, And many other formats!

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Originally posted by Ex Eleven / b0b:
Naa, dont think it will run in wine, but at least XINE suppurts DVD's and VCD's properly.

And i must say that, Windows Media Player takes way too long to load, and is buggy!

XINE has gave me no problems.... You should try RedHat 7.3 Zombie, if you like XP, you will love RH73. Maybe Lindows, If it has all the software from RH i might get it!

WMP 7.1 runs in wine.

[ August 23, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality / Bob ]

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I have one word for you, Zombie 9920:

"The best XMMS clone for Windows ever made. Supports all WMP filetypes, has a video abbility with fullscreen option. Who needs WoW or TruBass with such a good equaliser that it sounds just like playing in WMP? It doesn't play QT or RealMedia yet, but that will soon change." -Refalm

[ August 23, 2002: Message edited by: Refalm ]


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Originally posted by Ex Eleven / b0b:
Naa, dont think it will run in wine, but at least XINE suppurts DVD's and VCD's properly.

And i must say that, Windows Media Player takes way too long to load, and is buggy!

XINE has gave me no problems.... You should try RedHat 7.3 Zombie, if you like XP, you will love RH73. Maybe Lindows, If it has all the software from RH i might get it!

I actually thought about trying RedHat 7.4 Beta. My 3rd hard drive needs an OS anyways. ;P

In reply to Refalm,

I have Winamp 2.81 and Winamp 3. Personally I like Winamp 2.x better than 3 because Winamp 3 has a little issue with my favorite skin(on the balance slider). Winamp 2.x isn't as bloated as Winamp 3 either. I use Winamp for all of my Audio playback needs. ;P

Winamp 3 with my favorite skin.

Winamp 2 with my favorite skin(the way it should be)


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Winamp 2 has plug-in support, but no support for video.

Winamp 3 has no plug-in support, but support for video.

Conclusion: Winamp 2 is getting old and Winamp 3 is fucked up.


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Originally posted by Refalm:
Winamp 2 has plug-in support, but no support for video.

Winamp 3 has no plug-in support, but support for video.

Conclusion: Winamp 2 is getting old and Winamp 3 is fucked up.

You can play video in Winamp 2.x with the Tara plugin located at .

The problem is you have to have Real Player installed on your system for this plugin to work. I really don't care to have Real Player on my system so this plugin does me no good. I'll stick with WMP9 for Video.

[ August 23, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]