Author Topic: One more reason to use WMP for all of your video playback needs. ;P  (Read 2596 times)


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    • Calum Carlyle's music
i prefer the version of winamp that came out juuust before AOL bought it. pity that version keeps pestering me to update to the newest version.

Also, x11, i can't get xine to play divx and mov, how did you do it? (not because it's difficult though, just because i haven't really made the effort!)
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at which version number did AOL buy winamp? I might need to downgrade
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Originally posted by Calum:
i prefer the version of winamp that came out juuust before AOL bought it. pity that version keeps pestering me to update to the newest version.

There is an easy fix for that. Just go to setup in preferences and tell it that you have no internet connection.

When i am in Windows i use:
Ultraplayer for movies
Elecard mpeg2player for svcds,vcds, and vobs(i don't play dvds on my computer)
Winamp 2.80 for mp3s
All of these programs run faster and better than WMP. My computer slows down to a crawl when WMP is open. Plus, these programs don't spy on you.

In Linux i use Xmms and Xine(or mplayer, depends on what i decide)


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Originally posted by Kat:

There is an easy fix for that. Just go to setup in preferences and tell it that you have no internet connection.    

When i am in Windows i use:
Ultraplayer for movies
Elecard mpeg2player for svcds,vcds, and vobs(i don't play dvds on my computer)
Winamp 2.80 for mp3s
All of these programs run faster and better than WMP. My computer slows down to a crawl when WMP is open. Plus, these programs don't spy on you.

In Linux i use Xmms and Xine(or mplayer, depends on what i decide)

Version 2.78 was the version prior to AOL buying Winamp out. WMP doesn't slow my system at all. I guess a 2.53ghz P4 Northwood isn't so bad after all huh? ;P

WMP does run dog slow on 300mhz and lower systems. When your comp is too slow for a media player it is time to upgrade.


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Originally posted by Calum:
i prefer the version of winamp that came out juuust before AOL bought it. pity that version keeps pestering me to update to the newest version.

Also, x11, i can't get xine to play divx and mov, how did you do it? (not because it's difficult though, just because i haven't really made the effort!)

Right click anywhere on the bottom of the player where there are no play controls----->options----->preferences----->Setup------->uncheck the "Check for new versions of Winamp at startup" option and it will never hound you to upgrade again.


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Okay people, let's be honest.

Windows Media Player:
Slow, Jumpy Sound, Irritating Ticking, Blippy Visualisation, Doesn't have that really cool desktop overlay feature that WinAmp has, and can't even exit at a decent speed.

Oh, Winamp 3 does have plugin support, it's just changed a bit and requires new plugins.

Media Player 9?  Must be a Beta.  If it is, it PROBABLY sucks crap.

Linux All The Way - I think Winamp might have been before XMMS though.

Just so you don't think I'm being biased, I hate QuickTime as well (what the hell does it need, a bloody Pentium 3 1.5 GHz?)
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